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02-15-2010, 07:20 PM
The vet's office called tonight to say that MooShoo's ashes had arrived.:(:(

I asked them if there is ANY way they'd release them if I signed a paper saying I'd pay the bill in full on March 3 when my monthly check comes in. They said no.:(:(

The thought of my baby sitting on a shelf at the vet's office is just putting me over the edge. I want him here with me and the 3rd can't come soon enough!!!:(

Don't worry my precious boy, I'll find a way.

02-15-2010, 07:38 PM
that was so rude.. and to think you are a frequent known reliable "customer"... they have no heart...(and if this are the same that used your kitty to smack the dog with.. they shouldn´t charge a thing.. at least)

I´m so sorry... I hope you can get him sooner ((hugs))

02-15-2010, 07:39 PM
Moosmom. Have you got Paypal? I would be happy to pitch in something. Would your veterinarian's office accept a payment from someone else for this purpose (me and maybe others)? You need to have Moo's ashes.


02-15-2010, 09:27 PM
I just got off the phone with the doctor. He was wonderful. This is a different vet. Since this was an emergency call at 1 a.m., I didn't go to my regular vet in Colchester (the one that beat the dog with my cat carrier). I went to one they referred to on their recording.

I needed to understand exactly what happened to my baby. He said that when I made the phone call, the vet techs could hear him yowling in the background. He said from the description they gave him, and the fact that I found him laying down, it sounds like he had either a heart condition and blew a clot that went to his back legs or brain, or the clot blew near his heart and was traveling.

I asked him if Moo was in any pain and he said it was only for a short time because when he took him out of the carrier, he was already cold, and he lost control of his bowels, common in these types of problems.

At least now I know. I told the vet that his office called today and told me his ashes are there to be picked up AFTER the bill is paid in full. I asked him if there was anyway I could get them back tomorrow if I give them my debit card # so they can make the withdrawal immediately on the 3rd. He said he'd ask the lead vet and office manager and call me tomorrow morning.

I just want to say thank you to the people who offered to put money on the bill so I could get the ashes right away. I appreciate your kindness and generosity so very much, you have no idea. If they won't allow it, it's only a matter of 2 weeks before the 3rd since February only has 28 days.

02-15-2010, 10:11 PM
Poor Moo! I hope you get his ashes soon! I know it sounds weird, but getting their ashes is like them coming home. I have a beloved kitty on the mantle of our fireplace. He is home and will stay with us forever! I hope things get better for you. You have had your share of sadness lately. :love:

02-16-2010, 03:12 AM
I must say it is difficult for me to understand how they can take the ashes as a pawn. As ashes don't have a value in itself - like a common pawn- they must know how important they are emotionally and I just cannot get over how they use your sadness and pain.

Scooter's Mom
02-16-2010, 05:51 AM
I'm surprised they had him cremated without payment up front. My vet and my ex-husbands vet both wouldn't have the kitties cremated without payment.

I'm really thankful that the vet you went to did that for you and didn't tell you, "No money, no cremation."

I wish I could help you with funds to get him home. I'm still broke after not working most of the last year.

Sending hugs and prayers to you.

02-16-2010, 06:32 AM
I'm surprised they had him cremated without payment up front. My vet and my ex-husbands vet both wouldn't have the kitties cremated without payment.

That's the way it works here too.

02-16-2010, 07:46 AM
I talked to the vet hospital this morning and my beloved Mooman is coming home!!! I am writing a check which they will hold for deposit till March 3rd, and filling a form out giving them permission to deposit the check on that date.

Since it's snowing like crazy out and we already have 3 inches with an expected 2 more inches throughout the day and tons of motor vehicle accidents, I'm going first thing tomorrow morning.

Thank you all so much for your kindness and generosity. You guys are the best and I am so very lucky to have you as friends and family.


Donna and fur crew

02-16-2010, 09:41 AM
I am so glad you are going to be able to bring MooShoo home where he belongs. I am a firm believer in this. I had my niece pick up Taz for me when he was ready to come home. And my brothers dog sat at the vet for weeks because they couldn't afford to pay the bill. So I paid it so that Boo could be home where he belonged. The family was very grateful.
My vet also required payment up front. So while I'm standing there in tears after letting him go, I had to pay for the services. :( I guess every vet does things differently.

02-16-2010, 09:49 AM
Taz Zoe,

I'm sitting here on the floor with MooShoo's ashes wrapped up in his favorite blanket. I am SO angry and hurt right now. When I took the ashes out, they were rolled up in a freaking plastic bag like a bag of dope with a label slapped on it. How cold and disrespectful!!! :mad:

02-16-2010, 10:45 AM
OMG - Donna, I KNOW that is sooo hurtful. In our family, we never saw that because we got our urn at the vet's also. I would guess the ashes were in a bag like that, but we didn't see it.

I think urns have to be purchased - but heavens, they should have asked you about one. :(

HUGS HUGS HUGS. He is still your Mooshoo...if you have a lovely container that you want to use for him, put the bag in there.

