View Full Version : Looking for a series of books- HELP

01-29-2010, 12:07 PM
Ok I dont know if anyone can help me or not.

when I was a kid I had these books about animals. they were double sided. LIke one side was blue and had info about polar bears. flip the book over and it was yellow and had info about panda bears. Just an example.

But I CANNOT remember the name of this series but it was AWESOME. My mom ended up giving the series to my brother for his kids and they ended up getting rid of them

I want to find them again for Hannah as they were a constant source of info and entertainment for me and I'd really like to find them if they are still available.

can ANYONE help?

the whole series was about different animals and each book contained info about two animals on each side of the book

01-29-2010, 12:42 PM

found another one.. called animal family trivia but no web to show it:(.. both these say to be two sided flip books about animals..

01-29-2010, 12:43 PM
:) Gosh I am trying to think think.. Have you tried E-Bay by just typing in Animal Childrens Books?? Try that or say Animal Double Sided Childrens Books.. Hey I will go try to on E-Bay..

01-29-2010, 12:46 PM
Maybe these?


Maybe a call to a librarian in the children's department there might provide some info as well. :)

Good luck!

01-29-2010, 12:52 PM
Hmmm not the ones I was looking for. but I like all those ones too and may get some of those :D

it was a series I had when I was a child and I read them all the time and now I can't remember for the life of me what the heck they were called

I will try ebay and see if I come up with anything :D

01-29-2010, 12:58 PM
Oh and... they were like books for grade school aged kids. And they weren't cartoony type books they were more... scientific. and it was a pretty big series.

I'm gonna ask my mom tonight if she remembers the name of them. It's driving me crazy lol

01-29-2010, 03:14 PM
Did your folks take pictures when you were a child? Maybe there is a picture in a photo album somewhere? Just a thought.

01-29-2010, 03:20 PM
It's driving me crazy lol

make that two.. ;) :p.. lol

I was gonna ask if they were cartoonish or real animals.. hehe.. I found some series from McGraw Hill.. but were more toddlerish.. they were 3 6pk lots

01-29-2010, 05:54 PM
Good idea. I will have to get my mom to look through the albums and see if she finds any pictures.

She THINKS it was called knowledge of animals or something LIke that. I searched on google but didn't find them. I'm going to look on ebay

01-29-2010, 05:57 PM
I remember Zoobooks (http://www.zoobooks.com/)as a kid...they arent two animals per book anymore but I think back when I was a kid they were. Something to look into for Hannah as they are really educational! I may end up subscribing for Nicholas when he is older.

01-29-2010, 06:03 PM
I remember Zoobooks (http://www.zoobooks.com/)as a kid...they arent two animals per book anymore but I think back when I was a kid they were. Something to look into for Hannah as they are really educational! I may end up subscribing for Nicholas when he is older.

Yes someone mentioned those to me on another thread. I think I am going to look into that :)