View Full Version : Boo Bear; I'm worried

02-11-2010, 07:14 AM
I have this sick feeling that Boo Bear is becoming senile. At first I thought his behavior was due to missing Pidgie but when I think about it, he was acting this way before she died but now it's more pronounced. There are times when he just sits and stares into space and even when I call him, he doesn't snap out of it. He isn't deaf b/c at other times he comes running when I call. He wants to be on my lap nearly all the time which isn't a bad thing except when I'm trying to work. He wants up, then he wants down, then he wants up, etc. The worst is that he roams the house at night crying in a loud voice. He did it at 5:00 AM again this morning and I went looking for him, found him sitting in the middle of the hallway crying. I picked him up, carried him to bed w/me and he sat upright for a long time, wouldn't settle in and go back to sleep. He's displaying a lot of the symptoms that Puddy had except that Puddy isolated herself and Boo wants to be w/me all the time. I'm not sure what to do. The meds for Puddy didn't seem to help her so I'm reluctant to start Boo on them, especially b/c they're so expensive. If I had seen good results w/Puddy, it would be different. I'm really concerned about my 18 year old boy Boo.

02-11-2010, 07:44 AM
O Mary, I know this feeling well. Maybe time for a special vet visit. Our Norton was on a special cognitive med, along with Vit. E, and fish oil. It did help, but then just before Norton went to the Bridge, his confused behaviour returned. But his sweet character NEVER left him. Prayers for Boo Bear and you!

02-11-2010, 09:47 AM
Michael has episodes like that, and when he goes to the Litter Box he howls, and then does his business. I thought he was having difficulty so I got him a laxative, but that wasnt it.
And he can be cross with his Fellow Cats and snap at that which he never did before.
And he will either gobble everything or ignore his food and he never leaves the bed at all.
We are sending prayers for Boo Bear that its nothing serious that hes just lonely and wants you to know where he is. He could be a bit deaf as well and not know how loud hes meeowing.
Prayers for Big Boo Bear from all of us especially the Senior Kittyzens.:love::love::love:

02-11-2010, 10:33 AM
Mary, there are some meds that help with kitty dementia, like kb2 and Gary have said. I think there was one being considered for Puddy, but it wouldn't be good with everything else she was on.

Prayers for a good outcome for Boo.:love::love:

02-11-2010, 12:42 PM
Mary, I only wish I knew the words to say that would give you some comfort now after all you've recently been through. Many prayers are being prayed for Boo and many [[[[[HUGS]]]]] abeing sent for you. Please keep us updated?

02-11-2010, 04:53 PM
Well, in my opinion, we have way too many tired, sick old kitties here. Sometimes I hate coming to the Cat side because I'm afraid of what I'm going to read.

You've been through so much Mary and I hate to see you stuggling with yet another tired, old furbaby. How can we comfort you? How can you comfort Boo?? We all have to do the best we can. In the meantime, please give Boo is big kiss from me :love: and big {{{hugs}}} coming to you for being such a wonderful Meowmie. :love::love:

Slick xoxo

02-11-2010, 04:59 PM
Michael:):) has been doing a lot better since his last tooth operation, and I am glad that hes with me so much. Actually My Princess now lives in the opposite corner!!!:love::love:
And thank God theres a BOGO Seal with Fancy Feast Elegant Medleys so I know they are having what they want, and I can spoil them that much more!!:cool::cool:

02-11-2010, 05:27 PM
I'm so sorry about Boo, Mary. To watch an elderly kitty grow old is heartbreaking. You and Boo will be in my thoughts and prayers.

:love::love: and hugs

Donna and fur crew

02-11-2010, 05:50 PM
Boo and Mary, big hugs and love to you both.

02-11-2010, 06:09 PM
Mary, it is so hard to watch our loved ones as they age - whether it is my Dad, my dogs, or my cats. All we can do is keep them safe, and comfortable. It is hard to come to rips with that, I know.

I have no info re pet meds for this.

I wonder if confining him to a smaller area would help? I know Dad does well in one or 2 rooms of the house, but in other rooms he gets disoriented. And the adult day care is ONE room, so they all feel comfortable there. (The senior center was many rooms, too much for him now). Unfortunately with a group of cat, closing off an area is much more difficult.

Hugs to both of you.

