View Full Version : The 2010 Get Fit Thread!

01-11-2010, 07:25 PM
I have declared 2010 the year of getting fit! I am eating better and exercising a lot more. Being healthy and fit is very important in this age of seditary jobs but at the same time it is difficult to maintain good health habits for the same reason. I know that sometimes I need encouragement and I'm sure Im not the only one! Are you on the path to getting fit? Let us encourage each other! We can celebrate successes and help each other through setbacks. whos with me to a helthier 2010? :D

01-11-2010, 07:40 PM
Me, Me!!!

I got pretty lazy about eating good foods and exercising since the school year started, but it's all changing now! I actually bought *gasp* vegetables and lots of fruits to much on during the day, instead of the chips.

I'm setting myself up for success in the exercise department this time around and have "scheduled" in times. My boyfriend and I started this morning out by getting up at 6 and doing p90x (intense work out video) and I went to the gym after my 8am class for more cardio. That's the plan! It'll be good to have this thread as another means of support.

01-11-2010, 07:52 PM
Me too, I need to get more exercise and lose weight. It's difficult for me to cut calories, because I am allergic to so many of the traditional "diet" food - carrots, celery, yoghurt, etc. So I need to exercise more. The exercise I am most capable of doing is my stationary bike, as I have balance trouble, so sitting with something to hang onto is good. I know a treadmill would b more exercise but I cannot use them - they throw me off, literally, so the bike is what I have!

I'll go do a session on it now, I like that I can watch something on TV while exercising, otherwise I get too bored, and stop.

01-11-2010, 07:55 PM
I'm in! I need to lose weight to help with back pain. My chiro said walking is good. So I started last Thursday and I am taking two 15 minute walks during the day. And I've recruited two of my co-workers. One is pregnant, so walking is great for her too! I'm hoping these walks will help encourage me to do more exercise as well.
Now I just need to work on the food area. I'm horrible with this. I need to bring my lunch to work so I won't go grab fast food. That's my downfall. It should be easy since the two girls I'll be walking with usually bring their lunches too. It will also save $$$. :)

01-11-2010, 07:55 PM
Diet and exercise are both really hard, if not impossible without some kind words letting you know the pain is worth it! I know us PTers are good at support :) I got myself a bike and have been either riding or walking at least 30 minutes a day (above the walking I do at work which obviously isnt enough lol). This is the second week of this and even though I am sore I do notice that I am feeling stronger and I dont feel as spent after I am done riding.

01-11-2010, 08:01 PM
I have been on a fitness regime since last March. I've been eating better and working out about 4 times a week and I have lost quite a bit of weight. It's paid off because I've been cut off one of my BP meds and my diabetes doctor is tapering me off one of my diabetes meds. That was my goal. I've gone down almost 3 sizes in clothes and it feels wonderful.

01-11-2010, 08:05 PM
Good job slick! K9, Karen and Taz: starting is the first step towards healthy habits. It took an ER visit over my sugar to kick my butt into gear...I don't want to see anyone have to go through that!

01-11-2010, 09:43 PM
I have been on a fitness regime since last March. I've been eating better and working out about 4 times a week and I have lost quite a bit of weight. It's paid off because I've been cut off one of my BP meds and my diabetes doctor is tapering me off one of my diabetes meds. That was my goal. I've gone down almost 3 sizes in clothes and it feels wonderful.

Check it out. People will try to sabotage your regime by getting you to try stuff that encourages you to eat. A good green habanero/wasabi sauce is really good on it's own, it's when you begin to slather it on chips and crackers, then realize you ate a whole tube of RITZ crackers while trying to figure out if you like it?

You are doomed.:D


I bought a pedometer at the beginning of last year and that has inspired me to walk. Now?

I get antsy if I don't got out a few times a week. I also schedule some light shopping, so I kill two birds with one stone!

You would be amazed at the amount of groceries you can carry home from a short errand!:eek:

01-11-2010, 09:58 PM
Count me in!!

