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02-11-2010, 04:34 PM
I've spent my entire day driving around. WHY you ask???

Our store had dog beds on sale for $2.99. I picked a couple up last night before I left. I went to the CT Humane Society Sunday morning and asked them if they could use them so the dogs didn't have to sleep on cold concrete and they said yes.

When I dropped the beds off, I was then told they would be given to people who adopt dogs from them. That didn't sit well with me considering there's a HUGE investigation into the director of the CHS using his employees for his personal gain and euthanizing animals to free up cage space.

I called the CT HS again and told them I would be picking the beds up. They were a little startled, but I didn't care. I picked them up (there were 4) and proceeded back to my store to scoop up the rest of them (7). The beds are good ones that unzip so you can wash the cover. I then proceeded to a NON-KILL shelter, the Meriden Humane Society in Meriden and dropped the rest off. So...there are going to be alot of happy cats and dogs at the Meriden Humane Society sleeping on nice soft beds.

Here's the difference between the two societies: The CT Humane Society is a KILL shelter. The Meriden Society is not. I met a beautiful black cat today who is 22 years old!!!!!! I feel like a million bucks now, doing what I did.

02-11-2010, 04:52 PM
Care packages with adopted pets is pretty common, it may be hard to wash blankets as opposed to beds, did you ask them why?

02-11-2010, 05:04 PM
My post doesn't make sense since you modified yours I guess I should have quoted.

02-11-2010, 06:12 PM
I'm confused, as it is pretty common to send a dog or cat with as many of "their" things as possible when they shift homes. Beds, collars and leashes, water and food bowls, toys, blankies.

On another note: can I get those beds around here? Do I need to run out tonight to . . . what store???

02-11-2010, 06:15 PM
I was wondering that too Donna, is it Bed, Bath and Beyond? Is it in California also I wonder?

02-11-2010, 06:50 PM
Sorry guys but I'm with moosmom on this one. If I gave beds to a shelter so the strays would have a soft spot to lay on I would like to see the beds stay there even if the dogs were adopted out. If I adopted a dog I really wouldn't want the bed from the shelter, you never know what you can bring home from there. And if I adopted a dog I would probably either already have a bed for the newcomer or I would want to buy my own. A new owner has the money to buy a bed for a pet but once the shelter gives the few beds they do have to the adopters the dogs are again left to sleep on the concrete. I would have done the same as Moosmom did in the same case scenario.
Giving a toy to go with the dog is a different story as the dog has become attached to that toy and gets comfort from it.

02-11-2010, 07:26 PM
I am with moosmom as well. I would've reacted the same way! I'd rather know that they will use them for the animals' need at the rescues/non-kill shelters.

02-11-2010, 07:32 PM
With the additional info she added I agree also.