02-11-2010, 06:45 PM
Well, in my opinion, we have way too many tired, sick old kitties here. Sometimes I hate coming to the Cat side because I'm afraid of what I'm going to read.

You've been through so much Mary and I hate to see you stuggling with yet another tired, old furbaby. How can we comfort you? How can you comfort Boo?? We all have to do the best we can. In the meantime, please give Boo is big kiss from me :love: and big {{{hugs}}} coming to you for being such a wonderful Meowmie. :love::love:

Slick xoxoI feel the same way. {{{hugs!}}} I know I'm not a strong spirit, that one of my jobs this time around is to learn how to be stronger, and sometimes I'm too chicken to visit even this gentle and supportive place because I'm not up for more bad news.

I find it really does help to light a candle (http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng&gi=pet%20t) online. It quiets the chattering in my head, the admonitions that I should be able to Make It All Better and the jeers that nobody without discretionary income has any place trying to be helpful when what's really needed is so often material. Sometimes turning off the stereo and singing a simple little chant or a happy song like Bells of Norwich helps too.

Be well, dear Boo. Even if you're confused, be content. Even if you're bewildered, don't cause your Meowmie to worry. Even if you're disoriented, don't be afraid. Love is all around you, in you, moving through you like the wind through the branches of a tree. Be well, little Boo, and if you can't, tell your Meowmie what's the best thing to do. She trusts you, and we do too. :love:

Love, Columbine

02-11-2010, 07:01 PM
Columbine, that was LOVELY!!! Sandra

02-11-2010, 07:04 PM
Be well, dear Boo. Even if you're confused, be content. Even if you're bewildered, don't cause your Meowmie to worry. Even if you're disoriented, don't be afraid. Love is all around you, in you, moving through you like the wind through the branches of a tree. Be well, little Boo, and if you can't, tell your Meowmie what's the best thing to do. She trusts you, and we do too. http://petoftheday.com/smiles/PetTalk_heart.gif Major LES over here. :(:( You have such a way with words Columbine. This is so beautiful.!!!

02-11-2010, 07:23 PM
Prayers for you both! :love:

Sweet Boo, though you may be confused about a lot of things, remember how very loved you are!!! :love:

02-11-2010, 09:01 PM
I feel the same way. {{{hugs!}}} I know I'm not a strong spirit, that one of my jobs this time around is to learn how to be stronger, and sometimes I'm too chicken to visit even this gentle and supportive place because I'm not up for more bad news.

I find it really does help to light a candle (http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/candles.cfm?l=eng&gi=pet%20t) online. It quiets the chattering in my head, the admonitions that I should be able to Make It All Better and the jeers that nobody without discretionary income has any place trying to be helpful when what's really needed is so often material. Sometimes turning off the stereo and singing a simple little chant or a happy song like Bells of Norwich helps too.

Be well, dear Boo. Even if you're confused, be content. Even if you're bewildered, don't cause your Meowmie to worry. Even if you're disoriented, don't be afraid. Love is all around you, in you, moving through you like the wind through the branches of a tree. Be well, little Boo, and if you can't, tell your Meowmie what's the best thing to do. She trusts you, and we do too. :love:

Love, Columbine

This is very sweet. Thank you. Candles are my favorites and I always have one burning in honor of someone. I've taken your advice to heart and will light another. :love:

02-11-2010, 11:58 PM
All I can say thru LES is I'm thinking of you and Boo. It's the price we pay for such pure love. :(

02-12-2010, 12:48 AM
Mary, I'm so sorry to hear about Boo.:( As others have said, it's so hard to watch our cats grow old. I'll keep you both in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

02-12-2010, 01:28 AM
I don't know what to say except that you and Boo are in my thoughts and prayers.:love:

Scooter's Mom
02-12-2010, 06:03 AM
I'm also chiming in to say I've been thinking about you and Boo a lot. I hope you are able to keep him comfy for a long time to come.

02-12-2010, 08:08 AM
It's never easy watching them get old, is it Mary? I'm hoping you can find some kind of treatment for Boo that will help him.

Prayers and positive vibes being sent to you and the entire Fur Posse - but especially Boo Bear. :love:

02-12-2010, 08:31 AM
Yesterday when I read this it brought back to mind when Casey was going through senility and I have to admit I cried a tear thinking about it. I didn't know what to write yesterday. I totally understand what you are going through and I guess just know that you are in my thoughts and prayers as well. :love:

02-12-2010, 09:16 AM
Prays coming for Boo Bear and you Mary.