I'm keeping track of every calorie I consume. I find if I write it down, I get embarrassed to eat something bad.

We bought a treadmill in December - fantastic purchase. I can walk anytime of the day. I read while walking - so get exercise and information at the same time.

01-11-2010, 10:00 PM
Richard: all those grocieries add some resistance making each step even more benificial!! Burn the calories before you eat them! :D

Welcome aboard Grace!

01-12-2010, 10:06 AM
I'm in too :)

Maybe if we all want to check in once a week just to say how things are going that way we are semi-accountable?

I'm trying so hard to get better, I've been trying to drink more water while I'm at work, the exercise is hard because of my back pain recently started up again but I'm trying to do something.


01-12-2010, 10:38 AM
ok....I will do 10 minutes on my stationary bike today. Gotta start somewhere...;)

01-12-2010, 11:36 AM
Yes, I'm in!

I've been tracking calories on sparkpeople and trying to exercise more. It's been nice weather out lately so I've been walking to the park everyday with Lyra. I'm also trying to do at least 30 minutes of cardio 3-4 days a week. I know you can't spot reduce, but I would love to get rid of this stubborn belly fat leftover from my pregnancy!!

01-12-2010, 02:23 PM
I'm in too :)

Maybe if we all want to check in once a week just to say how things are going that way we are semi-accountable?

Good idea!

Everyone should check in as much as they can just to get a morale boost :D

Last night I noticed Im not nearly as sore as I was last week at this point and Ive increased my time on the back of the ol bike. The only pain I notice now is in my butt and thats because I have to get a new bike seat as the one I have sucks!

Corgi, the belly area is my problem too! Ive noticed though that I feel that area working when I ride my bike so Im hoping that will help out a little. Ive heard that belly fat is the worst place for fat to be for a diabetic so Im really trying to slim down.

Catty, rome wasn't built in a day ;) a start is a start! You go girl!

01-12-2010, 03:06 PM
ok....I will do 10 minutes on my stationary bike today. Gotta start somewhere...;)

But, where will you end up after the ride?:confused:;)


Who posted the story about the boy on the bike with the cell phone? He was trying to get some digits from a PTer while she was out riding bike.:D

Does anyone remember?:)

01-12-2010, 03:59 PM
I need to jump aboard!! Just have to get my head to do it!! LOL Glad I had the extra "insulation", though, when it was so cold here last week! LOL

01-12-2010, 04:26 PM
But, where will you end up after the ride?

Home with my furbabies! :D

I walked to an appointment and back today - a good 20 minutes. Still have to do the bike.;)

01-12-2010, 05:26 PM
I missed my morning walk. :( Shame on me. But it rained here last night so it was just ugly this morning. NO EXCUSES!!! I know!! We did go this afternoon though. And it is so much warmer today than it has been the past couple weeks.
Also, I brought lunch today! Left overs from last night. Half of a turkey burger. :)

I'm hoping to up my walks to three times a day. I'll go right when I get to work, then once mid morning and then again in the afternoon. Each about 15 minutes long. And we have a slight incline in the parking lot so that will be another obstacle to include eventually.

01-12-2010, 06:54 PM
I'm with you, I need to get back to doing Wii Fit Yoga, and I start this Saturday training for a 10k. I hope to be able to jog the whole thing in March. We'll see :D

01-12-2010, 07:01 PM
whos with me to a helthier 2010? :D

I am! This is absolutely the most I have ever weighed and definitely the most sedentary job I have ever had. The printer is on my desk and the fax machine is ten steps away. I'm trying to park farther from the building entrance and use the stairs more. I am also trying to drink less pop and more water. Last year I gave up McDonald's French fries for Lent. Ash Wednesday is 5 weeks from tomorrow so maybe I should just give it up now. If I don't eat fast food I don't crave it as much.

