View Full Version : Go to work today?

01-17-2010, 10:29 AM
Hee hee... I have off this weekend -- the first in a loooong time. I'm not quite sure how to act! :p

I went in yesterday for a few hours, but left at 12:00 when I realized I was grumpy and wasn't effective (I needed a day off!) I went home and took a lovely 2 hour nap and woke up a happy camper. Until my coworker called to ask us to dinner and told me yesterday was a HUGE money making day at work. :(

So now.... I'm wondering do I stay home today and enjoy a day off? I'm EXHAUSTED from the house rennovation/repairs and Cameron (no Cameron this weeekend either!!!) I'm cranky at work because we have a new person who frustrates the heck out of me, but I'm the only person with ANY patience for her.

I'm loving the idea of staying home, but I KNOW I'll be majorly annoyed to hear today was another money-making day at work. Hubby says to stay home... I know me.... I'll be royally annoyed if I miss out on a nice commmission day.

So what would you do? Stay home with the hubby and kitties? Curl up in sweats and zone out? Or go in and make some money?

01-17-2010, 10:36 AM
sooo..1-have you ever heard of anyone, on their deathbed wishing they had spent more time at a J-O-B? 2-get your hubby into sweats and mutually zone together, especially since he's made it clear he wants time with YOU 3-if you need the cash to keep the house bills covered, hustle another day 4- don't ever go to dinner with one of your co-workers on a day off, nothing good ever comes of that (wink). my opinion and i'm sticking with it...:)

01-17-2010, 11:20 AM
Well, we always need money. We barely make ends meet, but they DO meet.

I am competetive, and was in the lead this month until yesetrday. I missed out on some MAJOR sales. Oh well.

I am utterly and completely exhausted. I need a mental break. I also think hubby and I need time together without Cameron.... as much as we love this little boy, he is majorly tiring!

01-17-2010, 08:32 PM
Well I know the day is over and you don't need any opinions but I thought I'd share mine lol. If I'm off...I'm off. I work harder another day to make the money. I work for tips so I understand where your coming from.
My days off are my days off:D
Hope you had a good one either way!

01-17-2010, 09:43 PM
Indeed Anna! I only get paid by the hour and I will work some holidays just to have something to do but my days off are MINE! :D

Hope you enjoyed your day off!

01-17-2010, 10:36 PM
Everyone can use money, but everyone can use down time too. I know this is a late reply, but I hope you chilled. There'll be more busy days ahead.

You could have come over!!!