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View Full Version : just wondering...

10-13-2002, 01:36 PM
I have pm'd Karen 3 times and she doesn't answer me, I was just wondering why?

10-13-2002, 01:53 PM
You PM box is full! I tried to PM you twice, and it bounced back to me. I emailed you to tell you that, did you get an email from me? Do you still check the email that is under your toughCookie profile?

You need to clear out your Private Message box - both in and out saves everything until you tell it to delete them - before anyone can PM you!

10-13-2002, 03:38 PM
How many messages can you have in your box until it is full? Just curious...

10-13-2002, 04:53 PM
yes good question, because I used to be able to have ALOT before I would have to empty it, and lately it seems it is always full, with not as muchin there. but I will check it now.

10-13-2002, 05:56 PM
The limit is 200 total in your in and out boxes combined.

I am often near full, but I save the old messages that I want to keep to a Word document, just in case I need them.

10-13-2002, 08:16 PM
ok that explains it then! I had ALOT of old ones, but I sorted them out now...I know I got several notices that my pm box was full. I'll watch it better now.