View Full Version : Updated "Cats in the Net" today!

10-13-2002, 01:37 PM
A few of you might know my "Cats in the Net"-website. However, wanted to let you know that I updated the page today and worked on a new design.

If you like to visit, click here: http://www.cats-in-the-net.de.vu/

New cat pictures are always welcome, same goes for poems, stories, drawings... :)


10-13-2002, 03:54 PM
Cat, silver and black,
Slender, youthful, came padding
In on small black paws

Starving for food, love
He fixed us with those green eyes
And knew he'd found both

He was a half grown
Thrown-out thing that became our
One summer's friend Cat!

10-14-2002, 10:29 AM
That's a beautiful poem but also a bit sad... What happened to Cat after that one summer if I may ask?

Thanks for sharing it! I'll post it on the website. :)


Former User
10-14-2002, 12:47 PM
Kirsten, I had forgatten that our cats were there too, wow! They look so tiny on that first pic, LOL!

10-14-2002, 02:03 PM
Yeah, I have these cute baby photos of Casper and Kitty on my page! :)

BTW, I was just doing some more updates. :D


10-14-2002, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Kirsten
That's a beautiful poem but also a bit sad... What happened to Cat after that one summer if I may ask?

Thanks for sharing it! I'll post it on the website. :)


Sadly, Cat was stolen from us! He was just gone one day toward the end of summer, no trace of him anywhere. We thought he might have been hit or captured by a predator. He was a slender tabby with exquisite markings, and such a sweetheart, we all missed him.

The next spring, my brother happened to be visiting a friend way in the other end of town. As he was going slowly down the street, he saw him! Bigger, bulkier, but obviously him! He started to open his mouth to call him, but then noticed he was in a yard with lots of toys and some small children, and he knew that if he "restole" Cat, it would break those little boys' hearts, so he looked a little longer, and then drove away, glad that Cat at least had survived, had a good home and was keeping some little kids happy.

We figure someone saw him one day and just fell in love, his markings were really perfect, he should have been a show-cat! and Cat, being the friendly type, just walked over to that person, and he was wisked away. He had a collar and a flea collar, so he obviously belonged to someone, but they didn't care, I guess!

10-15-2002, 12:25 PM
Oh no, how mean is that??? I really can't understand people who are stealing cats from others while there are so many homeless felines in the shelters! :mad:

But you're right, at least you found out that Cat is living a good life now, many others who lost a beloved cat might never know...

And I think it was great what your brother did, leaving him in that place that was a home for him now instead if restealing him, I don't know if I would have had that strength...