I am so sorry, Donna - you didn't need this on top of everything else.

He is still your Moo...:love:

02-16-2010, 11:00 AM
They could've at least warned me. I'm going to go out when I get paid and get a special container, one that I like that I think suits my precious boy. I found his tuxedo in my drawer. It was a little *ahem* tight on him. I've wrapped the bag in the tux and then the baby blanket.

I feel like I'm losing my mind!!!:(:(

02-16-2010, 11:06 AM
Every cat we've had cremated has come back in a ziplock bag - with a label on it. That's just the way it is.

I love the ashes - they look like crushed sea shells. We put the ashes in a plastic, lidded box - along with a laminated picture and a copy of The Rainbow Bridge poem. They are buried in the backyard, and each site is marked with a brick - engraved with their name and years with us.

02-16-2010, 11:41 AM

That's a wonderful idea. Unfortunately, I live in an apartment so that's not feasible. That's okay. I'll find a container and it'll be spectacular!!!

When Mollie Rose came back it was in a beautiful urn. Looking at a cardboard box just turns my stomach.

02-16-2010, 12:25 PM
Our beloved Tomas came back in a little cedar box. It is sooo cute! It has a little brass-like plaque on it that says, "MY BELOVED PET". It sits in a place of honor on the mantle of the fireplace in the dining room. I looked inside the box a few months later, when the worst of the pain had subsided and, yes, he was in a plastic bag! I closed the lid on the box and have never looked at that bag again. The pretty cedar box suits him fine. I still love and miss you, Tomas.:love:

02-16-2010, 12:44 PM
I scattered some of MooShoo's ashes in the park behind my apartment building. His two favorite spots were the bench dedicated by the town of East Hartford, and the gazebo where we'd sit soaking up the rays sharing an ice cream cone. Bittersweet.:(

02-16-2010, 12:54 PM
Oh Donna, I'm so sorry to read you had to go through all this... First this devastating loss of your precious boy, then they refused to return his ashes to you, and when you finally got it back, you weren't prepared for the plastic bag, which must have been such a shock!

It's a beautiful idea to scatter some of his ashes on his favorite spots; I'm sure he smiled at the RB when he saw that... and for the rest, you will find a beautiful urn, or box, which you can put in a place where you can always remember him. :love:


02-16-2010, 01:18 PM
I scattered some of MooShoo's ashes in the park behind my apartment building. His two favorite spots were the bench dedicated by the town of East Hartford, and the gazebo where we'd sit soaking up the rays sharing an ice cream cone. Bittersweet.:(


We did that with Bernadette. She started her life next door; when they moved she moved in with us. So after she died, my new neighbor had no trouble letting me put a teaspoon of Bernie in the herb garden.

Another thing you can do - and please don't think I'm being morbid here. If you are going to be cremated, you could have your ashes mixed with his.

02-16-2010, 01:23 PM
Another thing you can do - and please don't think I'm being morbid here. If you are going to be cremated, you could have your ashes mixed with his.

Grace, I think that is a wonderful idea!! I like the thought of being reunited with my beloved furkids that way! :love:


02-16-2010, 01:27 PM
You know Donna, I got some gorgeous beads made by Glacier. She does memorial beads with ashes if you send them to her. She can put them on a necklace, or on a pull for a jacket, whatever I believe. I love mine. Maybe you can do something like that as well?

Hugs to you.

02-16-2010, 01:43 PM
My boyfriend wants to have Tomas' ashes buried with him and if he passes before me, I will do just that. This is why getting their ashes back is so important, it gives you a chance to have them with you in some form for eternity. I like that idea.

02-16-2010, 02:12 PM

I've already made provisions that when I die, my ashes are to be combined with all my cat's ashes and scattered at Bolton Lake in Bolton, CT. It is a place I hold near and dear to my heart.


Does your friend have a website I can go to? That would be a wonderful idea!!!.

02-16-2010, 02:47 PM
I've already made provisions that when I die, my ashes are to be combined with all my cat's ashes and scattered at Bolton Lake in Bolton, CT. It is a place I hold near and dear to my heart.

This is what I am doing. I will be cremated and the ashes of all my RB kitties and pooches will be mixed with mine, and we will be scattered in the ocean.

Donna - you might want to check your state laws for disposal of cremains (Human). You can't get dumped just anywhere - legally that is. I know even for ocean disposal, it is required that it be 5 nautical miles from any land mass. Of course on the State of DE website when I was checking on this - it also mentioned the "don't ask-don't tell" way. Who would ever know what someone would do with ashes they get back - whether it be 5 miles at sea, or in the rose garden in the back yard, or on a trail thru the forest.

Don't ask//don't tell..............