01-12-2010, 07:08 PM
Was good today, had a salad for dinner, instead of heavier food. And, as our server was extra good, she made them remake the salad a second time so it was "Karen safe," always a challenge. Ordering a salad is more complicated than the Mac and Cheese dish they have that I know is safe, but it must be better for me, right? ;)

01-13-2010, 02:42 AM
I got an extra 3.1 mile bike ride today courtesy of our LOVELY city bus system :mad: :rolleyes:. I biked to the bus stop after work and waited...and whilst I was on the phone with John the bus just drove right on by me! I was a little annoyed at first because it was raining but I am happy to report that riding home didn't even make me winded. :D

I guess I AM getting into better shape!

01-13-2010, 05:37 PM
Bumpity bumpy! I have yet to go for my ride today...it IS raining but no excuses! :o

01-13-2010, 08:05 PM
Today wasn't as good of a day as yesterday, but it was pretty hectic... maybe if I have the energy I will try to do a little cardio. Yesterday I did 35 minutes!

I am also trying to drink less pop and more water.

Have you thought about switching to diet soda (though I have to warn you it is just as addictive as regular soda, but at least it's calorie free)? I ask because it's an easy way to cut calories, and you get used to the taste. I can't even drink regular soda anymore, it tastes gross. I think that diet pepsi and diet dr. pepper have more flavor than diet coke, which I still can't stand.

01-14-2010, 12:31 AM
I have switched from regular to diet pop and I am used to the taste now. I like the fact how it has NO calories. That motivates me to lose weight and get in shape. I run on the treadmill at least 1.5 to 2 miles every morning - I also would like to try to do it twice a day now since I am very dissapointed with myself the last couple weeks. I haven't really been able to focus on working out, BUT I have been eating SO much better, healthier food. I stick to salads or something very small for lunch every day. Usually in the mornings I will eat a fruit or drink a smoothie or have a yogurt. I seem to be struggling but I need to lose 10 lbs. I am 111 lbs at 4'10" and when I was 97-100lbs, I felt healthy and in shape! My boyfriend and I go work out at the gym every Friday or Saturday. It really helps! :)

01-14-2010, 10:29 AM
I switched from Coke to ice water - can't stand the metallic taste those diet drinks have. I will have the real thing when we have pizza :D

I've been using the treadmill at least twice a day. That was a great purchase for us. http://eye-candi.net/emoticons/newestemotes/treadmill.gif

Continue to list every calorie I take in - it's helping. I've lost about 1.5 pounds so far - since last Friday.

01-14-2010, 10:40 AM
My total weight loss is 40 lbs so far but that's since last March - slow and steady. I still work out 4 times a week and my diet is pretty healthy. I'm still on track but it's so hard......so very hard to eat healthy when I'm so stressed out. :(

I don't count calories and I try not to weigh myself too often. As someone once told me "don't get hung up on the numbers" and that really makes sense to me. Make sensible food choices and get lots of exercise and we are all winners.

01-14-2010, 12:21 PM
Like Slick said, don't weigh yourself too often. I want to see results in how my clothes fit me, not the number on the scale. Because you could be losing fat and gaining muscle.

Does anyone watch The Biggest Loser?? I watch it every season and hope I will be inspired. But I'm not. So hopefully watching that AND having this thread will help me get it together!

Going for my morning walk now! :)

01-14-2010, 12:47 PM
I don't count calories and I try not to weigh myself too often. As someone once told me "don't get hung up on the numbers" and that really makes sense to me. Make sensible food choices and get lots of exercise and we are all winners.

Like Slick said, don't weigh yourself too often. I want to see results in how my clothes fit me, not the number on the scale.

We all march to a different drummer. Keeping detailed records - knowing my numbers - that's what works best for me :)

Now it's time to walk . . . . .

01-14-2010, 01:31 PM
Did 22 minutes on the bike again today, stationary bike, so it's 6 miles but in one spot! I usually have the difficulty level set pretty high, so it feels like "work," and like I'm actually accomplishing something. Next time it'll be 25 minutes, I work my way up to about a half hour at a time.

