View Full Version : The Catmobile has plans this February! Olympic plans ...

01-19-2010, 07:45 PM
The Catmobile has some plans in February...


Cassie (already!) wants to know if the Catmobile can pick her up on its way out west. I am to send her with Chicago-style pizza; and she has no intention of leaving Vancouver without eating some delicious seafood! So, Groucho and Pinot - I know this is a little :rolleyes: early - but - she's ready any time!

01-19-2010, 11:20 PM
Hi Cassie!
It's funny that you posted this today, I was thinking about our trip too. Of course you're on our travel list! What would a Catmobile trip be without you? From what I heard on our local news tonight we still have plenty of time until the winter games begin.
Actually I have an idea for a side trip and would like to know what you think. If it won't take us too far off course, it might be fun to stop and see Mount Rushmore. But I'll have to consult our friend Pinot about that.
This is going to be so much fun and I can't wait to see all of our kitty pals again.

Your friend,

01-20-2010, 04:04 PM
Michael is getting His Fellow Found Cats heady for the trip to their Olympics in Bristish Columbia:love::love::love:
They are getting together Snack Packs, Trail Mix and Dry and Canned Food so everyone will have something to eat on the way!!!

01-20-2010, 04:17 PM
:love: I will tell the babies to start getting ready & packed..

Pinot's Mom
01-20-2010, 05:46 PM
Hello Groucho and fellow kitties! I'll be putting together a plan soon, but Meowmie and Pawpie just got home from somewhere called "Utah" and I have some serious pouting to do so they know I'm upset! I'll have to concentrate on navigating in a little while...stay tuned!!

01-20-2010, 07:23 PM
Hi Pinot! What's a Utah? There's no rush on starting to map our trip out. There's still time for that but it's good that Cassie brought the trek up. Now we can all decide what to pack and everyone who wants to come can make their arrangements then let us know.

Come on, fellow kitties, check in and let us know if you're coming! As always everyone is welcome.

Your friend,

01-25-2010, 06:58 PM
Hi fellow kitties!
Well, the Winter Olympic games start in just a few more weeks so it's time to get our trip together. I talked to the local Jaguar dealer over the weekend. She said the service department is waiting for the new tires to come in and the Catmobile is due for an oil change so we need to give them a date of departure.

Pinot, I know how busy you are. Could you start doing the maps and mapping out our route to Vancouver? I'll call you on your cell phone and help as best I can.

Okay fellow kitties, check in and let us know if you're coming. As always, everyone is invited. My lovely Inka is coming. Sophie, Aroara, Fister, the Killearn girls, Catada kitties, Sparkler and fursibs, Chester, Grandma, Winnie...come on and join the fun! Check in as soon as you can so Pinot and I can make the necessary arrangements.

Watch this post for updates.

Your friend,

01-25-2010, 07:18 PM
Oh, all you furkitties can stay at my place now. It's only about 20 min from Vancouver and about 2 hours to Whistler. I've got two comfy couches, a huge, soft queen size bed (purrfect for "pairs" of kitties that want some privacy) and a huge cat tree and a warm fireplace. There is a wonderful view of the river and you can watch the boats go by. If I know who will stay, I can get some special food in - tuna, chicken, fish - and lots of yummy treats. I would so love to have some furcompany. :)

01-25-2010, 08:22 PM
Mac and Ming would love to go! Mommie used to live in Vancouver and they want to see the "beautiful city" she always talks about. If you wouldn't mind two more, they could bring some Temptations and Nip.:D

01-25-2010, 09:15 PM
Vancouver! Say no more. We're all going. Is there room in the Catmobile? There are three of us; Missy, Striker, and Sassy, and we'll bring lots of nip and kitty toys.

01-25-2010, 09:57 PM
We are all SO ready and rarin' to go!

Sparkler, Bob, Elmer, Poppy, and Sydney

01-26-2010, 09:51 AM
I'm definitely in!!!!
Just let me know when should I arrive to Vancouver to ask my travel agent for my airplane ticket.
See you soon fellas!!!

Pretty as usual,

01-26-2010, 08:17 PM
Cassie hopes that the Catmobile can pick her up on its way out west. She can also take Amtrak to Michigan and meet up with Phesina's kitties there. I am to send her with Chicago-style pizza for the trip; and she has no intention of leaving Vancouver without eating as much delicious seafood as one cat can!

Pinot's Mom
01-26-2010, 09:19 PM
Come on KITTIES! This is the OLYMPICS!! We need to get tickets, make reservations, plans...where are you?? MooShoo, Sparkler, Poppy, Sydney, Elmer, Bob, Lexie, Nikkie, The Killearn Ladies, Sophie, Fister...where are y'all???:confused:

For those unaware, this is the combination point of the two threads! I was unaware there were two!