02-16-2010, 04:27 PM
My Found and Porch Cats ashes are sprinkled around the Wishing Well at My Vets in the Country so they can all be together again.:love::love:
And My Vet would never do something like that as hes in total charge of the clinic and does not have to answer to partners or make a set amount of money coming in every month.
I am sure that Moo Shoo is sad that you are upset and hes there saying it doesnt matter Meeowmie!!:cool::cool:
Our love:love: is Furrever:love: and nothing will ever ever change that.:love::love:

02-16-2010, 06:49 PM
This is the listing for the memorial beads from Glacier's shop on etsy.com

How mean of the vet's office to transfer Moo's ashes to you in a plastic bag. The least they could have done was informed you that is their practice, so you could have come prepared with a more durable container.

Hugs and prayers,

02-16-2010, 07:09 PM

Thank you for posting the link!! I'm going to have 3 beads made from Mollie, Casey and MooShoo's ashes. The beads are beautiful!!!

02-16-2010, 07:10 PM

Does your friend have a website I can go to? That would be a wonderful idea!!!.

Glacier has a link in the marketplace thread here on PT. I had a couple of beads made with Morgan's ashes. One is a pendant that I can wear and the other is just a plain bead that I can have with me all the time. They are beautiful. Cassiesmom gave you the direct link to Glacier's shop on etsy too. Look in to it. You won't regret it.

02-16-2010, 07:14 PM

I just looked at the beads and they are beautiful. Well worth $20 each. That would be a wonderful keepsake.

I like that "don't ask, don't tell" thing.

02-17-2010, 08:56 AM

Does your friend have a website I can go to? That would be a wonderful idea!!!.

Hey Donna,
It's GLACIER, from Pet Talk... she lives up in the Yukon with all those crazy huskies and such. I think she has an ETSY shop as well, and you can check the Marketplace part in Other in Pet Talk. My memorial beads are just stunning... they glitter and just make me think of Bear so much!!

HUGS... Jennie

PS>... I'll look for an ETSY link!

02-17-2010, 08:58 AM
This is the listing for the memorial beads from Glacier's shop on etsy.com

How mean of the vet's office to transfer Moo's ashes to you in a plastic bag. The least they could have done was informed you that is their practice, so you could have come prepared with a more durable container.

Hugs and prayers,

Thanks for finding the link for me, Elyse! I knew it was somewhere!!

I think it was in such bad tastes how they handled the whole thing. I would never frequent that place again. They owe Donna an apology. She lost her beloved pet, and they hand her a bag?! That's disgusting and disrespectful to any creature that has passed on.

02-17-2010, 12:13 PM
Donna, you really shouldn't be upset with the vet, since they contract with a third party for the cremation.

I have had remains returned to me in various containers, depending where they have been done. I've had a cedar box, a heart shaped decorated tin, plastic urns, and brocade boxes shaped like a treasure chest. Usually the humane society does them, and we have several places around here that have pet cremations as a specific business. Even one of the funeral homes in Dover does them at their crematorium. It just depends on who does it as to how it will be returned to you.

02-17-2010, 05:17 PM
like Pomtzu said, the remains are packaged at the crematorium, not the vet. If they put it in something nice, the price would be higher. You want an urn, buy one. They are in the cremation business, they're not a funeral home. There is a pet cemetary around here that does cremation but I don't know what they send ashes home in, since all of my animals have been buried in the yard intact. My vet did give us a cardboard coffin though.

Anyone else keep thinking of the scene from Big Lebowski about the urn? The guys said the ashes were going to be sprinkled, but the funeral home insisted on trying to sell them an urn. In the end they brought the ashes out in a coffee can.:D

02-17-2010, 05:58 PM
MoosMom, I'm glad you got your sweeties ashes without having to wait til the 3rd.

I think it's normal that the ashes are in a plastic bag. That's how our Jack Russell's were, BUT the bag was inside a cute little box shaped like a treasure chest and covered in a nice material. Lucky for us, that box fit inside the little dog-house shaped urn we got...so Aggie's ashes are in a bag in a box in a box. She's the first pet we ever had cremated. We always just buried our pets here on the farm...but Aggie was so special I got to thinking that if we decide to move when we're older, I couldn't bare the thought of leaving Aggie's bones here. I wanted to be able to take her with us wherever we go. Her urn is to go in the casket of which ever one of us goes first.

02-17-2010, 08:44 PM
But the remains were returned to the from the crematorium to the vet's office, so the vet's office could have placed them in a more appropriate container before Moosmom picked them up, or they could have told Moosmom what to expect. A plastic bag just seems heartless to me.

02-17-2010, 09:41 PM
I'm glad you have MooShoo's ashes back. The first time, with Goldie, I was SO upset that they were in a very plain cedar box that I cannot open. Mishi and Mitzi's are in beautiful cherrywood boxes, with locks. I didn't know I could open them, until I tried the lock on Mitzi's box and realized I could. I found a similar plastic bag with a paper tag on it; perhaps I should have left the boxes closed, but now I know what kitty ashes look like.

However they come back to us; it doesn't seem right; it just is what it is. I still hug their boxes and tell them I love them and miss them.