View Full Version : Mike 'n Ike pics

01-28-2010, 07:53 PM
I suppose I post too much pics, sorry I love my puggie face. He's so cute. I have ALOT so bear with me please. :D These were taken with a new camera lol.

He has the cutest smile of any dog I know.
workin' on the computer.
Playbow! Sorry, weirdo alien eyes.
Playing with his flippy in the yard.
His oh so famous glare.
Just standing there..awkward.

[more coming]

01-28-2010, 07:57 PM
Fail catch...or should I say epic fail catch.
Close Mike, but not quite..:o
He likes to chew on sticks..:o
http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v708/bobbernut/Random%20stuff/P1230200.jpgCrappy quality, but still cute enough to post.
Helping us make cup cakes!

[more to come still...]

01-28-2010, 07:59 PM
My creation, a pupcake. :D
Like my Teef?
*um nom nom nom*
Cocked head, too cute. :love:

I's still cute, even when Imma nerd. :D

[THE END] ...finally. Sorry for all those, I went a bit crazy.

01-28-2010, 08:17 PM
He's so cute. :love:

01-28-2010, 10:18 PM
LOVE the last picture! :) He's adorable.

01-29-2010, 12:39 AM
No worries I can never have enough photos of your cutie pie:D
And is he a puggle? You may have already answered this question but I cant recall...sorry

01-29-2010, 04:57 AM
Mikey is so darn cute!:love: Please don't apologize for so many pics, I love seeing him!!!:D

01-29-2010, 06:55 AM
Heh, those are adorable. I love the computer one, the epic fail (LOL!!!), and helping you make cupcakes. How cute. :)

Queen of Poop
01-29-2010, 07:31 AM
Oh Mikey, my favorite goofy boy!! Thanks for the grins. Never too many pictures of dear Mikey. Keep them coming.

01-29-2010, 04:38 PM
He's a cutie!!! Looks like he is just a little too small for counter surfing!! LOL....wish Boomer was!!

01-29-2010, 06:24 PM
Dont be sorry! hes positively freaking adorable :love:
some of his expressions made me laugh :D

how old is he?

01-29-2010, 07:57 PM
Thanks guys for the photo comments, I appreciate it and so does Mikey! :D

Mr.chiwawa, yes I guess you could say Mikey is a puggle, as much as I hate calling him that - I always manage to 'cause it's a cute name. In reality, he's a pug/beagle mix as a puggle is not a real breed.

Vette, I have not seen you around for ages! How is Kirby? Remember a Maltese named Sassy (my former username was Maltese_Love)? Well, I'm the same person lol, but Sassy unfortunately passed away in June 2008. Mikey is 2 years old.

01-29-2010, 08:04 PM
^ *GLOMP!!* i knows who you is now. an yep i sure do remember. sorry to hear about ya loss though :(

LOL yeah. i tend to have difficulty with forums anymore :o but that be my fault.
Kirbys doing great. :D hes almost 11years old already though. time flies by so fast.

okay,, i cant stand it anymore. i have to ask about your siggy.
whats the red stuff on hes nose? paint? ketchup or dog treat gone wrong? LOL

01-29-2010, 08:36 PM
^ *GLOMP!!* i knows who you is now. an yep i sure do remember. sorry to hear about ya loss though :(

LOL yeah. i tend to have difficulty with forums anymore :o but that be my fault.
Kirbys doing great. :D hes almost 11years old already though. time flies by so fast.

okay,, i cant stand it anymore. i have to ask about your siggy.
whats the red stuff on hes nose? paint? ketchup or dog treat gone wrong? LOL

LOL thank you, Sas is surely missed. I hope you stick around here more.

No, the red stuff is a light coming from a Starfleet phaser because I am a hopeless Trekkie with no life other then to annoy my dog with a light.

01-29-2010, 09:06 PM
OMG, he's so cute. I want to kiss his nose-y, please do so for me hehe. :love:

01-29-2010, 09:45 PM
LOL thank you, Sas is surely missed. I hope you stick around here more.

No, the red stuff is a light coming from a Starfleet phaser because I am a hopeless Trekkie with no life other then to annoy my dog with a light.

Ooooh. now that you said it i can kind of make out that its a phaser LOL do ya like Star Trek Voyager?

*hugs* yeah i bet. she was a cute one an had tons of personality. - LOL i'll try,, but no promises ;)

01-30-2010, 07:23 AM
Aww, I am so happy I get to start off my day with pictures of Mr. Mikey. :) And I must agree, he does have a wonderful smile.

You've got me wanting Cupcakes, though....

01-30-2010, 08:24 AM
Ooooh. now that you said it i can kind of make out that its a phaser LOL do ya like Star Trek Voyager?

*hugs* yeah i bet. she was a cute one an had tons of personality. - LOL i'll try,, but no promises ;)

Well, I'm sure I can get into it, but I LOVE the original series and the TOS movies including the 2009 one. TNG has started to grow on me, but the original series will always be my fav.

Thank you, Oyster! Unfortunately, all those cupcakes are gone now..I want some more. :o

01-30-2010, 03:37 PM
Star Trek Voyager will always be my favorite as thats what got me into Star Trek. also if you havent yet,, may want to check out a series called Firefly. its not Star Trek but its just as good. or in my opinion anyway LOL

wonder what our dogs think since they hear the music an scenes quite often LOL