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01-27-2010, 10:46 AM
So my bf is HOOKED on huskies.....not even that they blow their coats got to him :p

So question for those with experience with them, may you tell me those experiences; the good and the bad?

I really want him to go to a kill-shelter or rescue. The kill-shelter here always gets all sort of purebreds, I've seen huskies a couple of times, stunning huskies...I even saw an Afghan Hound :eek::(

But if anything a breeder might be an option, because I think he just wants the whole experience of raising a puppy, and it would be nice for the dog to grow up with my small dogs from a pup to then a big adult, because one of my dogs is somewhat fearful of some big dogs. But again its only an option, but recommendations of good reputable breeders would be nice, don't know how common that is to find one in South Florida, but he'll be willing to travel to get the puppy.

This won't be till loooooooooong time from now btw. Thanks in advance! :)

Lori Jordan
01-27-2010, 12:04 PM

I could sit and talk for hours about Sibe's they are truly one breed im in love with.You need to do as much research as possible.It's easy to say "I WANT" a Sibe,They are great animals,But like evey breed it might not be the right one for you.

You read anything about a Sibe,There is not one thing said that is negative,other than there prey drive for small animals,There once was a quote i seen"If you don't want dead squirrels and chipmunks at your back door don't own a Sibe"My Anna in her younger years would take Birds in flight down.So it really hit the nail right on the head with that quote.

Do you have the time and energy?Sibe's are not the type of dog that is going to sit in a corner and look pretty.They can get very destructive when bored,You can ask any Sibe owner.They are very friendly dogs,A friend of mine was robbed,and she swore Dakota must of walked them around the house,There not Guard dogs some people have bought them for that and have been let down,That is not there nature.

Shedding,Are you ready to Vaccum?Sibe's blow there coats twice a year,And it is not like a lab or your smaller dogs,It comes out in chunks.

Do you have a fenced yard?I personally think it is a given with Sibe's some sibes may stay around,The ones that i had were GONE if given the oppurtunity.Even at 14 i tried Anna she stayed in the front for a bit took one look at me and she was gone,She was running around the field behind our house,but still it should be something done if you don't have a fence.

I'm sure there are others that have different things to say,This is just what i experienced with my Anna.

Good luck and hope you find what your looking for.

01-27-2010, 12:40 PM
I agree with what Lori Jordan said. Nebo is an exception to many sibe rules, though he still follows the basic ones -not good offleash, high shedding, and prey drive. He doesn't dig and he's pretty obedient, he's a good boy. Keva is 100% typical sibe, she's the one they write books about. She loves digging, if she's bored she will look for spots to dig or just things to ruin. If there's anything wooden or plastic in the yard she and Skya will find it and chew it up.

They haven't been destructive in the house, but I don't leave them loose in the house while I'm not home either, if I did they would eat stuff. I can leave Nebo in the house and he is fine, he doesn't destroy things. Keva is stubborn and likes to do what she wants. She will look right at me and do the same thing I just got mad at her for doing. Nebo and Skya are not like that. She will not only run off but she'll make a game of it, waiting until I get close then bolting. :rolleyes: The couple of times Nebo has been lose he actually has came back when called but that doesn't mean I'd trust him and let him off leash. Keva is however the sweetest dog, she will sit there for hours for petting or belly rubs, she loves people and attention. Nebo is a little more cat-like, he will come to you for attention when he wants it then he's off doing his own thing. Skya loves attention from me, but she is afraid of most people, however this is not typical sibe behavior at all so discount that. Pretty much all sibes I've met besides her have been friendly with people.

They shed like crazy, you better be okay with dog hair. I can brush mine every week and still get piles out. Mine have been fine with small dogs but they have also been raised around Sydney (schnauzer) so if you get an adult dog from a rescue make sure its been tested around small dogs. I know there is a sibe rescue in florida, its on petfinder. You need to have a fenced yard, they need to run off leash, I can't imagine having a husky without a fenced yard. Mine will start getting hyper in the house so I'll just open the door and they are off running laps around the yard. This happens several times a day sometimes.