01-14-2010, 07:56 PM
I took the stairs all day at work and I've been eating fruit all day - I really need that fibre right now. :rolleyes:

Unfortunately my job is mostly a sit-down job. With more and more technological advances, I don't need to get up. I can log in to any remote site from my desk and fix things.

Tonight I'm out but tomorrow night is workout night as well as another workout on Saturday afternoon.

I've been receiving lots of compliments lately on how my weight loss shows - it's all quite embarrassing for me. :o I've never been good at receiving compliments, still the same, I'm glad that it shows.

Karen: I tried the stationary bike but unfortunately after about 10-15 min my "privates" hurt like the dickens.

We all march to a different drummer. Keeping detailed records - knowing my numbers - that's what works best for me http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/smile.gif For sure Grace - I wasn't trying to stir up anything. Sorry.:o

01-14-2010, 08:06 PM
my "privates" hurt like the dickens.

Please- lord make me walk away from the keyboard.......walk away......:eek:

01-14-2010, 08:09 PM
Sounds like you need a different seat, slick, not all bike seat are created equal. For balance reasons (my lack thereof) the stationary bike works best.

01-14-2010, 08:31 PM
Keep walking Richard...lol :D

I biked to the store and back today...I didnt even break much of a sweat :p. A few weeks ago walking there would have been a major effort!

01-14-2010, 10:41 PM
slick - I have a lumbar stationary bike... and the stress is not on the delicate areas! :D

No I haven't used it yet. Drat!

01-15-2010, 09:19 AM
A Friday update. Did 30-40 minutes of cardio at the gym MTWF, did my p90x workout everyday this week but only woke up early enough to do it in the morning twice. I need to get more consistant with that or I'll get too busy studying to want to "waste" time working out (like last semester). I feel a lot better already AND haven't taken any naps recently - where I usually take 1-2 hour naps a day >.< So far so good :D

01-15-2010, 09:49 AM
I'm doing okay in the walking department. But I'm having a hard time with the food. I need to get healthy foods and snacks. What's stopping me? NOTHING!!! I'll have to make a list and stick to it. I'll go to the store Sunday evening and stock up.

What do you guys eat and snack on? I really could use some ideas.

We all march to a different drummer. Keeping detailed records - knowing my numbers - that's what works best for me :)

Now it's time to walk . . . . .

Oh, I know. I apologize, I meant I don't go by the scale. Not that everyone shouldn't. It just came out wrong, sorry. :o

01-15-2010, 01:50 PM
This week was my best yet.

I took my LONG walk today.

I was at the burger joint up the street, walked in and walked out.

I changed my mind and passed up on the burger and fries.

I do have food at home and thought a salad with some tuna on the side would be better for me.

Rock (walk) on, People!:)

01-15-2010, 02:23 PM
Cindy - it was a revelation to me about 10 years ago when it was pointed out to me that the usual "diet snacks" - carrots, celery, etc were CARBS. Hmm...yup, they are.

I then started to use protein as snacks - salted soy nuts (high in fat but really high in protein, so you fill up fast), even some protein bars (not energy bars). Small chunk of cheese, etc.

Protein will carry you longer than the carb snacks will, and builds muscle, not fat.

To everyone - are you taking a good quality multi-vitamin and getting your calcium/D3?

01-15-2010, 03:44 PM
Cindy - it was a revelation to me about 10 years ago when it was pointed out to me that the usual "diet snacks" - carrots, celery, etc were CARBS. Hmm...yup, they are.

Not all vegetables are the same. 1 raw carrot has 6.9g of carb - while 1 cup of celery has 3.6g. There are quite a few vegetables that are considered free for diabetics. Meaning the carb count is negligible.

01-15-2010, 04:15 PM
OH, absolutely, Grace. My experience just showed that a protein snack held me longer than a vegetable snack did. Again, just for me - veggies go with my meal; as a snack, they left me hungry in no time, and craving something 'better'.

