View Full Version : N.L. woman who claims she saw missiles says area not used by model hobbyists

01-30-2010, 07:01 PM
Anyone in Rhode Island or points north setting off fireworks????:);)


N.L. woman who claims she saw missiles says area not used by model hobbyists

Fri Jan 29, 8:18 PM

By The Canadian Press

HARBOUR MILLE, N.L. - A woman who claims she saw three missiles whiz over Newfoundland's south coast dismisses suggestions the mysterious objects could have been model rockets and claims instead the truth is being covered up.

Emmy Pardy said she clearly saw three huge "grey bullets" powering through the sky Monday off Harbour Mille, a small community of about 150 people.

This photo shows an alleged missile in the sky above Harbour Mille, Newfoundland, on January 25, 2010. THE CANADIAN PRESS/ Darlene Stewart

The reports set off a confusing dance between government departments and the RCMP over who was addressing the issue and what, if anything, was seen.

But Pardy said Friday that suggestions by federal officials that the spot is used frequently by model rocket hobbyists are ludicrous.

"Yeah right - I don't believe that for one minute," she said from her home overlooking the bay where she spotted the mysterious objects.

"It was no model rocket. ... You don't even have to be a rocket scientist to figure that one out."

She said everyone in the tiny coastal community knows everyone and she's never heard of people launching homemade rockets from land or sea.

Pardy and two friends claim they saw the objects Monday evening as one was taking pictures of the sunset.

Newfoundland Premier Danny Williams said he was concerned about the sighting, describing himself as a "UFO guy."

Williams said he discussed the issue with Prime Minister Stephen Harper and MacKay when the two men were in St. John's.

"They said they've checked everything within the defence systems, they've checked with whoever they could check with and they have absolutely no record of anything, for want of a better term, foreign, that could have happened there," he said.

"Something was seen. But from a Canadian defence perspective, I'm satisfied after talking to the prime minister and the minister of defence that there certainly wasn't anything that was being hidden by the government of Canada."

Calls to the RCMP and Public Safety Canada on Thursday were referred to the Prime Minister's Office, which issued a statement saying only that there was no indication of a rocket launch.

Canadian and French authorities have both investigated reports of rockets appearing off the coast of Newfoundland and Labrador, and have concluded there has been no military testing in the area.

"We can rule out any kind of military exercise," said Dimitri Soudas, a spokesman for Harper.

Soudas had said on Thursday that there was no evidence of any kind of military testing. But authorities in both Canada and France wanted to make sure, he said, so they looked into the reports further and found no basis for concern.

The French Embassy issued a statement late Thursday indicating that it hadn't conducted any military activity in Newfoundland or nearby St-Pierre-Miquelon at the time of the sightings.

But Pardy said she definitely saw something that looked like a missile and now believes someone is concealing the explanation.

"To me it sounds like they know what happened and somebody's trying to cover something up," she said. "Somebody made a blunder somewhere."

01-31-2010, 08:25 PM

Sounds like the Axis of Evil celebrating.....:confused:

02-01-2010, 09:06 AM
Sounds like she's having flashback from a bad acid trip.

02-01-2010, 10:34 AM
LOL The only acid in Newfoundland is the stuff for car batteries! :p:D

ETA: There was at least one other witness, and enough concern that the Prime Minister's office got involved.

02-01-2010, 05:55 PM
That's a rocket or missile.

Check out the exhaust. A fireworks exhaust plume is mostly sparks.

A gun powder charge tosses out sparks-a rocket motor has more of an even exhaust because of the propellant.

I vote military.:eek::cool:;)

02-01-2010, 06:04 PM
It MUST be military, RICHARD - because everyone in any position of authority is denying it!;):D

02-01-2010, 06:27 PM
It MUST be military, RICHARD - because everyone in any position of authority is denying it!;):D

There are private 'rocketeers' who may have shot something off and are afraid of being jailed, too?

I tend to go with the X-Files theories?;):)

Do you remember seeing the missile footage during the Iraqi War?:eek:

02-01-2010, 08:03 PM
It could have been Tiger Woods !!!!
His Mrs might have set his butt alight and then whacked him with a 7 iron.