View Full Version : Took Giz to ER vet last night...*Pic added

Laura's Babies
01-20-2010, 09:54 AM
Last night she scared the crap out of me. I noticed she was going around the house howling and she did that for about a hour before my alarm bells went off. She does howl from time to time but never non stop like last night. In watching her, she was running around frantic, would squat where ever she was and strain.. I would check where she strained and nothing was there so I panicked.. Was she blocked? She would run from me when I would try to pick her up so I could check her bladder, would not let me touch her. She was freaking out and so was I. I called her vet and my call was rerouted to the ER vet in Baton Rouge. During the time I sneaked into the room where the kennel was kept and got it ready for her and actually got her... (had to do the "ignore her" game to actually catch her), she had dumped a rather long poop (for her) on the kitchen floor. I snatched that up in a zip lock bag to take with us thinking it may be important. Her going OUT of the box has NEVER happened before so that alarmed me also.

She howled all the way over there. In the exam room waiting for the vet, she was investigating it and acting pretty normal. He came in and I explained what was going on and he checked her bladder which he said was hard to find because it was just about empty. He checked her colon and said she was sensitive there and it was probably all about her trying to pass that long BM. He gave her a anti-inflammatory shot, told me to watch her and follow up with her regular vet if she continued to act like that.

Once back home, it took her awhile to settle down but she finally did and has been her usual self ever since.

This was my first real scare with any of my "girls" and I hope never to have that happen again! She is her usual self today, thank God!

(I had to get Rie to come take us over there since I knew I was to panicked to drive. :rolleyes:)

01-20-2010, 09:59 AM
Thtas would be so frightening to have Gizmo in such pain, and not knowing whats wrong:(:(
And of course her yowling makes things worse:eek:
We are so relieved that shes all right now, and we pray that there are no more howling nights.:love::love::love::love:

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-20-2010, 10:05 AM
That must have been terrible, Laura!! I hope Giz is feeling all better again now; but just to be sure, I would take her to your regular vet too today :):love:

01-20-2010, 10:16 AM
Aw, poor Giz! I hope she will heal quickly and be all better. HUGS to that little girl!:love::love::love:

01-20-2010, 10:22 AM
Prays for Giz.


01-20-2010, 11:33 AM
:( Oh my Poor Giz.. Says you just had a impacted turd.. Thats what we called them when I worked in a Nursing Home.. Its great that you was able to pass on your own.. So Glad your doing much better Giz.. So sorry you scared mom.. Prayers & Huggss..

01-20-2010, 11:49 AM
I know how scary this can be because this just happened to Storm last Monday on his b-day. I posted about it in his b-day thread. I was also about ready to get the carrier out and take him to my vet which is also an ER vet hospital. He's the kind of cat that wants me to see what's going on so he was screaming in pain and straining and he also eventually passed some very firm large stools.:( After this he was just fine.

I then gave him some hairball medicine and I e-mailed my vet about this. She just said to give him the hairball medicine 2 times a week. I asked about adding Metamucil to his diet but she didn't want to do this just yet. I also have to make sure that he gets plenty of water so when I feed him canned food I need to put a fair amount of water mixed in with it. So far he's been fine. I hope that Giz will also be fine and that this won't happen again. If she continues to have problems she may need to be put on Lactulose or something similar. I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

01-20-2010, 12:11 PM
I rather knew that howling from Tigris when he was about to pass a hairball but it makes sense to me that it may have been a difficult to motion tootsie roll.
What a shock for you and poor Gizmo. Good that it had a happy end.

01-20-2010, 12:20 PM
I am so happy Giz is feeling much better. That would have scared me to death, also. I always get alarmed when they howl. Give my love to your pretty little girls!:love:

Laura's Babies
01-20-2010, 01:04 PM
I was SO freaking out and so was she.. :rolleyes: I feel silly now but at the time I didn't want to take the chance it was life threatening... it could have been anything!!

At the ER after we arrived, she still would not let me hold her or comfort her, she only let Rie hold her. Today, she still don't want me touching her and ignores all my pleas to get in my lap.. She is sleeping more than she usually does today but appears to be back to normal except for refusing to get into my lap or letting me touch her.. Maybe she is just mad, thinking I made her hurt last night?.. maybe embarrassed that she carried on and pooped on the kitchen floor? Who knows! I am just glad she is alright..

