View Full Version : Playing in the snow *pics*

02-10-2010, 03:09 PM
Just thought I would post these. We;ve got a ton of snow and I was just DYING to go out and jump in it. So... I did lol



I am standing in this picture and there was still more snow under my feet

Beezer was very excited

I jumped backwards into the snow and beezer jumped on me

I am in this picture behind beezer who is on top of me





02-10-2010, 03:14 PM
trying to get out... and not being very successful



some Beezer







02-10-2010, 03:14 PM


can you find the dog in this pic

Sorry no Hannah pics. the snow is WAY too deep to have her out there. We;d have to tie a rope to her so we didnt lose her lol

02-10-2010, 03:35 PM
Oh good gravy - please don't tell me that is a 6' fence! It looks like a llittle 3' one! :D

I loved the photos and can't believe how much snow you've got than us!

02-10-2010, 03:39 PM
Oh good gravy - please don't tell me that is a 6' fence! It looks like a llittle 3' one! :D

I loved the photos and can't believe how much snow you've got than us!

LOL it's a 5 foot fence at the front (where I was playing lol) and 6 feet at the back

yeah we got slammed lol

02-10-2010, 04:04 PM
Holy crap, I am so moving where you live lol! I thought our snow was pretty deep and it only comes over the top of my shoes. Lily got buried in a snow pile today, it was really funny. But I'd lose her in your snow LOL!

Beezer is really cute in the snow and you both look like you had lots of fun :D.

02-10-2010, 04:26 PM
:eek: WoW I am still amazed at all of that Snow.. Looks like you & Beezer had a blast.. great pics thanks

02-10-2010, 10:34 PM
Yay, Beezer and Mom! I went to my mom and dad's to help shovel yesterday. The alley behind their house doesn't get plowed, and the snow was really soft and fluffy ... so when I was done shoveling I threw a few snowballs at the garage for old times' sake. When I was little we used to try to hit a certain spot on the garage door.

02-11-2010, 12:33 AM
It looks like a lot of fun to play in but I'd hate to have to drive in this. Thanks for sharing these pictures with us.:)

02-11-2010, 08:10 AM
We got a bit under what you got, and I'm like..3 hours away maybe.

Very funny pics, I thought these were gonna be of Hannah LOL. You're just a little kid at heart,eh? ;):p AWW, and my favorite hound boy, Beezy looks like he had so much fun. Let me guess, Ms. Belle refused to go in? LOL

Queen of Poop
02-11-2010, 08:21 AM
Wow, that's a heck of alot of snow!!! Looks like fun though.

smokey the elder
02-11-2010, 09:41 AM
One metric s*load of snow! We only got 8 inches or so, but occasionally we get dumps like that but never twice in one year, let alone one week!:o

02-11-2010, 09:44 AM
We got a bit under what you got, and I'm like..3 hours away maybe.

Very funny pics, I thought these were gonna be of Hannah LOL. You're just a little kid at heart,eh? ;):p AWW, and my favorite hound boy, Beezy looks like he had so much fun. Let me guess, Ms. Belle refused to go in? LOL

HAHA yes. Brian was teasing me yesterday about how I"m such a big kid. I said "what can I say... the snow brings out the kid in me" and he replied with "and christmas, and easter, and halloween, and thunderstorms and your birthday etc etc etc" LOL

OH yeah beezer is LOVING it. Belle usually likes snow but I guess this is a little much for her. At that particular point in time she was snuggled up with the blankets on our bed and she was NOT leaving HAHA

02-11-2010, 10:25 AM
Great pictures.:) I was wondering when you said you had to shovel a
pathway for the dogs, I thought you had big dogs? Now I see what you
meant.:) Our deepest snow drift(in the city) is about 14-16 inches.