PS - a dill pickle kills a sweet craving! Don't ask me how...

01-15-2010, 04:33 PM
Thanks for the food info guys! Ive been looking for healthy snack alternatives for my 12 hr days at work.

Catty, I did start taking a mulit vitiamin not that long ago. It really is helping!

01-15-2010, 04:57 PM
PS - a dill pickle kills a sweet craving! Don't ask me how...

I had forgotten this. Thanks for the reminder. Got to move that bottle to the front of the fridge :)

01-16-2010, 12:32 AM
Thanks for the ideas Candace. And yes, I take lots of vitamins and have for YEARS!! I take a multi vitamin, iron, calcium, fish oil and some others that I can't even think of right now. I find that if I forget to take them I'll develop a BAD headache.
I didn't get my afternoon walk today due to my headache. I went home and took a nap. But I plan on walking this weekend here at my moms with the dogs out in the "grove".

01-16-2010, 11:59 AM
Today was the first morning of the 10k training, running a mile. I thought, I have this, no worries. Well I WALKED half the mile!!! I'm so upset w/ myself. The cold air was hurting my throat, and I just couldn't keep going. I really hope I can get out of my funk and no matter what not give up...Please send me good thoughts because I'm really bummed. I've allowed myself to get so out of shape it's depressing. :(:mad:

01-16-2010, 12:20 PM
3cat...my mom told me that it didnt take just a day to get out of shape so its unrealistic to expect to get in shape in a day! Keep with it at your own pace and before you know it you're stronger. *hugs* The first step is the most important one and you've already done it :D

01-16-2010, 12:26 PM
OK! I did 40 minutes of Thera-band exercises this morning, and my 8lb weights for shoulders and under the arm stuff.

My neck has NOT been adjusting well at the chiropractor's - and she gave me exercises to do.

Somehow this morning, it was time...I dragged out my therabands, binder of exercises I picked, her page of exercises and went to it. It was TIME. Not aerobic, but my heart rate was up a bit. I did the minimum reps and sets to start.

I used Thera-bands years ago. Here is a page for an exercise search. The last time I used the site, I had to register (free) and print the exercises from the site; copy and paste didn't seem to work too well.

These help with injury recovery too, but you are supposed to check with your doc or physio type person.

01-16-2010, 12:26 PM
Today was the first morning of the 10k training, running a mile. I thought, I have this, no worries. Well I WALKED half the mile!!! I'm so upset w/ myself. The cold air was hurting my throat, and I just couldn't keep going. I really hope I can get out of my funk and no matter what not give up...Please send me good thoughts because I'm really bummed. I've allowed myself to get so out of shape it's depressing. :(:mad:

Don't be so hard on yourself. Running, even walking, in cold weather is not easy. The cold will most definitely hurt your throat. Try covering your nose and mouth with a scarf and see if that helps.

Can you run indoors anywhere near you? Our local high school opens the indoor track to the public on weekdays. Of course, today is Saturday :p Can you walk every day - that would help you get in shape.

01-16-2010, 03:23 PM
Today was the first morning of the 10k training, running a mile. I thought, I have this, no worries. Well I WALKED half the mile!!! I'm so upset w/ myself. The cold air was hurting my throat, and I just couldn't keep going. I really hope I can get out of my funk and no matter what not give up...Please send me good thoughts because I'm really bummed. I've allowed myself to get so out of shape it's depressing. :(:mad:

Oh, please don't feel bad, and please don't give up. You did what you were up to. Do what you are up to again next time. You will find as time goes on that you are up to more and more.

01-16-2010, 03:51 PM
3cat - this is a process, not an event. As the saying goes, Easy Does It but Do It. ;):)

I want this to be something I can work into my life as a natural part of it...so I start slow, or I will overdo it and get really discouraged.