02-12-2010, 10:22 AM
Mary...is Boo going to have a visit with Dr Lee? Just to see if a med will help?

Hugs and prayers....:love::love::love:

02-12-2010, 05:35 PM
Mary...is Boo going to have a visit with Dr Lee? Just to see if a med will help?

Hugs and prayers....:love::love::love:

No, I don't have a vet visit planned for him. We already discussed what my options are if senility should occur again in any of my cats. I can put him on Selegilene but there's no guarantee that it will work; it didn't for Puddy. I can give him the B vitamin shots but they really sting and Dr. Lee said that they even have problems injecting cats w/it after the first one b/c they're so painful. I may talk to Dr. Lee about giving Boo subQ's and that way I can inject the B's right into the port in the bag of Ringers.

I have a situation here, though, w/my local vet. She's upset w/me b/c I didn't take Pidge back to her when she was diagnosed w/cardiomyopathy but I was only following her advice to take her to Dr. Lee b/c she needed an ultrasound and my local vet doesn't have the machine and she admitted that she can't read an ultrasound anyhow. But I continued to buy the Ringers and B vitamins from her b/c she's less than 10 min. away and Dr. Lee is 45 min. away. She became very upset and dressed me down in the lobby in front of people, telling me that she didn't want to sell me any more Ringers after that. So. I either make the trip to Dr. Lee's or I pay the ridiculous shipping fees so I'm undecided as to what to do at this juncture. I'll call Dr. Lee on Monday and discuss it w/him. Boo has been quiet all night and today, too, so I've had a bit of reprieve and, most importantly, so has he.

02-12-2010, 06:33 PM
Perhaps Dr Lee can talk to your other vet? Or maybe you can since enough time has gone by? Does she know that Pidge has passed on?

Prayers for you and Boo boy.:love:

02-12-2010, 06:37 PM
Does she know that Pidge has passed on?

No, she doesn't know. I sent her a Christmas card and I didn't get one from her as usual so I took that to mean that she's still angry that I haven't been going to her. I've started a letter to her half a dozen times to tell her about Pidge but I've never sent it. I plan on sending it tomorrow to see if that will soften her in case I do have to start Boo on subQ's.

02-12-2010, 06:40 PM
I hope you can find something that will work for Boo, poor boy. Wish there was some way that you could reassure him at night when he gets like that, maybe keeping him only in your room would work??

As for that local doctor, and her behavior towards you previously, she would never get any of my business again. Never. She should have been more considerate of what was going on, and she should never have taken her frustrations of the day (which is probably what it was) out on you in front of everyone in the lobby. Shame on her unprofessional attitude.

02-12-2010, 06:45 PM
I hope you can find something that will work for Boo, poor boy. Wish there was some way that you could reassure him at night when he gets like that, maybe keeping him only in your room would work??

As for that local doctor, and her behavior towards you previously, she would never get any of my business again. Never. She should have been more considerate of what was going on, and she should never have taken her frustrations of the day (which is probably what it was) out on you in front of everyone in the lobby. Shame on her unprofessional attitude.

Well, I cut her plenty of slack b/c she has MS and she works long hours, has a farm and a wild life rescue, so she works tirelessly for animals. I think she just plain doesn't remember that she told me to go to Dr. Lee or perhaps she was expecting me to go back to her after Dr. Lee saw Pidge but that would have been silly to have gone to both vets. I've always gone to her for the routine stuff and Dr. Lee for the special cases but now she won't even sell me Clomicalm so I have to pay shipping on it, too, b/c I have 4 cats on it.

02-12-2010, 06:45 PM
MARY!!!!!!!!!!!!HUGS!!!!!!!! Sandra I sent you a pm!!!

02-12-2010, 08:28 PM
Is there another vet nearby? Maybe not as close as your old vet, but closer than Dr Lee?

Glad Boo is having a quiet night. {{{hugs}}}

02-13-2010, 06:41 AM
Mary - I just can't figure this out, but maybe you have the answer.

Why do they say B injections sting? I have given myself B injections for years, and never had them sting.

02-13-2010, 06:45 AM
Mary - I just can't figure this out, but maybe you have the answer.

Why do they say B injections sting? I have given myself B injections for years, and never had them sting.

