View Full Version : A true testiment to the kindess of others

01-16-2010, 09:33 PM
It is raining outside...more like pouring really. Until I get my car situation fixed I have to make do riding my bike to work on the weekends because the busses don't run at 0500 lol. Fortuneatly, I can catch a bus back home. I get off of work at 18:00 to the tune of a downpour, not suprising since its been raining ALL day today but I was hoping that the rain dried up by the time I had to bike to the bus stop. I got there in time to catch the 18:12 bus. The busses here have a rack on the front to acomodate two, sometimes three bikes. If your particular bus has a full rack, the policy is that you have to wait for the next bus to come along your route. The next bus was an hour away and of course 18:12 had its bike rack occupied. I was covered in water and I must have looked like absolute hell. I was about to resign myself to an hour of waiting in the rain when the bus driver stopped and let me on the bus with my bike! :eek: :D. There are wheelchair areas big enough for a bike to fit in and since they weren't being used the nice lady let me stand with my bike and told me if someone did need the spot I'd have to get off. I was more than happy to even get a few blocks closer to home! I know that its against policy for them to let bikes INSIDE the bus so I made sure to get off a few stops before the main station (finding a stop on my route closer to home in the process :D)
I wanted to give the lady a hug. Ive had busses drive right past me without stopping before so this extra bit of niceness really really made me happy. Ive been feeling down all day but things like this really show me the love and kindness that people are capable of showing. THANK YOU SO MUCH bus lady! God Bless you!
I had to share this bit of kindness with you all. Love is still in the world!

01-16-2010, 10:28 PM
How nice! :)

01-17-2010, 06:41 AM
There are still lots of good people out there. Sadly we most often only hear about the bad. Thanks for sharing a story of the good! I'm glad she helped you out.:)

01-17-2010, 06:44 AM

Somehow, people that do good things are always remembered.

I remember years ago I was coming home from my friend's house and hit a patch of black ice. I was out in the snow and cold, walking home (my apt. was about 4 miles from where I landed). I had heels and a suit on with no coat. Some guy saw me struggling and stopped. He asked me if I wanted a ride home and I gladly accepted. Those kind of people you never forget. Am I not right??

Any way of writing a letter to the bus company commending her? It would make a big difference having a letter like that in her file.

Laura's Babies
01-17-2010, 08:33 AM
Great to know there are some caring people still out there.

Lady's Human
01-17-2010, 09:07 AM

Any way of writing a letter to the bus company commending her? It would make a big difference having a letter like that in her file.

Not neccesarily.....depends on the management.

On a lighter note, however, every once in a while people prove that they're worthy of having dogs in their lives. :D

01-17-2010, 10:13 AM
The bus company has a notorious habit of punishing kindness lol so a public thanks wont do much good :(. I did express my deepest appriciation to her getting on and off the bus which probibly made her day because no one seems to really appriciate the work the drivers do.

I do hope she went home and cuddled a kitty or a dog :D

01-17-2010, 10:48 AM
i'd still drop her company a "she treated a customer right " note, without being specific about the details, just mentioning the date, time and route. i found one in my personal file from 10 years back, i'd forgotten about the incident, and seeing it last week made me smile again.

Cinder & Smoke
01-17-2010, 01:08 PM
... without being specific about the details,
just mentioning the date, time and route.

But those are the details that would ID the Nice Bus Driver Lady. :eek:

It's a real shame :( when you can't thank someone for an Act of Kindness.

Send the Note of Thanks - but don't mention ANYthing except the Rain ...
and let it go as "Bus Driver" = not "LADY" BD.
That should keep the management guessing till it hurts! ;)

01-17-2010, 02:09 PM
I am amazed that your city does not provide bike racks on the front of the buses!


I always thought that the city of El Lay was way behind most cities/states!:eek::confused:

Remember to pass it on.:)

01-17-2010, 02:40 PM
Richard they do have racks on the front but since this is bikeville usa they tend to be perpetually full especially during the winter when people think twice about a long ride! Two slots are NOT enough!

Phred...thanks for the suggestion!