View Full Version : Some winter pics of the huskies

01-20-2010, 07:38 PM
Here's a few pics of the huskies enjoying snow. We haven't really had that much this year, but what we've had they've loved.

For Christmas my parents got us snowshoes, we took them up Squaw Peak, it was a lot of fun. The road is blocked off and snowed over about half way, we went up that for a while then turned off and found our own little route.
Wow look at how helpful they are...
Kisses from chicken dog

01-20-2010, 07:40 PM
I've only had a chance to use the dog sled once this year, a combination of lack of time plus lack of snow. It's all slush up where I use it right now, I have to wait for it to snow again. Here's a couple of pics from that:
And a random pic of Skya and Keva taken at a park up the canyon

01-20-2010, 07:44 PM
What pretty dogs, and I love that last picture best! But the "we're sled dogs" ones are good, as really are all the others!

01-20-2010, 07:46 PM
Great pics as always. :) It's great to see your gorgeous 3, Amy. :D

01-20-2010, 07:53 PM
Your puppies are SOOOO adorable. I so totally want to give them a kiss on their noses.:love:

01-20-2010, 08:24 PM
your pups are so beautiful! I love the pics

Cinder & Smoke
01-20-2010, 08:29 PM
Keva asks:

"Hey Bub ~ Where's that lil Blonde Mutt?
She alluz turns up *missin* when WE gotta haul Mom around!"


"It's a wonder she's not sittin onna Sled!"

01-20-2010, 09:02 PM
wut beautiful huskies you have.....they are so beautiful...

01-20-2010, 09:42 PM
You taunt me again with your gorgeous part of the world, I may indeed get to visit if my daughter gets accepted in Colorado.

Your dogs are as beautiful as your state.

01-21-2010, 12:19 AM
Amy you live in such a beautiful state!
The huskies look great as always! I love your sled! I've always wanted to go dog sledding, whenever I get a chance to go to Alaska!

01-21-2010, 12:28 AM
Great pics.

I want to get a scooter to have my mutts pull me along.

01-21-2010, 06:51 AM
How awesome! I can't think of three dog who could be luckier than yours:D

Queen of Poop
01-21-2010, 07:36 AM
Your pictures are absolutely beautiful, both the scenery and the puppers! Thank you for sharing.

01-21-2010, 03:51 PM
Thanks everyone!

Keva asks:

"Hey Bub ~ Where's that lil Blonde Mutt?
She alluz turns up *missin* when WE gotta haul Mom around!"


"It's a wonder she's not sittin onna Sled!"

Well I'd like to hook her up considering she pulls way harder than the other two combined :rolleyes: yes all 28 lbs of her. But she's so afraid of strangers that I'm afraid she'd run me right off into the canal if people passed us.

01-21-2010, 04:20 PM
Great photos of your beautiful dogs and amazing scenery.:)
I love the last photo of Skya and Keva.
Give all 3 of your sweet huskies some hugs and kisses from me.:love:

01-21-2010, 04:27 PM
your from alaska.....really what part i live in fairbanks......

Cinder & Smoke
01-21-2010, 04:39 PM
... considering she pulls way harder than the other two combined :rolleyes: ...

But she's so afraid of strangers
that I'm afraid she'd run me right off into the canal if people passed us.

That's a shame that she's so fearful. :(

Any idea what causes her fear?
Is it getting any better with time?

Hope in time you can run a THREE-Dawg Hitch! ;)

01-21-2010, 06:02 PM
She's nuts...she still runs from my dad half the time and she's lived with him since she was a pup. She likes him and will go up to him but she spooks easily. She was a chicken from day one, as an 8 week old pup she'd shy away and put her paw out to push people away (when being held). She's never been one of those friendly, happy-go-lucky pups. The day I got her (it was at my work) I put her in the kennel with Nebo and she didn't move, she just froze and acted scared. When I drove home she crawled behind my back and didn't move for the entire drive, what normal puppy acts like that? I attribute a lot of it to her being moved out of state 3 times before she was 6 weeks old. I think it made her kind of unstable. I took her to puppy classes and it actually seemed to make her worse. The more I tried to socialize her the more she freaked out. Since I've stopped trying to introduce her to new people, etc. she's honestly gotten better. I tell strangers not to pet her, now that she doesn't think every stranger is going to stick their hands in her face she's actually not as scared of them. She loves me and she loves her dog friends (she thinks she's tough with strange dogs, I swear she has little dog syndrome but she's good with dogs she knows, Keva and her are attached at the hip). She's pretty good with people she's used to, like with Corby she'll come up to him and lick his hands, sometimes even hang out by him and let him pet her, she loves to have her neck scratched. But if he moves too fast around her she bolts. She is terrified of children, I tried having my brothers/sisters kids nicely pet her and try to get her used to them but it didn't help. If we have company at our house she won't come inside, even if she hasn't seen the person she knows they are here and she won't come in. Yeah, basically she's a pretty mental dog, but I love her. She loves to go for walks, car rides, loves going to my work, she does enjoy life though I know it doesn't sound like it from what I just wrote. She's very happy to hang out with people and dogs she knows and she does like to leave the house too, she would just prefer people "look but not touch." She's super random too, like when I've had her in a tent or trailer with friends she's normally leary/spooky with she's all over them-in their face kissing them, wanting to sleep by them. :confused: She is by far the strangest dog I've ever known. Nebo and Keva aren't like that at all, both are great with strangers, Keva will sit there for attention from anyone all day long.

Cinder & Smoke
01-21-2010, 07:15 PM
She's nuts...she still runs from my dad half the time and
she's lived with him since she was a pup.
She likes him and will go up to him but she spooks easily.

Just like SmokeMutt was when he washed up on the front porch! :(

Absolutely TERRIFIED of ME - took a week before I could reach out to
just *touch* him without him dashhing away first, then *slinking* back.
And being near another GUY was out of the question for months!
He made three exceptions to the NO GUYS rule - me, Unka Pat, and Doc Mike.

It made me sick that an otherwise gentle and loving Pup could be so
fearful of a BiPed ... thank Heaven he began to grow out of his fears.

"GIRLS" were always OK; but Nurses in pants and short hair were always
needy of a Second Look and a cautious approach. SmokeMutt had a hard
time adjusting to the Staff at Mom's Health Center ... all pants and
mostly short hair :eek: ... But he did adjust in time.

I KNOW what you're going through, Amy ... best wishes for a good resolution. ;)

01-21-2010, 07:58 PM
Beautiful place! Beautiful huskies! Beautiful pictures --- this one makes my heart absolutely skip a beat, though... I'm with Vermontcat - please give everyone some hugs and kisses from me, too!

01-22-2010, 04:35 PM
As always...beautiful pups to match the beautiful background....By the way, my Boomer is a bit of a chicken dog, too.