I honestly don't know, Ellie, but both vets said the same thing and Slick's vet told her that also. :confused:

Pinot's Mom
02-13-2010, 07:17 AM
How is Boo doing? I'm so sorry about the situation, and also sorry you're having vet issues...I just don't understand that one.

02-13-2010, 07:23 AM
How is Boo doing? I'm so sorry about the situation, and also sorry you're having vet issues...I just don't understand that one.

Boo had a good night; no episodes. I'm thankful. He deserves peace at his advanced age.

02-13-2010, 10:07 AM
I honestly don't know, Ellie, but both vets said the same thing and Slick's vet told her that also. :confused:

Hmmm :confused: I guess this must apply to me then - "no sense/no feeling". :p

Maybe it's the alcohol used to swab the injection site that isn't dry, and that is being pushed thru with the needle. That would sting. I don't know - just grasping at straws here......... :eek:

02-13-2010, 10:08 AM
Mary - this might sound totally stupid - I have heard stories of RB cats paying visits to their homes and companions. Just wondering if Pidge visited Boo?

Whatever it is, I am glad he had a peaceful night. :love::love:

02-13-2010, 10:37 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that Boo Bear may be senile. :( It's heartbreaking to hear them meow so much and not knowing what they want. I hope something can be done to make him more comfortable.

Many of the things you describe fits on Fister, too. He meows quite a lot during the night and now also in the daytime. He just wants me to come and sit/lay next to him, then he relaxes for a while, but will start again later. He is not even 14 years old.

I will certainly ask my vet about this.

Give Boo Bear some snuggles from me! :love:

02-13-2010, 11:40 AM
Mary - this might sound totally stupid - I have heard stories of RB cats paying visits to their homes and companions. Just wondering if Pidge visited Boo?

Whatever it is, I am glad he had a peaceful night. :love::love:

It doesn't sound stupid at all, Candace. I've seen Pidge myself since her passing as plain as if she was still here in the flesh. I think Boo has seen her, too, but rather than frighten or unnerve him, I think it's responsible for his having a couple of calm days and nights. I heard Puddy after she left, she had that one bad toe and claw that tapped on the hardwood floor when she walked and I could distinctly hear her walking around the house after she passed over but I never saw her. I've seen Pidge several times. No Peeka, though, but that's keeping in line w/her personality. She kept to herself anyhow. LOL

02-13-2010, 11:42 AM
Hmmm :confused: I guess this must apply to me then - "no sense/no feeling". :p

Maybe it's the alcohol used to swab the injection site that isn't dry, and that is being pushed thru with the needle. That would sting. I don't know - just grasping at straws here......... :eek:

Maybe Sandra (kb2yjx) would know b/c she's a nurse.

02-13-2010, 12:04 PM
Maybe Sandra (kb2yjx) would know b/c she's a nurse.

OK - I sent a PM to both Sandra and Gretchen (Grace). Maybe they can shed some light on this.

02-13-2010, 04:38 PM
My bf felt his beloved Tomas walk above his head while he was in bed. He knew it was Tomas because he always walked across the bed that way. Sometimes he changed his routine and walked on your legs, but usually it was right above your head. I have seen our RB Kitty outside in the back yard a couple of times. She loved to hang out by the pool. A true California Girl!:D

02-13-2010, 04:49 PM
I've never seen any of my RB kids, but I definitely have heard some of them. I know that my surviving dogs, have seen others that have gone ahead, just by the way they stare at a favorite spot of one of the departed for no obvious reason that I can see, or suddenly wake up from a dead sleep, and stare in a corner of the room, or at the ceiling. Gives me chills at times..........

02-13-2010, 05:22 PM
Maybe a vitamin B skin patch?

02-13-2010, 09:10 PM
My current vet never told me that vitamin B 12 shots sting. I used to give them to my RB Starr and I also had to give them to Ziggy for a while. I know that they don't like shots but I never noticed that they were painful.

I've seen my RB Pepper and I thought I saw RB Starr. I can feel their presence more than I see them though. My roommate has seen both of them many times in her room.

I've noticed that my Sunny has been staring at nothing like he's in a daze or something. He never used to do this. I told my roommate that maybe he's being visited by the other side by one of my RB cats or another animal and they're letting him know that it will be okay when his time comes which unfortunately will be sooner than I'd like.:(

02-13-2010, 11:05 PM
How is sweet Sunny doing? I hope he is around for quite awhile.:love: