View Full Version : Ultrasound today!

01-25-2010, 01:01 PM
I'm very excited, Visa is having her ultrasound today! She is about 5 weeks pregnant. It appears to be a normal sized litter this time, as she was bigger at four weeks than she was at full term last time (two pups). I had Tabu here for most of December, and I bred them six times (just to be sure! LOL).

This is the male we bred her to, Tabu:
http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs115.snc3/16267_102480113105273_100000298536849_64845_696131 9_n.jpg
http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs231.snc1/7830_100260626660555_100000298536849_4133_5377831_ n.jpg
young Tabu at Tradex:
http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs231.snc1/7830_100260623327222_100000298536849_4132_7470522_ n.jpg

I chose Tabu for his stable, sound temperament, pushy demanding attitude, and his drive. I also chose him for the linebreeding on Kazon's Dreamweaver Shadow, Visa's great granddam, who was a very sound schutzhund dog, and out of the great Am Ch Nobel V Seigestor CD,WH,TD,AD,B,SCH III, IPO I, HIC, SAR. So with the linebreeding, plus Visa's insane drive, I'm expecting some pretty intensely driven dogs, great for working.
I wish that an ultrasound could do more than just count! I would love to know the sexes too hehe. I'm pretty excited, these pups will have some very fun lives ahead of them.. All of the homes on my list are working and performance homes, and a couple of them want to show as well. I'm hoping that most of the pups will be very similar to Visa, but you never know what you're going to get.. all of the pups should be black, and I expect most of them to have white markings. Half of them will carry tervuren.

Just thought I would update! Everything else is going well. Tandem has started beginner's rally-o and Visa has started advanced rally-o. In April we'll be going to the Belgian Shepherd National Specialty, and I'll be entering Visa in rally (it'll be right after pups so I can't show her) and Tandem in both the all-breed show and the specialty show. I'm very excited, Tandem is maturing very well.. I don't expect him to do well in the specialty (European judge, and Tandem is very American), but I'll enter him just for fun anyways. Hoping he'll finish his Ch in the one weekend. Hopefully Visa can title that weekend too.

Anyways, I'll let you all know how the ultrasound goes! Maybe I'll have pictures to bring back.

01-25-2010, 01:04 PM
Wow, busy busy busy. Tabu is gorgeous. :) Sounds like your pups are going to have great homes too! I hope everything shows alright at the ultrasound. :) I wonder how many pups there will be!

01-26-2010, 01:03 PM
How did the ultrasound go?? Any pics?

01-26-2010, 03:19 PM
No pics unfortunatly!
We can expect another small litter! We only saw three pups but there are probably one or two hiding in there. :) Three little heartbeats on the ones we did see though. I said "well looks like my dog can do math. One, two, three." LOL if she does only have three I may have to mak it a "Three" theme, since I had the Singleton Litter and the Litter of Two.
Visa did very well for her ultrasound.. she is such a good dog.

01-26-2010, 04:35 PM
I'm so excited for you and for Visa! I can't wait to see the little munchkins when they get here :D. Tabu is beautiful and so is Visa of course :).

01-26-2010, 04:41 PM
lol.. 3 pups would be freaking hilarious.. lol.. I do hope you get a few "extras" ;)

canīt wait to see the fluffballs... better start thinking names.. just in case.. :p

01-26-2010, 04:43 PM
WOW! She really can count. Lol That's pretty funny. Uno, Dos, and Tres. Haha

Congrats, I'm sure you're super excited. :)

01-26-2010, 05:55 PM
Congrats on the puppies!! can't wait to see what she has in there!!

With any luck, the end of March I'll have some Collie puppies born!..

I have my rough blue girl Lyra - Avondale Spiritwind Aurora up in New Jersey being bred this week. Lyra needs all of ONE single point to finish her AKC champion... so she has 14 pts and both majors..

She is being bred to CH Limerick's Tartanside Patriot, a rough tri dog.