You are doing more than you did last week - think of it that way. :love:

01-17-2010, 10:22 AM
Another 3 mile ride down! Each time Im noticing its getting easier minus the natural difficulty of bike riding in a downpour lol. By the summer Im going to have a lot of stamina! Now if only I could get more sleep...

01-17-2010, 05:59 PM
Thank you guys for your support. I really do appreciate it. I went on a two mile walk today, when the rain took a break. Will be getting up at 5:45am to go for another mile run...hopefully this time I will be sucessful. One of my problems yesterday is that I am 5ft tall and I started out running w/ two people that are 5'8, 5'9 and that pace was too fast for me. Next week when we have our group training again I will make sure I start at my own pace and not trying to keep up w/ people that have alot longer legs than me :rolleyes:

01-17-2010, 06:09 PM
3cat - good stuff!

I actually did all my exercises for a second day in a row! :D I did omit a couple of the upper ab crunches as they strain my neck. When my neck is better, then I will put them back in.

I love Thera-bands!:D

01-18-2010, 02:23 PM
The next two days are my walking days. Since I have to walk to the store constanrly now Ive been getting some really good workouts espcially since its been WINDY!

Good job so far everyone!

01-18-2010, 02:27 PM
I will not be using the bike today, instead I have been basically shoveling the equivalent of wet cement. We had rain, then snow, then ice, so each shovel full is very, very heavy. It probably took 45 minutes just top break up the stuff at the end of the driveway, and I am about to go out and finish the job - just the front stairs, and breaking through to the street from the sidewalk, and clearing the other side of my car are left. But it is exhausting! I'd rather shovel a foot of fluffy stuff than 2 inches of this stuff!

01-18-2010, 05:25 PM
Shoveling snow is hard work when it's the really wet, heavy kind!

I've been doing well today, I've been tracking calories and I'm hoping to get some exercise in.

01-18-2010, 08:42 PM
Still at work but just heading down to do my 30 min workout on the treadmill. Got my water, got my MP3 player, got my towel..... just trying to get the inspiration. See ya later.

01-20-2010, 07:52 PM
Where is everyone????

Are we staying on track? I worked out on Monday night and will do so again when I get home tonight. I purchased a Sandisk Sansa Clip (2 GB) and have loaded it with music. It keeps me pumped when I'm on the treadmill.

My weight is exactly the same as it was a month ago so not sure what I'm doing wrong.

01-20-2010, 08:21 PM
Yup, just was looking for this thread to post. Did 25 minutes on the stationary bike today, which I was amused to find out a few years ago is referred to as "spinning" by healthclubs. I had seen all these ads for "spinning" classes, and said to someone "Well, I have balance issues already, so if I spin around I tend to fall over." I got a very strange look, and then the person realized I didn't know that a "spinning class" was just a bunch of people doing stationary bikes together. Heck, even I, uncoordinated as I am, don't need a "class" to use a stationery bike!

01-20-2010, 08:22 PM
I'm still working on it. I went to the doctor yesterday (we got new insurance and I wanted to get my prescription transferred), and I asked them not to tell me my weight. I always ask this, because I find it depressing, really depressing. The nurse said that was fine, but then before I left they gave me a print-out of my visit with my height and weight in BIG font. Or maybe it just looked big to me. I felt like throwing in the towel yesterday, but I didn't!! I really need to get healthier. :) I've been eating lots of oatmeal and drinking plenty of hot tea to try and control my appetite.

01-20-2010, 08:26 PM
I'm still on track! Today was a full 2 weeks of p90x and a week and a half of extra cardio at the gym. Haven't seen any numbers on the scale, but I'm lifting weights (or doing some form of strength training) every day so I didn't expect to. It's still kind of discouraging. BUT, my tighter shirts do fit a little better already. What I need to start working on is drinking enough water. That's my goal for the rest of the week.

01-20-2010, 08:47 PM
I ended up having to clean the house today for some sort of walkthrough. I did move things around a bit to deep clean and got quite a work out!!!

01-21-2010, 12:25 PM
Loving our new treadmill. I'm using it several times per day - my totals are closing in on 2 miles/day.

Threw out the junk food in the pantry. Sticking to fruit for snacks.

01-21-2010, 07:51 PM
My workout last night included lower body - lots of squats (can hardly move today) and leg presses. Tonight is a night off and back at it tomorrow night (ab workout)

Food today included a wonderful veggie sub at lunch. It was awesome.

01-22-2010, 04:52 PM
I have been getting pains along the crest of my left hip since I have been exercising lately.

I thought it was stressed muscles or a tear.

I -igured it out.

It's my belt.


I use this style..These are the belts that baseball players use. THey are elastic and you can get them in all sorts of colors. You can adjust them by sliding the metal piece along the length.

I took an old onethat I had not worn for almost a year and adjusted it so it would hold up my pants it was too large.... The metal piece rested on a steel buckle adjuster on my cargo shorts. It didn't feel bad or hurt, but it was pressing on a nerve!

I don't understand why fitness has to be painful.:eek: But, i'll take it! Almost two inches in a year.

01-24-2010, 09:18 AM
Yargh...I fell off the diet wagon and had soda. I was running late and couldnt get coffee and Im trying to stay awake. I have walked at least a half hour every day this week so at least Im keeping up with that and Ive been taking my vitamins. Diets are hard!!!

01-24-2010, 10:26 AM
Well, I haven't been doing so well on the exercise front. I haven't been sleeping well lately so I'm too tired to work out when Lyra is asleep. I need to get back on track with that.

But, I have been doing very well counting calories. Last night we had to go out to eat (for some birthday dinner thing) and I ate half of my meal, and saved the rest. It's getting easier to eat less because I'm getting used to it.

01-24-2010, 11:46 AM
I did HORRIBLE this past week! No walks at all. Partly because the weather has been so bad, raining (pouring) everyday. But that's no excuse! I can feel it in my back since I haven't been walking. So next week I will be walking again, even if it is just up and down the hallway at work! Walking inside I can add stairs to the difficulty. I'll probably need to walk indoors sometimes during the summer too since it gets so darn hot here.

01-24-2010, 11:59 AM
Did 25 minutes on the stationary bike yesterday while watching the Figure Skating finals and ended up with 6.7 miles - .2 longer than I got while watching something else. So maybe I'll look for more upbeat things for the exercise time!

01-24-2010, 12:04 PM
Did 25 minutes on the stationary bike yesterday while watching the Figure Skating finals and ended up with 6.7 miles - .2 longer than I got while watching something else. So maybe I'll look for more upbeat things for the exercise time!

That's what I try to do with the treadmill. I plan my walks around the evening news, or a basketball game - or read my latest magazine. Time and distance just glide by :)

01-24-2010, 02:37 PM
I hurt my ankle the other day so I took Thurs, Fri, Sat off of p90x (and it's hard to get motivated when I sleep all day and work all night) but spent an hour at the gym on Friday. Now I'm having a hard time getting off my butt to do today's workout. It's so much easier to find excused to not do it. That's why I hate taking days off! Also made cupcakes and a cake yesterday so that didn't help either.

Here's to a new week full of motivation and healthy eating!

01-25-2010, 08:24 PM
Just did 7.2 miles - 27 minutes on the stationary bike. Having this thread helps keep me motivated, as I feel like I need to do something and report in. Others - how's it going?

01-25-2010, 08:45 PM
I did 2 miles yesterday on the treadmill - a mile in the morning, another after dinner. Then 1.5 today - in divided doses :)

It's so easy now - since we bought the treadmill. And Douglas is using it quite often, also. He has a stationary bike - I don't like it as it bothers my knees.

I was bad over the weekend - ate some things I should not have. Back with a vengeance today, though.

01-25-2010, 09:30 PM
I ran a mile at the gym today and did 30 minutes on the bike. Then tonight I did an hour of kenpoX.

