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01-28-2010, 05:32 PM
Man struck by lightning while washing up

A man has been struck by lightning in Sydney's outer west and two people have been hospitalised as thunderstorms sweep across NSW.

The Ambulance Service of NSW said a 37-year-old man was hit by lightning while doing the washing up near a window at a YMCA camp in Yarramundi at about 7.30pm (AEDT) on Thursday.

Paramedics were treating the man, who was suffering neck and shoulder pain, and planned to take him to hospital.

Emergency services were also called to a house on Macquarie Road, in Springwood, in the NSW Blue Mountains, after it was struck by lightning at about 5pm.

"It's come through the window, it hit the curtains and ignited them," a firefighter at the scene told media at the scene.

Two people, including a man suffering smoke inhalation, were taken to Blue Mountains Hospital.

A house on East View Avenue in nearby Leura also caught fire after it was hit by lightning, but no one was injured.

The Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) issued a severe thunderstorm warning at 7.30pm, predicting large hailstones, heavy rainfall, flash flooding and damaging winds.

Areas which may be affected late on Thursday include Grafton, Taree, Armidale, Tamworth, Narrabri and Walgett.

The NSW State Emergency Service (SES) said people in those areas should move their cars under cover and away from trees, secure loose items and stay indoors away from windows, and keep children and pets indoors.

The BoM said thunderstorms had moved through Sydney, Illawarra, Central West Slopes and Lower Western Districts by early Thursday night and the warning was no longer in force for those areas.

An SES spokesman said there had been 33 requests for assistance across the state, including 12 in the Blue Mountains.

"(The storm) looked pretty spectacular on the radar ... but as luck had it, it pretty well passed over mostly unpopulated areas," the spokesman told AAP.

"There hasn't been a lot of hail or anything in them, but there's been some pretty heavy rain."

P.S. We had the same storm here last night. Bear went missing and only emerged from under my bed after the thunder had stopped....LOLOL.


01-28-2010, 07:04 PM
Good God....

Laura's Babies
01-28-2010, 09:23 PM
I was taught at a very young age to be scared of lightening and when I say scared... I mean terrified! Lightening was wicked where I grew up, it struck our TV one time, another time it got our refrigerator. It got in my uncle's house and bounced around all over the house and exited through his bath tub, blowing out his sewage line as it went down the drain and out of the house. One of the last times I was up there where I grew up, a storm came up and struck the house next door and set it in fire.. Yup! I am terrified of it! I will not answer the phone during a storm! Will not go near a water faucet, unplug TV's and stuff and shut up the house..

We had one here last summer that like to make gave me a heart attack. Lightening struck close by and I could hear it "pinging" somewhere then BAHM! Me and my cats freaked out! Soon as I crawled out from under the bed, I did a walk all over the house 3 to 4 times to make sure nothing was on fire.. In taking to a neighbor, it struck 3 TV's in her house and her computer and some other stuff I think.. YUP! I am STILL scared of it!:eek:

(I was kidding about being under the bed, I was on my sofa under the covers :D)

01-28-2010, 10:09 PM
Yeah, we had a wicked sorm here last night, and it was close to, the time between the lightning and the thunder was only a couple of seconds, must have been near over the top of us. And yeah, we disconnnect everything to, to date we have blown a couple of modems.

When I was about 12 years old, one of my schoolteachers told me a story about when he was a stockman out in the plains country.....the storms out there are usually lightning only, no rain. It must have been in the early 1900's (as Mr Fox was about 65 yo at the time when I was 12 in 1960). He told us of the boy who drove the wagon with food and camp stuff to set up for the stockmen at the end of each day. There had been a terrible storm that day, and as the stockmen approached the camp near evening, they seen the boy sitting still on the wagon. He had a hole through his chest some 5 inches in diameter, straight thru his body the hole went, and completely cauterised....no blood or anything....this kid was dead as a doornail. He must had died instantly when the lightning struck him.

I was taught at a very young age to be scared of lightening and when I say scared... I mean terrified! Lightening was wicked where I grew up, it struck our TV one time, another time it got our refrigerator. It got in my uncle's house and bounced around all over the house and exited through his bath tub, blowing out his sewage line as it went down the drain and out of the house. One of the last times I was up there where I grew up, a storm came up and struck the house next door and set it in fire.. Yup! I am terrified of it! I will not answer the phone during a storm! Will not go near a water faucet, unplug TV's and stuff and shut up the house..

We had one here last summer that like to make gave me a heart attack. Lightening struck close by and I could hear it "pinging" somewhere then BAHM! Me and my cats freaked out! Soon as I crawled out from under the bed, I did a walk all over the house 3 to 4 times to make sure nothing was on fire.. In taking to a neighbor, it struck 3 TV's in her house and her computer and some other stuff I think.. YUP! I am STILL scared of it!:eek:

(I was kidding about being under the bed, I was on my sofa under the covers :D)

01-29-2010, 02:26 PM
:eek: WoW what a Storm.. Glad everyone was ok.. Heck at my house it can just Thunder & all of the babies are under the bed.. Me well I just hide in the closet..:D

01-29-2010, 08:03 PM
My dogs don't hide, Bear freaks out of course, he wanders around the house looking for the source of the noise the thunder makes. He makes this deep little growling noise while tilting his head from left to right (he always does that when he doesn't understand something). I swear that dog is human sometimes. Ruby being younger, well, she's harder to figure out, she just does not take her eyes off Bear, and does everything he does.........I guess Bear is her role model LOLOL.