One thing I love is that they are quiet, they howl a bit but they don't general bark at things, like barking at the door. They are great activity dogs-mine love hiking, camping, sledding, walking, jogging...if you want an active dog, they are great for that. Mine are also fine if they don't go for a walk, they don't go crazy if they don't get walked every day. But I also have three of them to play with eachother and a fenced yard to run in, that makes a difference.

01-27-2010, 01:38 PM
We got our Roxey without any type of before hand research. Boy did we have a lot to learn!

She is a typical husky.

As a puppy she was digging and tearing up whatever she could get her mouth on outside, but inside she was an angel and never bothered anything. Luckily now she's not as bad, but she still likes to dig.
We only have a 4 ft fence so we put electric fence on the top and bottom to keep her from jumping over or digging under.

She's always loved other dogs, I guess it's because she was always around them. But like Lori and wolf_q said, the prey drive is extremely high. She's killed many cats, bunnies and squirrels that have gotten into our yard.

Husky pups take lots of time, patience and training. She was nonstop, even in the middle of the night I'd have to get up and play with her. I took her to several different obedience classes both because it used up energy (a tired husky is a good husky;)) and she loved learning new things. We also did lots of at home training.

It's lots of work, but if your in it for the long haul it's definitely worth it because they are wonderful dogs!

01-27-2010, 02:08 PM
I see you have several very good references to go by already :D

but i was wondering if it would be okay if i asked a icky question about Siberian Huskies in your thread?

01-27-2010, 02:20 PM
I see you have several very good references to go by already :D

but i was wondering if it would be okay if i asked a icky question about Siberian Huskies in your thread?

Sure go ahead...thanks everyone for the advice!

01-27-2010, 02:23 PM
^ all righty.

not sure if 'icky' was really a good way of putting it. LOL but what health issues are Huskies prone to?

01-27-2010, 03:09 PM
The only two health problems that they really have are hip dysplasia and inheritable eye disease.
They're honestly a pretty low maintenance dog.

01-27-2010, 03:18 PM
Wow. just two? thats awesome!

is it like cherry eye or something different?

Lori Jordan
01-28-2010, 11:10 AM
Like Anna said the hip dysplasia,My Anna passed away a month shy of her 14th Birthday She had cancer,and was doing pretty well until she lost her back end.Very sad thing to go through.

There is very good points made on the Sibe here,Like Anna said with her 4ft fence,When Anna was in her younger years when she got the notion she would go over our 5ft fence like nothing.

I guess i was lucky Anna never really dug,her thing was Garbage she used to lift the garbage bag out of the bin,Id get home to find the mess id be down on my knees cleaning it all up and she would walk over to me with pieces of the garbage she just demolished and hand it to me,Sibe's have such personality.That is one of the things i love them for,they have a personality like no other.

I had alot of Angry Neighbors,I truly wish i could have changed the situation but Anna too would take cats,squirrels anything that would walk the fence and kill it.

I'd love to have another,But right now i dont have the accesories to own one,We took the fencing down around the hole yard,all i have left is a dog run that goes off our deck,We have had a coyote problem in my area so we put the dog run up.Now that i own a Border Collie,Aussie and a Newf they dont need to be inside a fence at all times only a night,My guys dont go anywhere,The other day my Husband had taken my daughter to her co-op which is about half an hour away.He forgot to let the dogs back in.When he got home they were all sitting on the front porch looking at him like"Um did you forget something".

01-28-2010, 05:36 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss =/ it really doesnt sound any to pleasant.
do know if its hereditary or just something that happens sometimes?

Lori Jordan
01-28-2010, 08:25 PM
Sorry to hear about your loss =/ it really doesnt sound any to pleasant.
do know if its hereditary or just something that happens sometimes?

I do believe the hole theory of Genes,Anna's mother had Cancer also,I'm not sure if the cancer had anything to do with her loosing her back end or not,It all happend so fast.She had her surgery in May to have the tumor removed and we had her layed to rest November 5th.It was very hard,Anna was fine she drank still had an appetite she just could not get around.

We also had Anna's mother,She was diagnosed,she was 9 when she died.The kids let the her and Anna out and Shyann had jumped the fence and ran to the neighbors farm and got into a pen full of boars,After the farmer realised who's dog it was he called me at work and told me the news.

01-29-2010, 01:13 PM
My Anna, she was about 12 or 13 years old when she passed away. We had to put her to sleep due to her body giving up. It was old age. She did live a long life. Knock on wood, she never had health issues, she was the perfect Sibe. She never caused troubles, she never dug, it was just uncharacteristic. ONE thing she did love to do was to RUN! She always came back home, always. Like I said, she was just a different dog. She was the first Sibe I have owned, possible not the last.

This was her:


01-29-2010, 03:02 PM
well.. really nothing much to add.. all basics have been covered already.. hehe..

but one thing that canīt be said enough is NEVER trust a husky offleash...

they are awesome dogs.. if you donīt mind the hair.. lol... I actually found out that my first Pom was by far more high maintenance than my husky girls.. by far.. who wouldīve thought such a tiny dog could be much of a hairful than a husky.. lol

01-29-2010, 06:14 PM
Lori Jordan: Its sounding like a lot is passed on by way of genes in both animals an people... =/ but with what you described with her losing back end control sounds like something Dachshunds are prone to. a compact discs or nerve?

were you able to get your dog Shyann back okay?

CountryWolf07: sounds like she was a great dog an lived a happy life. :) my brothers Pug mix,, other then losing his hearing had no health problems either. he also died of old age. just went to sleep one night an that was it.

Husky_mom: LOL really? guess size is very deceiving :D

Lori Jordan
01-29-2010, 10:32 PM
were you able to get your dog Shyann back okay?

Her story is sad,The farmer thought she was a wolf and shot her,Until he walked up to her in the field and seen her tags..That is why i cant stress enough that you need them inclosed behind a high enough fence.I don't want anyone to go through what i did.Very Heartbreaking,I still have not recoverd from that.Alot of "What If's" I go over about Shyann.

It has been along time nearly 10 years ago.I still see the family in stores,And it brings the hole thing back.

I don't think every Sibe goes through that.But in every breed its still the unknown,Animals these days get all the same things we do,Its very sad but Unlike us Our Pets do not have to suffer.

01-29-2010, 11:10 PM
I adore huskies, but don't think I could ever own one, so much hair hehe. But they are really gorgeous doggies :love:

they are awesome dogs.. if you donīt mind the hair.. lol... I actually found out that my first Pom was by far more high maintenance than my husky girls.. by far.. who wouldīve thought such a tiny dog could be much of a hairful than a husky.. lol

LMAO!!! There's little black poofballs of Lily hair all around the house... I don't think she sheds that bad; however, when it's a certain time of year she indeed sheds and Lily hair goes everywhere :D

01-30-2010, 03:24 PM
Lori Jordan: Oh my goodness. thats horrible :( :( :( i hope that doesnt happen to anyone else either. =/

an thats true. as long as they let us know. some animals can hide their pain well.

01-31-2010, 03:29 PM
I was just stopping by PT too post about our newest Sibe addition - Moo. she's our 5th Siberian. As everyone said, Sibes are great dogs for the right owner, but an unbearable string of aggrevations for the wrong owner. Of course each one has its individual traits, but ours have taught me:

If you do get a puppy, you have GOT to train it. Siberians are thinkers who may choose to do what you ask, and may choose to totally ignore you. (nothing personal- it's a Sibe thing.)

Some can be very strong-willed & you have got to establish yourself as the pack leader. Our neighbors adopted one because they thought ours was sooo nice, but their Sibe had them terrorized!!! She ended up being given away, & then running off from that home.

They hunt. They also kill & eat what they hunt. A great trait if you're out in the wilderness, but sometimes city folk find it distasteful to go out & gather up the guts & pieces so you don't step in them.

They dig. Lots and lots and lots of pits in the yard. Not for the prim landscape-minded homeowner.

Some can be unbelievably loud, others rarely make a sound. A husky's howl can be heard up to 10 miles away.

They escape. They dig under, climb over, and some even learn to untwine metal fencing. You'd better plan on 6' minimum fencing height, and may need to sink fencing under ground or line the bottom with rocks & cement blocks.