Purrs, Pinot

01-27-2010, 09:43 AM
And we will try to convince the Earl Of Ebony, Tuxie and Pouncer Roccalno to come too. Noone should miss this party!!:love::love::love:

01-27-2010, 10:26 AM
Sorry. since daddy has so many airplanes the CREW has desided to fly up from Jersey, see you all there.

01-27-2010, 01:58 PM
We're so THERE and so READY!!!!
~ Sparkler, Bob, Poppy, Elmer, and Sydney

Since we - Elmer and Bob - have already demonstrated our hockey skills at Fenway Park, we will be contending for Hockey Gold!

01-27-2010, 05:23 PM
We cerainly hope that the Cat Mobile Tour stops at Benjamin James {Bjs}
Barbecue Buffet to be opened on February First in Stoney Creek , Ontario near the Star Lite Drive In.:cool:
Actually the Awesome Angels prefer Fly In on Wings of Silver and Gold.:love:
Its for the Carnivores , but there will be plenty for the Herbivore too, theres a lot of farms near there:cool:
And for those with a sweet tooth.:)

01-27-2010, 06:08 PM
Hi PT friends and kitties,
There seems to be dual posts for this trip. Groucho started a post captioned "A few more weeks till the Olympics" or something like that. Several kitties have checked in there to let Pinot and Groucho know they're coming.

To avoid any confusion and make absolutely sure nobody is left behing, I'm going to pm Karen to see if both posts can be combined. If it can be done our travellers will get updates at one place.

Sorry for the mix-up!

01-27-2010, 09:55 PM
Cassie Cat and I apologize for having started the first thread on this subject much too soon. thank you, Mayor Karen for setting it right!

01-31-2010, 02:17 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
Well, the Olympics start in less than 2 weeks so we have to start firming up our plans and I need to let the local Jaguar dealer know when we'll need the Catmobile. Maybe we can work in some time to do some sight seeing too.

Pinot, when do you think we should plan to leave? Will there be time for sight seeing along the way? I'm thinking Mt. Rushmore would be fun, maybe the other kitties have places they'd like to see.

Elmer and Bob, you both are excellent hockey players and you're sure to win the gold. I hear our cheerleader squad is already working on something for both of you.

We'll also get a chance to cheer for Mack, Striker, Poppy, and Sydney during the skiing events.

There's still time and still plenty of room in the Catmobile for anyone who wants to go and hasn't checked in yet. Let's hear from you!

Your friend,

01-31-2010, 03:58 PM
My boys were wondering if they could meet up with the Catmobile somewhere around Seattle. They absolutely adore taking the Amtrak up the coast to Seattle. There's an absolutely gorgeous view all the way up the coast! Plus, the good people on the trains treat the kitties right! Let us know the date so we can buy our tickets in advance.:)

01-31-2010, 06:31 PM
I already knew that Bob and Elmer are going to take hockey gold, but... Poppy and Sydney, skiers?!!!

They never fail to amaze me.

I'm not sure if I really WANT to know what Sparkler will be up to! :confused::eek::rolleyes:

Pinot's Mom
02-01-2010, 11:51 AM
Groucho, and fellow kitties,

The Olympics run from 2/12 through 2/28. We have a request to stop at Mt. Rushmore, which will be accomodated, but no other requests have come in. If we're to make the Opening Cermonies, we really should be on the way by Tuesday, February 9th. That will give a whole day at Mt. Rushmore. Please let me know if there is anything else I need to discuss with the driver!

Hockey (the medal rounds) is late in the proceedings; 2/25 and 2/28. Alpine skiing events are almost every day throughout. I, myself, would like to see the Figure Skating on the 15th, 18th, 22nd, and 25th. As soon as I get the final word from everyone, I'll let you know the accomodations and ticket availabilities. See you soon!


02-01-2010, 06:28 PM
Hi Pinot and fellow kitties,
I called the Jaguar dealer this afternoon, the Catmobile will be ready to go on February 8 or 9 in case we want to get an earlier start. Meowmie has ordered the fried chicken, crab legs, and for a tasy change - scallops. Yummy!

Cassie, we'll pick you up in Chicago so be sure those pizzas are hot. Sophie, a judge at Cat Court will be down your way on vacation and said he'll bring you to Philadelphia Airport in his private jet and the Catmobile will meet you there. Our Texas crew will also be coming in on the jet, the judge will pick you up too.

