View Full Version : New Addition.......

Lori Jordan
02-08-2010, 08:44 PM



And it all Came from this one Girl,Im sure it was as heavy as a 5lbs dog..HeHe

Molly looking lighter....



02-08-2010, 09:14 PM
LOL, and what is the new additions name? Wooly?
That is too funny. I bet Molly feels better now. :)

Lori Jordan
02-08-2010, 09:40 PM
LOL, and what is the new additions name? Wooly?
That is too funny. I bet Molly feels better now. :)

I swear she is backwards and her coat thinks its Summer,But with our weather no wonder there all shedding,I have brushed her for a week straight and i get piles like that every time.

My floor im sure appreciates me brushing her,Nevermind the floor i mean my vaccum lol.

02-08-2010, 10:45 PM
WOW! But I bet that is what Delta's hair would look like if I could collect all her little hairs. She sheds like a crazy dog. Lol

It's kinda cute though, all on the floor like that. It looks like a soft little rug. LOL

02-09-2010, 06:08 AM
WOW, Molly is QUITE the shedder. :o I didn't know anything could shed that much LOL, what's his name? :D

02-09-2010, 07:22 AM
WOW! That is a LOT of hair. You are a great mom for taking the time to groom her too. She is a gorgeous dog. Your kitty looks like she is keeping an eye on that hair pile making sure it doesn't come to life LOL!

02-09-2010, 08:44 AM
Good job -- otherwise, you would have had dust bunnies all over the house! Probably still have them, as these furkids have NO respect, much as they love to bark at the vacuum.

WOW what a lot of excess you were carrying, Molly Girl!

02-09-2010, 08:52 AM
WOW!!! That is quite the collection of fur you have there Miss Molly! :)

Lori Jordan
02-09-2010, 09:30 AM
Good job -- otherwise, you would have had dust bunnies all over the house! Probably still have them, as these furkids have NO respect, much as they love to bark at the vacuum.

WOW what a lot of excess you were carrying, Molly Girl!

When Molly sheds you should see my floor..I have to vaccum the hole house atleast 4 times a day..She is at the groomers right now.My husband is gone to pick her up.Im so excited to see her,I'm curios if she is going to come home with a bandana or bows in her ears.

Ill update with a picture when she gets home.

Lori Jordan
02-09-2010, 10:56 AM
Miss Molly is back from the Groomers,Im a little ticked off they cut the hair on her legs and all around her face,She looks more like a lab now.

Molly came to us from a breeder,The breeder was going to keep her for her breeding program,Molly ended up not so perfect in her eyes,she did not have the size and an underbite to boot.She is perfect to me though.Im glad she is not huge less problems maybe in the long run.

Molly has a ear infection which im treating,the groomer said her ears were Dirty so she put a perfume smelling product and now Molly is going crazy so off to the vet i go..What a day:mad::mad::o

02-09-2010, 11:39 AM
Awww I think she looks very pretty. Her hair will grow back. There are worse things than looking like a lab. :D

Hope her ear clears up. Casey had ear issues her entire life of 13 years.

Lori Jordan
02-09-2010, 01:12 PM
There are worse things than looking like a lab

I absoloutly LOVE labs...Its not that.Its the Newfoundland look,They have the nice long hair on there legs and around there face,And there beautiful bushy tail,It actually takes awhile for it all to grow back the way it was.Im ready to switch groomer over this.When you tell them NOT to do something and they go ahead and do it.That frustrates me,And too boot she charged 90 dollars for the mess she did on Molly.

We went into the vet he cannot pinpoint what was used,But he too could smell the perfume scent in her ear,I got some drops,I just have to keep an eye on to see if she breaks out in a rash from it or not.

So 90 dollars at the groomers,and 65 dollars at the vet...EEEKKK..expensive day for my poor Molly that is for sure.

I forgot to mention,My husband was the one that picked her up,I would not have paid for the mess she did,Yes she looks great all cleaned up,Im just disapointed.Im a very picky person.I may sound as if im going overboard,but you like what you like..right?

02-10-2010, 12:50 PM
Molly is pretty! Is she a newfoundland? When we brush our pyrenees a wack of hair comes out that looks just like that lol...their hair is so thick!!!

02-10-2010, 12:54 PM
:eek: WoW thats a lot of shedding.. Bet you could make a sweater out of it.. Also the Adorable Baby should feel better now..