A couple of pic's I got of her today where she has been all day. My beautiful girl...


At the ER vets, when they opened the kennel and saw her they commented on how beautiful she was.. I said "Yea, SHE KNOWS!"

01-20-2010, 01:17 PM
Awwwww! How beautiful she is in her "after" photos.. pure royalty! I'm so glad she got that out of her system and seems to be feeling fine now. It would probably be a good idea to follow up with your regular vet; at least phone to let them know what happened and see if they want to check her out further.

How frightening that must have been for you! Gosh, please do not feel silly today. You didn't get any more panicked than I would have if one of my babies suddenly started behaving like that. What if Giz HADN'T been able to pass that stool on her own? Good thing you took her to the ER vet.

Well done, Giz and Laura!

01-20-2010, 01:24 PM
Oh Giz is beautiful!
I'm glad the ER trip didn't turn out to be a true emergency and hope she continues to be just fine!

01-20-2010, 01:36 PM
Oh Giz you are stunning, and what a fright you gave yourself and Mama, glad to hear all is well, take care.

01-20-2010, 01:37 PM
Aaaww- Giz is so ab-so-lute-ly cute :)

01-20-2010, 02:39 PM
They look the prettiest when the vet says they are fine, don't they?:love:

01-20-2010, 03:17 PM
Hello Giz, you are looking ighty fine now, the day after!

Laura, what a scare! I was getting worried just reading. I am so glad it turned out alright.

Can you think of anything different in her diet to account for this? Darn, I hate it when something "mysterious" happens to one of our pets!

01-20-2010, 03:43 PM
Love that face, Laura. Giz looks so queenly. As I mentioned on FB, Cat Lax really helped my Pidge when she became blocked. Giz is young so it'll probably help her even more. When cats get old, just like humans, things start slowing down and it becomes more difficult for them to pass a hairball. Glad she's doing ok now. It can get scary, especially when they're howling b/c we don't know what's wrong and they can't tell us!

Laura's Babies
01-20-2010, 04:00 PM
There have been no changes in her diet or anything... That is what puzzels me. Just a fluke maybe..?

The ER clinic told me they were going to fax a copy of the paperwork to my vet and also gave me a copy to take them. If she is still laying around tomorrow, I will call and take her in.. she could just be exausted from the fright and pain of last night and I don't want to stress her so soon after her ordeal last night. I noticed the few times she did get up and head down the hall to her box, she laid down (meatloaf style) on her way down and back and there was NO poop in her box today. I am watching that close. I will be getting her something to soften her stool in the next few days... any suggestions?

01-20-2010, 04:08 PM
:love: Awee Giz your just so Stunning with Beauty Sweetie.. Tell meowmom to give you a bit of pumpkin mush & or maybe some wet food with some KMR mixed in.. My babies love the wet food Fancy Feast Melodys with greens.. That works great with my babies.. I think you was prob passing a hairball in with your stool in which made a impacted turd.. Well we are so glad you are doing much better.. You & meowmom just get some rest now..

01-20-2010, 05:14 PM
I'm glad to hear Giz is ok. She is so pretty! Beautiful markings she has! I'm glad all is ok for now, keep us posted.
Lvpets2002 is so funny, an impacted turd. :):D Bless her heart for being in pain trying to go.

01-20-2010, 05:27 PM
Beautiful Giz ... you are so lovely, I'm glad you are feeling better. I'm with lvpets2002 on the pumpkin or Fancy Feast for your tummy. Please, please let meowmie hold you and please occupy her lap. She loves you and all your PT fans do too!

Laura's Babies
01-20-2010, 06:03 PM
PROGRESS! She came got in my lap begging for attention!! I am ONE HAPPY MEOWMIE NOW!!

I mashed and mashed on her tummy and "innerds" and it didn't seem to hurt her..NO reaction!

01-20-2010, 06:08 PM
Awww! Giz is back to lap kitty! :D

Laura, maybe the whole episode just cleaned her out really well, and she may not have enough food in her to move through yet.

We cat people - waiting anxiously for a poop so we can celebrate! ;)

01-20-2010, 07:28 PM
Pumpkin has lots of fiber and will add water to the stools sometimes making them easier to pass, but they also add more bulk. If your kitty is having problems passing stool, check with your vet before trying it or it might make things worse.

