View Full Version : I found a kitty - HELP!

10-15-2002, 03:07 AM
Yesterday when I got off school I found a kitty. It was raining, and there was a little black thing lying close to my bike, giving off whimpering sounds. I picked it up and discovered it was a kitty. I tucked it under my jacked and biked home the fastest I could and then buried it under tons of blankets and stuff. S/he was very apathic at first but today she seems to be better...

I am supposed to be in school now actually but I went home to be with her/him. The problem is that my parents are furious and don't want me to keep her/him. To top it off s/he has a lot of fleas and other insects on her (I did find her on the dirty ground near bushes). So I just bought some expensive flea shampoo along with a pair of protective gloves that the instructions said to use. So what do you people think; should I bathe her/him?? I think s/he has a cold cause there were some light-greenish goo around her eyes this morning (and there was some when I found her too, but all dried though). Give me some input please... My parents and I got in a huge fight over the kitty already but I don't have the time to talk about it all here... They put her in a little box out in the washing room where s/he is all alone, just because she has fleas. So I figured that if I bathe her with that shampoo the fleas will go away and I can have her in my room, but I'm scared of worsening her cold! Please let me know what you think...

I'm looking for an apartment too heh... I'm not gonna give up on this lil kitty, I'd rather move out before doing that.

I'll try to post more about this later and let you know what's going on. I know I haven't been at Pet Talk in ages but that was honestly not my own choice. I hope you all have been good, I missed you guys.

P.S. I know I should be taking her/him to a vet, I know that very damn well. But I don't have a car nor a driver's license and even if I could get to the vet somehow I don't have money to pay for it (my last money went to buying that shampoo).

10-15-2002, 03:48 AM
Oh Ann , what a difficult situation ....! Of course , a vet's advise would be the best , but as you cannot afford it , I would try that shampoo . But , have you any idea of that kitten's age ? Some products are NOT to be used on very young cats ; my vet used a spray for my youngest kitten Inka . I have her since one week ; she was found too and had fleas as well . They all have dissapeared now !
Wash your kitten very carefully (in luke-warm water) , and be sure to do this in a warm area ; be sure also that NONE of the shampoo gets in her eyes !!
Also get her dry as good and as soon as possible !
Good luck Ann , youare so sweet to take care of that lil one !
Let me know how it goes , okay ?

ps. you can read all about the changes in my fur-family on my brandnew website !

10-15-2002, 04:02 AM
Thanks Lut! Your Inka is sooooooooo adorable (I see her pics in your signature)!! I'll check out your site too!

I don't know how old the kitty is, but s/he has teeth and is bigger than my hand and got colored eyes (as in not baby-blue). I have fed her/him real food and s/he eats that like crazy. Which brings me to my next worry: S/he hasn't peed or pooped yet!!!! Could something be wrong? How can I help her/him do those things??

As a matter of fact, at the store they had flea spray as well, but I thought the shampoo would be better... Now I regret that! Maybe I should have gotten the spray instead...

10-15-2002, 04:12 AM
cannot you go back and ask to get the spray instead ?It is worth the try !!
It sounds like your kitten could wear a flea-collar ! helps a lot too : it is for kittens , starting from 5 months .

10-15-2002, 04:15 AM
Ok, I just called the vets... I barely even mentioned that s/he might have a cold, and they still said I shouldn't bathe her/him but get the spray... So I'm gonna wait til my boyfriend (who's on my side) comes home and get some money from him and then go down to town and buy some spray instead.

Aside from my previous questions, does anyone have any suggestions on what I can do about my parents? I can't bear to loose this little kitty... I just can't. And I mean, I remember what happened to the foster kitties we took care of before so I don't trust that at all either...

Miss Meow
10-15-2002, 06:22 AM
Hi Ann

Definitely beg or borrow from your boyfriend (that's what friends are for :)) and see the vet re the eye infection. Might be an eye problem, or a respiratory infection, poor little thing.

We don't have the spray over here so I can't comment. But flea collars and shampoos usually only kill fleas that are on the cat. You may also need a treatment that kills baby fleas if any adults have escaped into the carpets or floorboards and start breeding. (Fleas can live up to two years in floors without food - erk.)

He/she might simply be starving and dehydrated and hasn't consumed enough excess to need the toilet yet. Again, the vet will have a better idea.

Hopefully your parents will relax a bit once the kitten is looking better. Fingers crossed. Good luck.

10-15-2002, 07:37 AM
Yes, I would be very careful about handling her, or letting her too near Oliver until she's been checked by a vet or a clinic - fleas in HIS fur would be a disaster - so hard to find! So good for her that you found her, plenty of liquids are important, as someone mentioned dehydration ... I'd return the shampoo, get the spray, but the green goo sounds like infection in her eyes (don't want Ollie-boy getting that either - so she should see a vet soon. (Wash your hands after playing with her before touching Oliver).

