View Full Version : Should have stayed home....

01-28-2010, 05:11 PM
I woke up this morning with a MAJOR migraine. I'm talking about the type of migraine where the world is spinning. I would have called in sick, except today was the BIG company meeting where its manadatory to attend.

I popped a couple migraine pills and psyched myself up to drive and hour and half in the snow. I made it there and was starting to feel better. We all got settled in our seats and I was a-ok... and then a employee from another store THUNKED me on the head as a "how-ya-doin'?" kind of joke (she had no idea I was migrainy, to her defense).

Then, as we sat there, the spot lights were beating down on me.... I started seeing spots. My hands grew numb. Oh-my-gawd, this is a migraine like I haven't had in YEARS. I got up to go to the bathroom to splash water on my face in a pitiful attempt to calm down (at this point, I was starting to panic because I haven't had a migraine like this in a looong time)

As I left the bathroom, the boss pulled me aside and asked if I was ok. I started to CRY... oh yes. Cry. Talk about humiliation! He ran for tissues and water. His right hand man ran for a compress. The company rep approached me to see if I was ok. The zillion dollar "idea" guy came over (he loves me by the way :) - he's the guy who has been making the boss fire half the company in order to make more money.... he's always right though)

I was in such a pathetic state. Totally embarassed over crying, but it was basically a full-blown anxiety attack by the time the boss came in. And it was very apparent I was sick. The boss even offered to drive me home (yes, the hour and half ride home!) while someone else would drive my car.

I should have stayed home, but was afraid if I missed the meeting people might suggest I faked a migraine. I guess nobody's going to think I fake migraines anymore. :o

01-28-2010, 05:27 PM
I hope you feel better soon, and find what triggers the migraines so you are able to avoid them.

A little story to cheer you - my cousin's wife is a very slight gal, she's half Korean, and inherited the fine bone structure from her Dad's Korean ancestors. She has had migraines since she was a teenager, but they're usually under control. She is now a kindergarten teacher, and when she was heavily pregnant with their first child, 9 months along, and really looked like she had shoved a beach ball under her dress. She had a very bad migraine one day, so bad that she had to miss school. When El was back at school the next day, one of her students asked "Did you have the baby?" unaware, as little children are are that a) if she had a baby yesterday she wouldn't be in school today, and b) she's no longer be so hugely round in front!

01-28-2010, 06:04 PM
You poor kid! You and Scooter's Mom should share notes. :(

Do you have any idea what triggers yours?

HUGS - it's great that management and everyone were so understanding. But they'll know now that you never fake being sick! I think they already know that you never would, Miss Work Overtime!;)

Gentle hugs and I hope you have some purr therapy at home. :love::love::love:

01-28-2010, 06:55 PM
I'm sorry that you had such a painful day. Hopefully your friend who bonked you will think twice before she does that again to anyone.

Laura's Babies
01-28-2010, 09:39 PM
Awwww! Now that they have "seen" you with a migraine, I am sure they will be glad for you to stay home if you ever get another one like that...

I just can't understand why everybody is getting these migraines so much more than they use to... EVERYBODY has them now. I had a few years (in my younger days) when I had one every now and then, now they are a daily thing for just about everybody.. I want to know WHY? What is causing so many to have these things?

01-29-2010, 07:55 AM
Awwww! Now that they have "seen" you with a migraine, I am sure they will be glad for you to stay home if you ever get another one like that...

I just can't understand why everybody is getting these migraines so much more than they use to... EVERYBODY has them now. I had a few years (in my younger days) when I had one every now and then, now they are a daily thing for just about everybody.. I want to know WHY? What is causing so many to have these things?

I know so many people suffering from them right now. Yesterday was the worst one in a long time, but its still there. I'm sitting here worrying if the lights will affect me again today.

Work has seen me with too many migraines, and a couple of people make fun of me. They say I claim to have more headaches than I really do. I don't know WHY I would do that. I don't get any sympathy and I don't get to go home sick. Telling people I've got a headache gains nothing.... so why would I tell people I had a headache when I don't??? :confused:

I go to the allergist again this coming week for the last round of tests. If they come back inconclusive, then I go to the nuerologist.

01-29-2010, 08:17 AM
I'm so sorry. I've had my moments being embarrassed that for sure. My husband gets those kind of headaches and so does my semi-boss.

I know what you mean about people thinking you fake something, my husband was diagnosed with CVS and you don't know when it's going to hit but when it does he's miserable but his work doesn't understand and you would think since he's had his doctor fill out an FMLA that they would understand but they don't. Well good luck with your appts. and I hope they find something to help you.