My kitty Jack was diagnosed with Megacolon 2 years ago by his regular vet. That is a disease that prevents the stool from moving through the intestine like it should, often causing blockages that have to be taken care of by enema, manual extraction, or medications, and as last resort, surgery.

Jack was refered to a specialist and was put on 2 different medications (Lactulose and Cisapride). He hasn't had to have an enema since!! Although at times he does have the very long stools, mostly when he's been inactive.

The specialist told me that hairball medicine does not solve the problem when it comes to a diagnosed Megacolon cat. And that they sometimes don't know why cats get this.

Hopefully your kitty isn't a Megacolon and just had a bout of hard stools. I hope your kitty gets better soon and has no more problems with this ever again.

01-20-2010, 09:34 PM
I had a Lhasa Apso that was a beautiful dog.

Poor thing had some hair that had matted on her rear.

I didn't know why she was crying and trying the scoot across the -loor.

Seems like she had dried -eces on her hair - it had to be clipped and from then on? I have had a -ixation on keeping my pets rectums nice and trimmed.

Feel better, Giz.

01-20-2010, 10:17 PM
Oh poor, beautiful Giz. I hope you're feeling a whole lot better now and your tummy doesn't bother you anymore. I'm so happy to hear that you went to Meowmie for lovies. She was very worried about you but she feels much better now that you both have had a snugglefest.

Groucho asked me to tell you to get better soon. There's a Catmobile trip being planned for the Winter Olympics and he wants you and your fursibs to join in on the fun.

Sending you lots of feel better scritchies and lovies :love:

Laura's Babies
01-21-2010, 08:58 AM
No poop in her box this morning but maybe it is to early.

01-21-2010, 03:58 PM
Aww, poor girl! You know that had to hurt, trying to get it OUT!:(:eek:

Maybe the thought of going to the V-E-T literally scared it out of her!:D

Yes, she is gorgeous! :love::love: And, good news about wanting Meowmie's attention again!

Laura's Babies
01-21-2010, 05:44 PM
Still no poop.. I am hoping maybe she is a night time pooper?

However, she is 100% back to normal, even came running when she saw me pick up the brush to use on Boo and gave me the most pitiful "Meeew!", as in saying "Me! Me! Me! Mom!". She has moved around a lot more today and has been in my lap a lot wanting attention, brushing or just to rest, she even played with the laser light today.

01-21-2010, 05:46 PM
Still no poop.. I am hoping maybe she is a night time pooper?

However, she is 100% back to normal, even came running when she saw me pick up the brush to use on Boo and gave me the most pitiful "Meeew!", as in saying "Me! Me! Me! Mom!". She has moved around a lot more today and has been in my lap a lot wanting attention, brushing or just to rest, she even played with the laser light today.

Open the windows, I bet that when it comes you may have to.:eek::o:confused:

01-21-2010, 08:14 PM
Richard, you are a mess!!!
How's poop patrol? Anything yet? :)
Hopefully Giz is still feeling good and her next bm will be right around the corner :D

01-21-2010, 11:05 PM
A typical night on PT. We have a thread going about cat poop (or the lack thereof). Too funny, now that Giz is all better!:D

Laura's Babies
01-22-2010, 09:30 AM
Open the windows, I bet that when it comes you may have to

Believe it or not, I had the windows open yesterday and will open them today, it was up in the 70's here yesterday and will be warm again today..

Doing "Poop Patrol" this morning, still no poop in her box. In checking all the boxes, there isn't but one "deposit" in all the boxes from 4 cats in 24 hours.. I will keep checking throughout the day.

01-22-2010, 09:57 AM
:p I know we need to combined this Thread with Donna's one of kitties with you while on the toilet.. Laura go sit on the toilet & see if Giz comes to see see & maybe that will encourage her..:D:D

01-22-2010, 03:11 PM
That's carrying "togetherness" a bit far, isn't it?:D:D:confused:

I need my privacy!!! (and my boys don't do crosswords while concentrating):rolleyes::D

Laura's Babies
01-22-2010, 06:16 PM
Laura go sit on the toilet & see if Giz comes to see see & maybe that will encourage her

You would be surprised how often that happens! However today I went in and heard her in her box, she did her "business" and left.. I checked.. nothing!:rolleyes: Ok, 4 cats and only 2 have had BM's today so far? Do they know I am watching and holding it or what? :confused: