View Full Version : Re-introduction after a long time.

01-14-2010, 05:58 PM
I used to post here some time ago. Some people may remember me. Anyway, back then I had one elderly Border collie bitch called Jess. I lost Jess is February 2008 and I didn't post here about it or anymore after that. Anyway, three weeks later, I got a new puppy. A blue merle Border collie and called her Sleet.
I got a second Border collie three months later. A red and white one and called her Wren. I don't know whether you lot have Wrens in the US like what we have here but they are tiny little birds with a reddish brown colour...one of the smallest birds in the UK.
I started using clicker training shortly after acquiring Wren and I was also a member of a local flyball team and they trained up for that when old enough. Sleet managed to gain her flyball dog award and then her flyball intermediate but then I quit due to some nasty people causing problems and other issues. Wren was just about to go open out of starters so it was a bit of a shame. Anyway, I carry on with their trick training and they know dozens of things ranging from weaving through legs, jumping on my back, riding skateboards, stacking rings, walking on hind legs and doing handstands and walking on front legs, limping, rolling themselves into a blanket, sleet skips with me with a skipping rope, they are both currently learning to play the glockenspiel and wren is also doing the trick now where she jumps onto your feet whilst you're laying on your back with your legs in the air and balances...sleet, after some confidence building, has also just started to show enough bravery to make a better try of it. They know loads of other stuff but too much to list here.

As they have grown up now, Sleet is 2 years and Wren will be 2 at the end of February...should be the 29th but will have to be 1st of March..yes, she's a leap year pup. There's lots I missed out on posting here since I got them.

Here's a few piccies of them anyway.

Sleet first: She is a fairly dark merle with a lot of black and has ghost tan points so she's half tri-merle.

Posing with her snow sculpture that her and wren made on Xmas eve:


Here is Wren:



And the pair of them..

Making their sculpture.

These are the only pics I have in my photobucket right now.
You can view plenty more photos of them here but not really recent ones. The last ones were taken end of August on a visit to the pennines.


01-14-2010, 06:22 PM
Wow, gorgeous dogs. :) Welcome back! Lots of new members here. I suppose I'm new to you too. Lol!!! Since you were here first.

01-14-2010, 06:32 PM
Beautiful pics of your dogs.
They are sure having loads of fun in the snow.

01-14-2010, 06:33 PM
I sure remember you! :D Your pups are just gorgeous! Very nice pics! :) I'm sorry to hear about Jess.:( I remember her also.

01-14-2010, 09:40 PM
I remember you! Your photos are absolutely gorgeous, I love your pups, way too cute. :D I love their 'sculpture'. I am so sorry about Jess by the way. I was formerly known as 'Maltese_love' but after Sas died (June '08) I changed it because I didn't want to be reminded in every post about Sas.

01-14-2010, 10:02 PM
Welcome back! Your dogs are absolutely gorgeous. :)
I look forward to hopefully be seeing more of them in the future!

01-14-2010, 10:50 PM
I LOVE BC's and your's are spectacular! I'm totally in love! Sending kisses and hugs to them!

01-15-2010, 12:45 AM
Hello, and welcome back!! Sleet and Wren are gorgeous border collies! What a pair!
I'm sorry to hear about Jess...:(

01-15-2010, 02:05 PM
Thanks all. Yes, I remember a few of you also. Sleet in particulat loves posing for the camera but wren is pretty photogenic too...but can be trickier to catch sometimes.

Now I have a camcorder so I'm going to start making videos of their tricks and such. Moreso when the weather gets better because we've had a lot more snow this winter than what we usually get. Great for taking pics mind. I have a couple of hundred or so more from a heavy snowfall we had on January 5th. It's just the tedious uploading them to photobucket and all that.

Meanwhile, here's a few vids of Sleet. Taken on my sisters mobile phone.
Competing at her first flyball starters tournament. She's the second dog.
Attacking the water at another tournament...you see a little bit of Wren as a puppy here too.

Playing rough with my sisters dog Monty when she was a puppy...right little madame!!:D

Here's one of Wren competing in a starters tournament on August 1st last year. She is the smaller looking red dog who often rund behind the large black and white one with a lot of white oh his face...my sisters other dog Storm.
She usually runs before the other larger red dog but as there were 6 dogs in the team, they swapped and so each dog didn't run in every race.

01-15-2010, 02:11 PM
Welcome back! Love Sleet and Wren especially, as that was my childhood nickname!

01-16-2010, 12:25 AM
I remember you too. I am very sorry to hear about Jess. :(
I absolutely LOVE Sleet! Her coloring is so unique and beautiful! Wren is adorable with her freckles too. :D
I can't wait to see video's of these tricks you've taught them. That sounds like so much fun!
Welcome back! :)

01-16-2010, 03:50 AM
Welcome back! Sorry to hear about Jess :(

Wren and Sleet are gorgeous! I'd also love to see videos of their tricks, as I'm sort of a trick-o-holic! lol :D

01-16-2010, 08:56 AM
Welcome back! Your dogs are simply stunning!