Laura's Babies
01-29-2010, 08:29 AM
Man, when I had them we didn't have the meds you have now and they would put me down.. I had to go to bed and cover my head, no lights, no sound and just lay there quiet and still and pray for it to pass. I would eventually end up throwing up and once I threw up, I would start getting better. Mine usually lasted 8 to 12 hours.

Rie has them and they last for days but she never ends up in bed or throws up. She has found a few things that trigger some off them but even knowing what triggers she has and avoid them, she'll still has them. She has been under the care of a nuerologist for a long time.... also, now her son has them and he is only around 20 years old.

I have worked with a lot of guys out on the river that has them.. they are just SO common these days, that's why I question what is going on. Back in the days when I had them, I didn't know anybody else that had them. I didn't do anything to get rid of them, they just stopped all by themselves and I haven't had but one in the years since and that one was caused by a drug I was given for my colonscopy.

01-29-2010, 09:53 AM
Wow, I got tears in my eyes just reading what you went through. :(
My sister also had a migraine yesterday. I get headaches, but I never know if it's a migraine or not. Lately I've been getting these headaches during the week of my menstrual cycle. Twice I've had to go home and sleep. Unfortunately I can't avoid my monthly cycle, oh but I wish I could!

I hope you do not experience anything like that again. But I'm sure your co-workers will be more careful about jokingly bonking you on the head. Or I hope so anyway.

01-29-2010, 05:26 PM
Thanks guys. I'm officially on Day 2 of Monster Migraine. :( I left work at 1:30 and slept til 5:30. Apparently, at one point, Cameron was jumping on me. I vaugely remember saying "ouch" but thats it. I must have been out. I woke up feeling better.... until I stood up. Then the whole room began to swim. I have no idea what to do to get rid of this tonight. I can't keep popping Imitrex every few hours. Its apparently not working this time. :(

My coworkers KNOW I'm sick today because I left work while I had a slew of appointment customers in the store. I rescheduled what I could and everyone was wonderful about it. One coworker asked what to do if more showed up; I told her to sell something to them! :p

01-29-2010, 11:00 PM
Oh gosh that sounds awful.:( I hope you're feeling much better now.

01-30-2010, 07:56 AM
Starting day 3 of Monster Migraine. I HAVE to go to work today because I have several appointments scheduled that will push me from last place to first place. No matter what we say to each other, we all care if we're number one! :D

I've taken so many HOT HOT HOT showers that my skin is wrinkled. And my poor ice pack really hasn't had much time to refreeze before I'm pulling it back out of the freezer. Somehow, the combination of HOT shower and ice pack helps a lot.

We babysat Cameron last night so Ashley could go out with a nice guy (hey, its the first really nice guy!) and Cameron was W-I-L-D. He conked his head against mine several times and insisted the bedroom lights be on. Then he wouldn't sleep until 11:00 and only next to me. So basically, I got the edge of the bed, with Callie on my feet, Cameron's feet in my back, and Allens poopy butt in my face as he sat on my chest (which is his typical spot, so I shouldn't be surprised)

01-30-2010, 07:56 PM
I am so sorry but as you can see by your co-workers concern you are greatly cared for, hope that helps a bit.

01-30-2010, 08:11 PM
Sending you healing thought and prayers. I hope the allergist or neurologist are able to find what your triggers are, so they can be avoided.

01-31-2010, 06:22 AM
I heard once (don't know if it's true or not) that if you feel a headache coming on, then you cut a lime fruit in half and rub it on your forehead.
I got that from a lady who is an acupuncturist, and a really successful one at that. Could be worth a try mate....even if it eases the pain marginally, it's gotta be better than nothing....eh ???

01-31-2010, 12:39 PM
I feel for you. I suffered with migraines for many years, lately not so much. I couldn't do anything when I was attacked by one, I had to lay in a dark silent room. I had suffered with headaches since I was a kid,:eek: my Mom took me to doctors and they prescribed different meds and even suppositories, some meds worked and some did not. I still suffer with headaches but not as much as I used to. I haven't had a migraine in years but I do remember them very well. Hopefully you won't get them often.

01-31-2010, 01:27 PM
Has anyone ever suggested botox? I have a friend who is in her early 20s and has tried so many different treatments. She said the botox is what works best for her. I don't think I could do that, but then again, I haven't ever had a migraine.