There's still time to check in and there's plenty of room in the Catmobile. Kitties, if there are any spots you'd like to visit for sightseeing we need to know ASAP. Pinot is working very hard on the route and she wants to make sure all requests are included.

We still have a week before we head to Vancouver. Chime in, fellow kitties, with your sightseeing requests. Pinot will see to it that nobody is disappointed.

Hey Fister, we have you down for this trip. Please let us hear from you!

Your friend,

02-03-2010, 04:23 PM
The Found Cats are sneaking out an HSR Accordian Bus so they can stop by Poco Loco, Goodness Me, the Affinity and the Porch Angels Strip Mall so there will be plenty of food for everyone!!:cool::cool::cool:
This is going to be a Great Vacation in the Canadian Pacific Coast Area!!

02-04-2010, 03:07 PM
Just imagine this 50 foot long bus covered with photos of Our Animal Angels and instead of a gasoline engine is powered by solar power and the wind.
I know that every time I catch this bus that Our Angels are there too.

02-06-2010, 07:43 PM
Hi fellow kitties,
Well, we're set to leave for the Olympics on Tuesday. There might have to be a change in our schedule. Trenton right now has 20" of snow and is at a virtual standstill. According to the weather report on the news, more snow is expected Tuesday into Wednesday. Some areas south of us got as much as 30"!

Pinot, the very careful Catmobile driver called me this afternoon and wants to have a conference call with both of us ASAP. His cousin works for the National Weather Service and gave him some weather maps from their computer. He and his cousin are going over everything right now to see how we can get past these storms safely with no delays.

Fellow kitties, please check this post for the latest updates. If you have lots of snow too, please let us know so proper plans can be made. Anyone flying into the Philadelphia, Newark, or Atlantic City airports call the airline. Incoming flights are being delayed and the Atlantic City airport is completely shut down. Be sure to call Pinot or me if you have travel problems so something can be arranged.

Your friend,

Pinot's Mom
02-06-2010, 08:21 PM
Oh, it's been such an ordeal today! Mom & Dad have been outside all day; they say they've been clearing snow. Snow? I don't like that stuff. They have not been servicing me as they should!!

Anyway, we'll have to get out early Tuesday as more snow is predicted. I'll update when more info is available. See you soon!


Pinot's Mom
02-08-2010, 05:30 PM
Kitties - tomorrow's the day!! We're getting out just ahead of another storm here! Hope you're all packed and ready for Mt. Rushmore and the Olympics. Charge your cell phones!!

Purrs, Pinot

02-08-2010, 07:32 PM
Okay, fellow kitties,
The eco-friendly hybrid Catmobile is loaded up and ready to go. There's another snow storm due to hit sometime tomorrow so we must get an early start. Inka and I will be meeting a few of our travel buddies at the Trenton Train Station then we are on our way.

Get a good night's sleep and be sure your cell phones are on. We'll call you from the Catmobile when we get to your neighborhood so nobody has to wait outside in the cold.

Let the good times roll.........

Your friend,

02-15-2010, 11:15 PM
Hi fellow PT Purrents,
Groucho and Inka called earlier. The kitties made it to Vancouver on Thursday morning safe and sound. After breakfast they walked through the Olympic Village to locate the food stands and see the sights. While there, Inka not only saw her favorite skater, VanderPerre gave her a few scritchies. She is on a cloud.

They had great seats for the opening ceremony and the group agrees that it was awesome. Friday morning the group got a tour and met some of the athletes. They even let the kitties try doing some of the sports. Cassie, Sparkler, and Ming tried mogul skiing; Groucho and Bob tried the luge; and Mack will be joining the Catada kitties for some speed skating. We'll see what the other kitties want to try.

02-16-2010, 02:29 AM
All I've gotten so far is a post card! The "Wish You Were Here" type. Cats.....:rolleyes:

Pinot's Mom
02-16-2010, 07:34 AM
OH! I've been remiss in my duties, I'm so sorry. Pinot has been in touch and I didn't report!:eek: They breezed through Mt. Rushmore before heading up to Canada; Cassie was absolutely in awe, as were all the kitties. They were a little rushed due to the weather situation, but were able to see everything and then hunker down in the Catmobile for the trip to Vancouver.

At the Olympics, they're having a bit of a snow issue, so they're trucking snow down from higher elevations. Sparkler made friends with one of the drivers and went for quite a ride!! :) The kitties were all backstage for the exciting finish of the pairs skating routines last night; they were pleased with the results, and the girls are all excited about the skating (as well as the costumes). A good time is being had by all!! I promise I'll report when Pinot calls again!