01-25-2010, 10:33 PM
I did my 30 min on the treadmill tonight before coming home from work. I don't like the bike because it hurts my **ahem privates. I am getting started on the Eliptic thingy (I never can remember the name of it) and working my way up to 30 min on that. I have to admit that I can barely do 10 min, but in time I'll reach my goal.

I'm down 3 pounds from last week. Come on everyone, we can do it if we stick together. :)

01-26-2010, 12:30 AM
I did my 30 min on the treadmill tonight before coming home from work. I don't like the bike because it hurts my **ahem privates.

GENERALly? I get MAJOR pains in my COLONELS (Kernels) after a -ew minutes in the saddle.

I salute you?;)


Today I did my long walk carrying 30 pounds for hal- the trip, then cut 5 wheelbarrows of wood, carted and stacked them.

I will sleep like a 'log' tonight?:confused::rolleyes:

01-26-2010, 02:40 AM
Ive got a darn cold but Ive still been walking. I think its actually helping me feel better!

01-30-2010, 10:14 AM
BUMP! :D Dispite having a cold Ive been getting out and walking almost every day *I skipped yesterday, it was waaay too chilly*
How is everyone else doing? I think Im on the mend and Im fairly sure my new health regimen of walking and cutting back on junk food helped me get better quicker. I still feel kind of congested and I need to work on getting proper sleep *4 hrs is NOT enough!*

01-30-2010, 10:23 AM
Not getting proper sleep is a huge component in weight loss! My schedule alternates between day and swing shift so Im finding it difficult to get sleep. Anyone have any ideas on how I can get decient sleep on the days I have to go to bed early? Ive tried to keep a schedule on my days off but its really difficult trying to get up at a good time in between swing and day time!

01-30-2010, 10:24 AM
I've lost 2 LBS so far, any weight loss is good. About 23 more to go.

01-30-2010, 11:30 AM
Last Wednesday night I did 30 min on treadmill then another 30 min with weight training downstairs. Then I walked up 14 flights of stairs to my apt. instead of taking the elevator. However, have not worked out since, but that will change today. Will be working out this afternoon.

This week was also a bit of a "non-eating right" week because I had 3 lunches out - Wed, Thurs, & Fri and I ate like a pig. Got on the scale this morning and I'm up a couple of pounds. I'm not worried though, I can take that off before the weekend is over.

I still have anther 30 pounds to take off - 5 pounds at a time.

02-17-2010, 08:39 PM

Who's still working at it?

I did a monster walk yesterday and 3 miles today. I did a morning walk and an afternoon sprint.

The flu lost me 10 lbs but that was dehydration!

I gained that back in a few days.:eek:

02-17-2010, 09:26 PM
I worked out twice this week and joined a health club...big big step for me...hopefully I will follow through.

12-05-2010, 01:33 PM
Had to bump this as I have discovered today that I fit into a lot more of my clothes now! I've adjusted my diet and am eating less carbs and more veggies and I have increased the amount of time I spend walking.

I feel a lot healthier. What a difference a few small changes make! :D

12-27-2010, 01:31 PM
It's two days after Christmas, and I have eaten so much rich food, I feel like a Weeble! (roly poly and wider at the bottom than the top) It's not just sweets, it's mashed potatoes made with cream, noodle casserole, broccoli with cheese ... I could go on and on. It's been like a total 3-day food binge.

I have to lose enough weight to fit into my good dresses for my nephew's and my oldest niece's weddings (June and October 2011, respectively). Time to switch back to smaller portions, drinking more water, whole grain bread and pasta, and plainly cooked vegetables. Not as delicious as what I've been eating the past few days, but better in the long run. The hospital cafeteria is also offering more low-sodium and whole grain options.

The other part of this is... the parking lot I'm assigned to is located directly at the opposite end of campus from my department is. It's not quite 1/2 mile walk. I can walk it but I have to stop and rest once or twice. I need to stop using the campus shuttle and start walking. It's mostly indoors.