Perhaps you can tell your parents that it's temporary, and if she gets healthy you'll find her a new home. Then, if they fall in love with her while you are getting her healthy, she might get to stay anyway!

Good luck and keep us posted!

Edwina's Secretary
10-15-2002, 09:26 AM
Ann....I'm so glad you are back. I have missed you.

I haven't much to add I'm sorry to say. Is there an animal rescue group you can call for advise on this kitty? They might even be able to help you treat her for the fleas and the eye. You might even be able to email questions to one if the phone calls are too expensive.

I be eagerly watching for progress reports....

As for your parents...I agree with Karen...they will probably come around when she's less buggy!

10-15-2002, 09:54 AM
Oh my...that poor kitty! I don't know what to tell you about your parents other than if their is objection is fleas, tell them that you are taking care of the flea problem and the kitty will be flea free very soon.

This reminds me of when I found Scout. He was a tad dehydrated and malnurished. I syringe fed him food and water and he still didn't potty. It took about a day for him to urinate and and it was about a day and a half from when I took him in that he pooped. I was so frantic at that point. If he didn't potty by the time I was home from work, he was going to the vet. I didn't care where he went(although he did decide to go on my nice wool throw rug :P )as long as he went potty. I'm sure once your kitty has enough food and water in her that she'll potty. If she doesn't within a reasonable amount of time and she starts vomitting, she may have some sort of blockage and needs to go to a vet. Could she have gone potty somewhere you haven't seen? If she's still ill (cold and her eye), perhaps there's a vet that will let you work out payment?

Good Luck with her and with finding your own place. I moved into my own apartment this past July and it is so nice not to have anyone nag me about my pets. Even though I took complete financial responsibilty for their care as well as completely saw to all their needs...I was still nagged about them. Good Luck.

10-15-2002, 12:18 PM
What a complicated situation, too bad that your parents are against that little poor kitty!

I agree with those who said spray might not be enough. Here in Germany, we have a treatment against fleas, called Advantage. It's available at the vet's and it's not that expensive. And her cold has to be treated, too!!

Can't your boyfriend help you out with the vet costs? Maybe the kitten can even stay with him or another friend of yours until you can move into your own place and keep it yourself. If not, I think Edwina's Secretary's advice about the rescue group is a good option. But I wish your parents will eventually reconsider!

Please keep us updated!


10-15-2002, 02:28 PM
if you have read any of my recent posts, then you know about Patches, and the others. the green goop in the eyes you mentioned worries me, that means there is probably infection.
be very careful about letting the kitten near Oliver! the kitten could have a virus of some kind.

when I got my Lucy, she was covered in fleas, I bathed her in the bathroom sink, and had to do it again the next day, then the fleas were gone. she was just 9 weeks old then, that was 20 years ago, I didn't know anything about cats then, but it worked out fine.
the kitten will need shots, and to be tested for disease/viruses.
glad to hear you have got another bike:)
good luck with the kitty, keep us updated:)

also-- you might want to ask how much the blood test costs, but don't let the vet assume it is just upper respiratoy, thats what they thought about Patches...long story!

as far as keeping the kitty, well you have cared for Oliver well haven't you? ask them to consider keeping the kitty separate from Oliver, and for a trial period, say a couple weeks, then after that long, if they think you are not caring for it then you give it to someone. maybe posters at school? ((of course, they will probably get attached to the sweet kitty in that time and then won't want to give it away)):cool: ;) :rolleyes:

10-15-2002, 02:54 PM
Oh Ann, what a difficult thing for you at this time. I don't know very much about kitties, but I hope you can at least get the fleas off & get s/he to the vets. Hopefully your parents will come around to the little sweetheart if it isn't sick. Crossing our fingers & paws for you!

10-15-2002, 06:17 PM
maybe you can post a pic after you take care of the kitty?

10-16-2002, 01:45 AM
I was thinking you might be able to consult with a rescue group too. Also, some clerks in come pet stores are fairly well educated about what types of shampoos and products are good for certain problems. Maybe someone at the pet supply store could help you out with that too?

I really hope it all works out for you though.. it sounds like this kitten has fallen into the right hands!

10-16-2002, 11:33 PM
Ann, everyone here has given you very good advice so all I have to say is good luck and I hope that your parents come around and let you keep him. Please keep us posted.

10-18-2002, 05:12 AM
Hi Ann ! How is your kitten doing ?? Did your parents come around now ? I hope you succeed in saving the poor thing :)

10-18-2002, 09:03 AM
Thanks for the responses and good advice everyone! It has helpled me a lot so thank you all so very much :) Sorry it's taken me so long to reply; I'm just so busy with everything that I never get any time to go online :(

Anyways, the kitten is doing good! I borrowed some money from my boyfriend and bought the flea spray which has worked great! I don't think she has any fleas now anymore so that's super!

