View Full Version : Thank goodness for friends!

01-16-2010, 05:41 PM
This afternoon I took my flock of fluffs for a walk. A route we often take. Once in a while, Lacey or Tasha come home and I notice a burr on the coat. No idea where those come from.

Well, I found out today! Tasha was covered, ears to tail, Lacey had a lot as well. Marlin got a few on one front leg, while my Diva Dog, Sugar didn't get in them at all. Tasha and Lacey were actually STUCK in the bush (or whatever it is) I had to lift them out. Tasha's paws were these huge mitts of burrs, which I pulled off, enough so we could all limp home (luckily we were close).

I worked out what I could, then realized that the ones on the belly and under the front "arms," no way I could do with just 2 hands. Tasha doesn't like to be brushed yet, let alone "worked on."

Dad gave it a shot but he really couldn't hold a dog for me. I had to phone for help.

I am SO lucky to have Mary Ellen relatively close by; and she didn't have plans she was able to break away and come over to help me. I knew I needed a dog person (my friend Elaine is great for helping with cat issues, but she's never owned a dog in her life) and a bichon person, even better! I had no idea Mary Ellen even had experience with burrs! (From a spaniel her Dad worked on when she was growing up, who used to pick up burrs often.)

It took us some time, worked on Tasha, put her down, cleaned up Marlin and Lacey, returned to Tasha. At one point, Mary Ellen was holding Tasha in her arms and Tasha did a complete roll over. Poor Tasha was so scared, grinding her teeth. She is still learning it is OK to be held, to be brushed.

Lacey's beautiful plume of a tail got chopped up, so she will look funny for a while. With 3 dogs to work on, I didn't even try to brush or pull them out, I just started cutting.

Thank you, Mary Ellen, I really appreciate all you did for us today!


I need to remember to go out and move those big clumps I pulled off Tasha's feet; I just left them near the path. I surely don't want to get the same ones again! Oh dear, hope no one else walks their dog and gets into those.

Cinder & Smoke
01-16-2010, 05:56 PM
I didn't even try to brush or pull them out, I just started cutting.


Sounds like you ought to go out and CUT some Burr Bushes!

01-16-2010, 06:03 PM
LOL, thanks Phred, but they are on the apartment complex property. We are allowed to walk through; I mean, all the dog walkers do. If I just hold the leash and STICK TO THE PATH, we should be fine.

But oh no, I have to let the pups sniff here and there! :rolleyes: I've learned THIS lesson.

01-16-2010, 06:37 PM
Ouchies, sounds painful! I'm glad everything got taken care of and glad you had help. :)

01-16-2010, 06:46 PM
Oh man. The image you posted a link to shows what we call sticky buds over here...the worst type for getting out of long hair. You sometimes see horses with them all caught up in their manes and tails...not good. No wonder you resorted to chopping.

What we call burrs over here are a much smaller variety. They are smoother looking little green balls but dogs usually pick those up in the dozens...or hundreds. It's their sheer number and small size that makes them a pain...plus, the foliage they grow on seems to spread more over the ground and is more widespread than the sticky bud bushes so dogs are more likely to pick them up.

01-16-2010, 08:20 PM
Interesting, C-L, glad I included a photo so you could know which I was referring to!

Still finding bits and pieces here and there -- both on the pups and off! All I need is for the cats to start picking up burrs from inside the house. :rolleyes:

01-17-2010, 09:13 AM
oh, your poor poofs! Just trying to have fun and look what happened! I can't even imagine how hard it is to get them out of that soft bichon fur, good thing your friend could help you out. :)