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View Full Version : Tomorrow is the big reveal!; Yodie the Yowler is back!; 1/14; post #33

01-11-2010, 06:44 AM
Yodie's collar comes off tomorrow. Poor girl has had it on for a long time and I think that I'm as anxious to remove it as she is. I can't wait to see how she reacts, as long as I don't get smacked. LOL As soon as it's off, I'm going to bathe her head and chin b/c she's so crusty. I wipe her down every day but it just isn't the same. Then I'm just going to leave her alone. She's earned it. :p

Laura's Babies
01-11-2010, 06:50 AM
Awwww! I know she will be happy to be rid of that thing. Why not try just brushing with a soft brush, she'd enjoy that a lot more than being bathed.

Boo gets that black grit under her chin and now that she is use to being brushed, I brush it to get rid of that black grit on her chin. Works like a charm!

01-11-2010, 06:58 AM
Awwww! I know she will be happy to be rid of that thing. Why not try just brushing with a soft brush, she'd enjoy that a lot more than being bathed.

Boo gets that black grit under her chin and now that she is use to being brushed, I brush it to get rid of that black grit on her chin. Works like a charm!

Oh it'll be a quick bath, trust me. Just her head and chin. I have to do it b/c there's food crusted in her fur. Wiping her down daily just doesn't do the job and brushing her would just make her greasier plus she smells bad. LOL

I just realized that it's a few days shy of two months that this little girl has had to wear that collar. Can you imagine someone holding your throat and neck all that time? That's what it must feel like, plus not being able to lie down the way you want. She's going to be so happy! :D

Pinot's Mom
01-11-2010, 07:28 AM
Congratulations on the removal, sweet Yodie! I hope everything works out OK and don't swat your Mom! ;)

Queen of Poop
01-11-2010, 07:47 AM
Horray for Yodie!!! And Momma. See, that week went by super fact. Now you can be a normal cat again, soon as you get a little face wash. Have a wonderful cat day today Yodie!

01-11-2010, 09:07 AM
I'm so glad that Yodie is going to get her cone off :)

That's great news.


Prairie Purrs
01-11-2010, 09:42 AM
Good for Yodie! She'll be delighted to be free of the cone, I'm sure. Gatsby bounced around like a kitten when I took the cone off after his surgery, and he didn't have to wear the thing nearly as long as Yodie has.

01-11-2010, 09:59 AM
We are Praying that Yodie will be all healed up after that nasty collar is gone!!!
I am suprised that Yodie had the collar on that long, Precious tore hers off the first night!!!:eek::eek::eek:

01-11-2010, 04:09 PM
Yippie for Yodie - you're finally going to be free!!! :cool:

I know just how you feel little girl - a cervical collar 24/7 for 3 months - not fun at all. I hope I never have to do something like that again. I know Ms Yodie will be thinking the same!

01-11-2010, 04:46 PM
Great news! Yodie will be so happy to have that gone!

01-11-2010, 05:46 PM
We are praying that Yodie will be all healed up after that collar is gone!!!
I am too! :love:

01-11-2010, 06:09 PM
I hear you Mary!!! I felt that way when we were able to take Tina's collar off!!! She did a wonderful job cleaning herself!!!! Yodie will be lovely in no time!!!!

Laura's Babies
01-12-2010, 07:44 AM
TODAY is the BIG day!! Keep us posted and get the camera ready! (fingers crossed that it goes wonderfully!)

01-12-2010, 07:59 AM
The pix aren't the best but Ms. Yodifer was definitely not in the mood for a photo op. I tried to hold her w/my left hand and take the pix w/my right. Her left eye still looks cloudy but Dr. Lee says it's healed. Now I'm putting a salve in the eye to get rid of the scarring.

After I cleaned her up, she didn't even go to her private spot. She stood at the top of the basement stairs and cleaned herself for 35 minutes, then went downstairs and she's still cleaning herself. I can only imagine how fun it's going to be now to try to catch her when it's medicine time this evening. LOL I can tell that she was just so shocked when I took that collar off. What a relief for both of us. If she manages to get that incision open again, I don't know what I'll do. It's healed pretty tightly, though. Anyhow, my girl Yodie Yodie is back! :D

Pinot's Mom
01-12-2010, 08:05 AM
Yay Yodie!! Congratulations!! Now, go get clean you stinker! ;)

01-12-2010, 08:35 AM
Yodie - you still don't look very happy. :(

It's okay girl - things are almost back to normal.

Now no scratching at that ear - ya' hear???:)

01-12-2010, 08:41 AM
Oh, goodness, if looks could kill, both you and the camera would be a little pile of dust by now!

Kisses to Yodie!

01-12-2010, 09:02 AM
I'm so glad she got the collar off. Hermes is the same way he has to clean himself after the cone comes off.


01-12-2010, 09:07 AM
Yodie - you still don't look very happy. :(

It's okay girl - things are almost back to normal.

Now no scratching at that ear - ya' hear???:)

Yeah, she's got Puddy beat in the dirty looks dept. As for not scratching at the ear, too late. She already has that spot above her eye rubbed raw again. As much as I hate to do it, if I see her clawing at the ear, the collar goes back on. Maybe she'll get the connection then. Right now she's still in the basement checking things out. It's as though she's in a new house saying "Hmm, this looks familiar." LOL

01-12-2010, 09:32 AM
The first picture without the collar she looks like she's thinking - ok, now what are you going to do to me??