And I did take her to the vet, who was the nicest vet I've ever met! He was an older man, who had a little reception in his basement. I was afraid that he wouldn't know what he was doing but I had to go to him since he was the closest vet. Anyways, turns out my dad had gone to him in the past and he was very good... And guess how much he charged for looking over the kitty?! Only 80 kr (approximately 8 American dollars)!!!!!!! The usual vets we go to would have charged atleast 500 kr (50 dollars)! Anyways, he looked over the little kitty and said she was very, very, very thin (something I already knew, if you pet her back you can feel every bone part in her spine :(), she didn't have an ear disease like most homeless cats though to his big surprise (don't know what that disease is called in English sorry) and he said she had tons of flea poop in her fur but no actual fleas. He also said she had an eye infection and he gave me a prescription as well. And he told me the little kitty was a girl :)

So I wash her eyes several times a day now with a wetted cotton cloth and put the medicine in her eyes as well.

I don't know how it's going with my parents though really... I mean, I've made it clear I wanna keep her and I've been saying how I need her and all; I've been kinda depressed lately, both with school and the fact that I just found out that my left eye's vision will never get better after all (I had a bloodclot in it a while back). But I don't know how it will all work out yet...

I have taken a few pics of her that I will post, promise! And I do need name suggestions badly, but I won't ask you for those until I post later today with her pics and explaining her personality a little more!

Well, I'll post later, I'm off for now!

10-18-2002, 09:06 AM
That is good news, Ann! Hope you can work it out to keep the kitten. Especially if it will brighten your mood! Our pets work wonders that way, don't they? Does she have a name yet?? :)

10-18-2002, 09:22 AM
Oh, Ann, so glad you found a wonderful vet who was kind as well as competent, and that kitten is doing better! Can't wait to see her picture - sounds like she needed you just as much as you needed her! ;)

Oh, pictures when you can! So glad the fleas are gone, and I bet that eye infection will clear up in no time, now that she's getting medicine, food, care and LOVE!!!!!!

10-18-2002, 09:30 AM
How great you found a vet that charged you so little & knew what he was doing!
Sorry to hear about your left eye. Maybe this little kitty will bring some joy to your life! Can't wait to see her pics!

10-18-2002, 10:32 AM
Oki doki, here I am again :) Thanks again everyone :)

I'm gonna attach the photos because my website's server is down right now so I can't upload them like I normally do... Hope you don't mind too much!

This picture was taken an hour or so after I found her... I guess I was really scared she was gonna die and I wanted a picture the remember her by just incase... As you can see, she was totally apathic and wouldn't move or do anything at all.

10-18-2002, 10:33 AM
Taken a day after I found her, she had the strength to sit up for a while and cuddle (although she's still very weak and can't barely walk at all, she just wobbles and falls over, poor thing).

10-18-2002, 10:35 AM
Ooooo, what's that up there? (It was my fingers LOL, trying to make her show her little white spot under her chin.) Taken a few minutes before she peed on my bed >_<

10-18-2002, 10:36 AM
And the last picture for now, taken today when I was reading everyone's nice posts :)

10-18-2002, 10:41 AM
And that's how she looks... As for her personality, she is still very weak so it's kinda hard to tell. One thing is for sure though: She is very quiet! I haven't heard her purr one single time yet, and she does this funny little meow thing... See, when she wants attention she will open her mouth like any cat would when it meows, but no sound comes out! My boyfriend suggested calling her "Banshee" as a ironic joke from that and that led to my own though of calling her "Siren" but I don't really like any of those names so suggestions are more than welcome ;) Another cute and funny thing she does is when she sits on the sink when I clean her eyes, she will take one look at herself in the mirror and then proceed to rub herself against the "other" cat in the mirror! So cute!! Oliver never did anything like that...

Only problem now is that Oliver is so not happy... He has been so cold towards me lately and when he walked in my room earlier today and saw the little kitty sleeping in my bed he just took one long look at me and then left :( That's awful and I don't know what to do about it...

Well, I gotta run now (it's dinner time), but I'll try to check back on later tonight! Thanks for your posts everyone, hope you like the pics :)

10-18-2002, 10:56 AM
Ann, those are great pictures, thanks for sharing! Keep up the good work. As to Oliver, he will probably come around, give it a few weeks, and spoil him, alone, often. That will make him feel less displaced. Does this mean you are going to keep the little one?

One of my cats often does the silent meow...mouth opens, no sound..It is very funny. I agree, you need a cute little name for the bugger...anyone have any ideas for Ann?