02-16-2010, 06:57 PM
I had a text from Cassie this morning. She couldn't get close enough to Alec Bilodeau (gold medal mogul skier) to get his picture for me, but she did catch a glimpse of him. She wants to see the Canadian hockey team play and see our 3 Blackhawks players Keith, Seabrook, and Toews play. She is also going to meow for Crosby and Fleury from the Pittsburgh Penguins for David P.

02-17-2010, 03:22 PM
Have they gotten together with any horsie friends there? Perhaps some with Mounties?

02-22-2010, 08:00 AM
Hi Purrents,
We have been very busy here in Vancouver seeing the sights, going to the games, and hitting the party circuit. Cassie was beside herself with Team USA winning last night's hockey game. Ming was very excited to meet Bode Miller and get a close look at his medals. In fact, he promised to take her for a ski ride this afternoon. Sparkler and Pinot have been shopping in the Olympic Village and found some great deals on mementos of our trip. We have seen our horsie friends but they're quite busy with crowd control. But there are plans for a party before we head home.
Apolo Ohno stopped by the Catmobile to say hi and make sure we have enough food and snacks. Some of the hockey players heard Cassie cheering them on and had to meet their big fan. Later on we'll be meeting up with them for lunch and our PT hockey champs can't wait to discuss strategy with them.
Well, it was a late night and I'm going to grab a nap before we start our activities for today. Just about all of my fellow kitties are sound asleep right now. Everyone is fine but tired and on their best behavior. We'll check in again soon. We hope you enjoy watching the rest of the games.
We love you :love: :love: :love: :love: :love:

Your friend,

02-22-2010, 09:58 AM
I did get this text from Cassie yesterday ...

Hi Meowm
I haz a ticket for teh US-Catada hockey game
And u dozn't hahaha

02-22-2010, 11:07 PM
Got a text from Mac: USA! USA!
I guess he was at the hockey game.:rolleyes:

02-24-2010, 08:11 AM
Groucho called very early this morning. All is well with our kitties. Our PT hockey greats; Elmer, Bob, the Catada Kitties, and Mac have been invited to spend the afternoon at the hockey rink. They'll be practicing with their favorite teams, the Catada Kitties with the Canadians and the others with Team USA. Our girl kitties will be with the Women's hockey Teams from Canada and the US. Sparkler can't wait to show off her new facemask to the team. Ming decided to try ski jumping and Sophie can't wait to learn curling.
Their horsie friends are pretty busy but they are making sure their kitty pals get around with no problems, especially to the best food stands.
I did ask Groucho to bring a Mountie home for me.

02-24-2010, 08:42 AM
Had another text from Cassie ...

Hi Meowm
We iz all gud
Will try to bringz u milk in a bagz
So u kin gibz it to ME!

p.s. teh mountainz iz loveleez

02-28-2010, 09:43 PM
I just got an e-mailfrom Groucho and Inka. The kitty crew had great seats for the USA-Canada hockey game and they enjoyed every exciting moment of play. They got even more excited when Sassy caught a puck! After the game Sparkler went to see her friends from the snow trucks. The crew is going for dinner with their horsie friends after closing ceremonies and from there to several parties they've been invited to.

All of our babies have had a wonderful time in Vancouver but are looking forward to coming home. They plan to start back sometime tomorrow morning. There's talk of another winter storm on the way so hopefully they will all be home before it hits.

02-28-2010, 10:42 PM
Well, I hope they bring home souveniers! I can't wait to hear all of their stories.:)

Pinot's Mom
03-01-2010, 09:35 AM
The Catmobile got started early this morning from Vancouver. They had such a time at the closing ceremonies! They enjoyed seeing all the celebrity guests from Canada, William Shatner was a big hit. He was very funny and paid special attention to the Catada crew. I had thought they'd swing through here at Banff on the way back to the states, but Pinot sent a very cryptic message, "can't stop, no time, 'splain later, purrs, Pinot" :confused:

Anyone got any idea about that one??

03-01-2010, 12:12 PM
Well, I hope they bring home souveniers!

I asked Groucho to bring me home a mountie. We'll see what happens with that.

03-05-2010, 03:24 PM
Has anyone heard from our travellers? I couldn't reach Groucho on his cell phone, could they be extending their trip to where cell phones can't get a signal? Pinot's Mom, your last message from Pinot was rather cryptic. Could Pinot have been giving us a clue of some sort?

Pinot's Mom
03-05-2010, 07:57 PM
I'll find out tomorrow when we get home - she'll have aa story, I'm sure! :)