They need to be leashed at all times. They've been bred to run for miles & miles & miles, and they will, if they get a chance. Running away from YOU is a game. Even my husky who was nearly blind with cataracts loved to play "catch me if you can!" Note* Sibes are prone to juvenile cataracts & retina detachment. Be sure to ask to see the CERF (eye) & OFA (hip) certifications if you purchase one.

They shed. Lots. Then lots more.

They're not good watch dogs. They're also not good as single dogs. Huskies need a pack. So unless you can be with them 24-7, plan on getting two. Now the real fun begins!!!

They can be very destructive when they get bored. I can always tell when mine needs more exercise by how destructive they get. Fortunately, mine have all been well behaved inside, but that's just mine. However I do know people whose Sibes eat furniture, bedding, car interiors, nick-nacs & jewelry. Mine ate the check I left for the dogsitter once.

They are a very intelligent breed with a playful, mischievious nature. They have to be smart to do their job well. Even if they are a city dog, they need things to do to challenge & engage them. Plus, a good dose of exercise, but you don't have to run marathons, I walk mine a couple miles a day and play fetch in the yard.

Please do your research, this is not a breed that is recommended for first time dog owners. I've had other breeds, and these guys are pretty unique. I love mine to pieces, but it is a breed that often gets dumped once they aren't cute little puppies anymore because many people just can't handle their special needs. That's why you'll find purebreds at shelters.

Good luck!

Indigo Bully Connection
01-31-2010, 04:34 PM
Even though I never have been a Husky owner myself, I've known quite a few. They sure are a handful! haha I've heard horror stories about eating through walls, and giant pits in the yard, prey drive and dog aggression... buuuut that's nothing new to me because of the kind of dogs that I've chosen to own now. My only other suggestion that i give anyone who is looking to get my kind of dog...is to go out to some shelters, breeders, shows... get hands on with these dogs network with live people who have owned them for years. This will not only let you know if you're ready for this breed of dog, but by talking with breeders (NOT BYBs), but people who actually compete with their animals... it will let you know where you want to get your dog from. Some where which consistently produces a single type dog who has a goal in mind with their program or a scatter bred dog with no known heritage. I would seriously take into consideration your little dogs and their safety because of their known prey drive. Prey drive is not something that you can just "love" or "train" out of a dog. It's instinct.

Does all that make sense? hahaha

02-10-2010, 09:30 PM
I completely agree with what everyone else said above..
My Tikeya I've had since she was 5 weeks old.
She is 12 now.
I have seen it all... all the bad behaviour that I've read about.. Tikeya has killed a couple small animals in her day. some include Birds mid flight, a kitten (heart attack), rabbit, among others....

She holds a grudge around dogs whome she has fought with.. Thats a major problem I had with her when she was young. She loved to fight female dogs.
And she was raised with a few other dogs, and socialised ALOT. Didnt matter, it was just her personality.
Tikeya unlike other sibes never had the urge to run away, she has separation anxiety when she is away from me, so she would never leave the yard or run away.. UNLESS she sees a cat that she would love to chase...

My sibe is VERY VERY VERY vocal, she screams when left alone, she screams when she wants inside the house, she roos when she wants out, she whines when shes bored/hungry/thirsty/ and for no reason AT ALL!!!! She is the most vocal dog anyone I know has met before. She may be an exception, but its unbelievable how noisy she can be...
I bathed her at the groomers once, and people thought we were killing her! she literally sounds like a terradactyl hahaha..
I have had the pound called on me a few times because we left her alone in the house while we went grocery shopping and Tikeya screamed THE WHOLE TIME!!!

Tikeya is a VERY picky eater, she would not take treats for training, i actually had to train her with belly rubs. She was and still is VERY stubborn when it came to training, and listening skills lol.

She pulled on a lead for many years as well, she is awesome on a leash now though.

I would reccomend you research ALOT before you allow your BF to get that sibe puppy of his dreams ;)
There is alot of positives and negatives to the breed. But if your up to a lifetime of adventure and never like to be bored, then a sibe may be good for you guys! :D

They do shed like crazy as well, i can easily get two bags full of hair in 30min of brushing.