Edwina's Secretary
10-18-2002, 10:57 AM
What an adorable little baby. It looks like she has a big head. She'll grow into it!

Do you think she will be short haired or long haired?

How about Schwinn for a name? (Since you found her next to your bike!)

Give Oliver time. When baby is healthier and starts paying attention to him he'll probably be much more interested!

10-18-2002, 10:58 AM
Oh, what about Eden? It is Sweden, minus the "sw"...you know me and geographical names....

10-18-2002, 11:17 AM
Ann, she's sooooo cute. :) I'm so glad that you found a good vet that didn't charge you a lot of money. I can't think of a cute name right now so I'll have to think about it. I sure hope that your parents will let you keep her because I think that you and the kitten really need each other. Oliver will come around but it'll take some time. Just be sure to keep giving him attention too so he doesn't get too jealous of the kitten. Good luck. :)

10-18-2002, 01:39 PM
Cataholic, I hope I'll get to keep her but I really don't know... I know my dad is not happy about it at all but my mom seems to be ok with it. Funny to hear your cat does that silent meow too! I even was a little afraid her vocal cords were damaged or something *phew* Eden is a cool name actually! And a funny too(I like all your geographical names)

Edwina's Secretary, she does have a big head doesn't she? :D I think she will be shorthaired, but you never know... We actually don't have that Schwinn brand in Sweden, but it's a nice idea...

krazyaboutkatz, I've been trying to give him as much special attention as I can, but a lot of the time he just won't allow me; he'll leave or just stare at me angrily :(

10-18-2002, 02:29 PM
Oh Ann, she's so adorable! She looks so much better in the last pic than she did in the first couple. You must be taking great care of her:D

10-18-2002, 02:37 PM
Thanks Anna :)

She's lying on the desk with me now, it's such a change from having Oliver on here!

And BTW, I've been thinking about a name for her, and I really want something that somehow reflects onto destiny... Like for example calling her Schicksal (German for destiny) or a mythological destiny goddess or something... Any ideas?

10-18-2002, 03:12 PM
Svea or Svenska?

You could just name her "Destiny" - I know a lovely woman with that name ... she has dark hair, too!

The three Fates:
Klotho, whose name meant 'Spinner', spinned the thread of life.
Lakhesis, whose name meant 'Apportioner of Lots' - being derived from a word meaning to
receive by lot -, measured the thread of life.
Atropos (or Aisa), whose name meant 'She who cannot be turned', cut the thread of life.


Sam's My Baby
10-18-2002, 05:18 PM
Aww s/he is just so adorable! I hope your parents let you keep her/him:)

Miss Meow
10-18-2002, 07:08 PM
Ann, I'm so glad you found a nice vet and little kitty is getting better. She looked so ill in those first pictures. In the third one she looks like a little stuffed teddy bear - so cute. I think Karen's idea of Svea is a cute name. :)

10-19-2002, 05:15 AM
Thanks for those names Karen! Svea is a nice name, but we have a relative named that so it'd be kinda confusing I think >_< Maybe I will just name her Destiny... We'll see!

10-19-2002, 06:00 AM
Oh , she is so cute , Ann ! I can understand very well why you fell in love with her ...!
About names , how about Bubbles ?? And Mow-mow ?

10-19-2002, 09:46 AM
Oh Ann, I'm so relieved that it looks like you can keep her! And that you found a good vet who helps her with her infected eye and her fleas! She is so sweet, and she's already looking so much better and healthier, compared to the first pic, which shows how well you are caring for her!

BTW, I also like the name "Destiny", it's beautiful. Or what about "Kismet"? I think that's Arabic and means the same. But I like "Destiny". A friend of mine has a cat called Karma. She has been found lost on the highway when she was only a couple of weeks old.


10-19-2002, 03:06 PM
Ann, I'm so glad that you of all people found this little sweetie, she is just adorable! :p What a difference from the first few pics to the last - I can see you're taking really good care of her. I do hope you can keep her! You are meant for each other! :D

I like the name destiny too, but how about just calling her Stini(y)? That's a sweet sounding name. :)

I'm looking forward to more pics whenever you have time!

10-19-2002, 03:30 PM
Ann, I also like the name Destiny. You could also name her Faith, Hope, or Fate. :)

10-19-2002, 03:50 PM
Thanks again everyone :) I still can't decide on a name, but I know I gotta do it soon or else she'll wind up without a name (and that wouldn't be so good)!

Kirsten, I did think about Karma actually! Funny you brought that up :)

10-19-2002, 04:06 PM
Funny that you were already thinking about Karma, Ann! :)

BTW, I also like one of krazyaboutkatz' suggestions, Faith... :)