It must be such a relief without that darn collar. But Miss Yodie, just remember, if you bother your ear or eye it's going to go right back on!!

01-12-2010, 10:33 AM
She probably hasn't been able to give herself an all-over grooming for a long time and is catching up!

Is there some numbing salve you could put above her eye so she can't feel it? Then maybe she would leave it alone. Better than the collar!

Welcome back, Yodie Yodie!:love::)

01-12-2010, 10:45 AM
She probably hasn't been able to give herself an all-over grooming for a long time and is catching up!

Is there some numbing salve you could put above her eye so she can't feel it? Then maybe she would leave it alone. Better than the collar!

Welcome back, Yodie Yodie!:love::)

Yep, she's still grooming herself. I just gave her a light brushing and I can tell it felt good. Dr. Lee said that I could put some Otomax directly on the spot that she rubbed raw. I had been doing that all along and it cleared up but it only took a few minutes of her being able to reach it and get it raw again, the little brat.

01-12-2010, 11:46 AM
Can you just imagine how good it must feel to her to have the collar off?

Oh, please, just don't scratch yourself raw again!

Mary, what a wonderful job you are doing for her.

Prairie Purrs
01-12-2010, 12:21 PM
Please be a good girl, Yodie, so you can keep that cone off. You and your mom deserve a break!

01-12-2010, 12:47 PM
Does Otomax have a local anesthetic in it? If it does, you think she'd leave it alone! Silly Yodie! Leave that spot alone!:love::love:

01-12-2010, 04:14 PM
I think that theres a compulsion to scratch an old wound, even when you know that you should leave it well alone!!!:eek::eek:
Please Yodie, let it heal!!!!:cool::cool:

Laura's Babies
01-12-2010, 04:20 PM
CONGRATULATIONS GIRL! You are FREE of that ole thing! Now Mommie has to find something to keep it from itching or whatever it does that makes you want to scratch it. LOOKING GOOD YODIE!!

01-12-2010, 06:42 PM
She's back to her old self. I was hoping to see her sit in her favorite spot and that's on a shelf in the patio room TV stand. She hopped up and watched the birds this afternoon. She wasn't able to do it w/the collar on b/c the shelf is very narrow. I tried to snap a pic but if she sees me coming now, she bolts. I managed to get her meds into her this evening but I have a feeling it's going to be the same game as before. I'll have to vary the times I give it to her b/c she's as fast as greased lightning. I'll have to grab her while she's dozing. I dislike doing that but she's got to take her meds.

01-12-2010, 06:50 PM
Hi, Yodie, pretty girl! I am so happy that you got your collar off and you are healing well! Gentle *kiss* to you from me!

01-12-2010, 07:01 PM
Yodie, good job on getting your collar off. Hopefully it's all uphill from here on out. Sending love your way! :love:

01-12-2010, 08:37 PM
She's avoiding me like the plague. When her collar was on, she'd be right behind me as I went upstairs to bed. I just now tucked everyone in and she ran from me. She's so afraid I'm going to put that thing back on her. LOL

01-13-2010, 01:37 AM
I'm glad to hear that she was finally able to get rid of her collar. Now hopefully she'll be a good girl and will take her meds and stop scratching herself raw.:) She's probably associating you with the meds so this is why she's avoiding you. I hope that she'll continue to do well. Good luck.:)

01-14-2010, 06:06 PM
My girl Yodie is racing through the house right now, yowling at the top of her lungs w/her catnip toy in her mouth. It's been so long since I heard her do that. At first, I thought she was in pain, then I remembered that she loved doing that. It's so good to have my Yodie the Yowler back.

01-14-2010, 07:04 PM
What great news! Yodie, you go, girl!

Has she stopped scratching at herself? Is she letting you give her her meds?

01-14-2010, 08:20 PM
What great news! Yodie, you go, girl!

Has she stopped scratching at herself? Is she letting you give her her meds?

She hasn't scratched all that much but she does still rub that spot above her eye. As for the meds, I've learned to feed them a little bit of canned food, shut all doors and then when she's finished eating, she's not able to run into rooms and hide, so I'm able to catch her. Once I get her, she's ok w/taking meds. :p

She ran back upstairs tonight as I was saying goodnight to everyone, which means that she wants to sleep w/me. I don't know, Coco Puff wants to also. It may be war. LOL I'm glad that she wants to, though, b/c I won't be getting conked in the head all night w/her collar.

01-14-2010, 10:09 PM
Yodie the Yowler! Good news! Hopefully that spot over her eye will heal on its own.

The Yowling Prowler!

Best wishes for ALL kitties to be healthy for a good long time! :)

Pinot's Mom
01-15-2010, 07:40 AM
Yodie the Yowler! Good news! Hopefully that spot over her eye will heal on its own.

The Yowling Prowler!

Best wishes for ALL kitties to be healthy for a good long time! :)

I second that-you deserve healthy happy kitties for a long while, Mary! I'm glad Yodie is back to her old tricks! :)