View Full Version : Hey everyone! Pleaz read thiz

10-13-2002, 06:53 PM
Hi ya'll. How iz evry1? I am fine. I am thinkin' about starting a buisness called dog's dream. It iz gonna be a hotel for dogs (a kennel) But it'z gonna be comfortable... you know... like it'z not gonna hav cagesand stuff. The dogz will be free to rome around.... Tell me what you think!!

10-13-2002, 07:04 PM
Great idea :) There are several Pet Talkers with that same dream. There's another thread where some good advice and ideas were thrown around. I could find it and post the link if you want.

Good luck in making your dream come true!!

10-14-2002, 05:35 AM
welcome sarahevans!!!! your idea sounds good...there are lots where i live....where are you in florida?????
there is a need for doggy daycare all over the state...