View Full Version : Yo, BIRDS!

smokey the elder
01-26-2010, 02:01 PM
There is this major bird convention outside my window at work. There are a bunch of robins, bluebirds, sparrows, a slate colored junco and a woodpecker!

01-26-2010, 03:10 PM
A pity we can't see them. Do you feed them? What weather do you have right now?

smokey the elder
01-26-2010, 03:22 PM
It's in a January thaw. They are going to get a rude awakening by Friday, when it's supposed to be low 20's F. There are some trees that still have bits of berries on them, and I think the rain from yesterday unearthed some worms for the robins.

01-26-2010, 03:37 PM
So for the moment they are fine- actually we are having less than -15 C this night. The converter tells me this is 5 F.

01-26-2010, 03:47 PM
We've got birds galore - only bigger ones.

I was driving home from an appointment this a.m., and thought it odd that some of the fields around here looked like they were still covered with snow. Nope - just snow geese as far as the eye could see! One of them sure would smell good roasting in my oven. :)

smokey the elder
01-27-2010, 07:07 AM
We usually get crows and chickadees in the winter. There are a lot of woods on the campus, so there are also several pairs of hawks that I see in the spring and summer. I'd love it if we could attract an eagle pair!