View Full Version : our day out together

01-10-2010, 02:14 PM
I wanted to do a Duke day...we will be having lots of those. Normally the trip to the pet store entails all four furkids but today we just took Duke. First we went to Pet Supermarket for a nice big bully stick. I let Duke pick it out...he chose a 30" on lol.
Here he is on our way...
I think in this one he is thinking...Good gracious woman we are just going to the pet store lol. [/SIZE]
more to come...

01-10-2010, 02:15 PM
I am telling him he can have any cookie he wants.
He chose this one...
He couldn't even wait until we got home.
Now at home...still enjoying it :D

Then we walked through PetCo and down the strip of stores outside. He loves to be around people. Next weekend I hope to maybe take him to the dog park, this weekend was a tad to chilly for that (I know I live in Florida I don't know what chilly is lol...but when it is normally between 90-100 8-9 months out of the year and we hit the 20-40s that is chilly for us :D).

For those of you keeping up with his medical status...the lump has grown, we have found 3 more smaller lumps on him, which shows that the cancer has already spread. He even got a tiny booboo on his ear three weekends ago that is having trouble healing :( I hate seeing him age...

He is doing well, eating, playing, enjoying the cooler weather. He has been really frisky and happy. Has that wonderful sparkle in his eyes. So we are taking one day at a time and enjoying every minute of it. I am so thankful that I work at home so I can stop at any minute just to lie on the floor and give him hugs and kisses.

01-10-2010, 02:16 PM
well sorry for some reason that one will not resize on here even though it is resized in photobucket...
is anyone else having a problem posting pictures...it keeps telling me I have 11 pictures posted when I only have 8:confused:

01-10-2010, 02:20 PM
Oh Duke is precious. :) He seems very happy with his bully stick. I think it is important to have alone time with each dog when you own more than one. :) I am sure he really enjoyed it. :)

01-10-2010, 05:19 PM
From the looks and what you posted, Duke had a wonderful day with you! I can see he is such a special dog, he must be a big sweetie.:)

01-10-2010, 05:22 PM
Duke is handsome! I love the one of him smiling at you while you tell him he can have any bullystick he wants. He's so handsome. :love:

01-10-2010, 05:30 PM
Looks like Duke had a wonderful day!! You are absolutely doing the right thing and enjoying every minute with him.

01-10-2010, 06:11 PM
Duke is all smiles, he heee. Nice to see him, and what fun, a Duke Day!

I get the 30 inch as well, it is cheaper by the inch that full length. Of course, then I clip it down to 4 inch bits, ha haaa.

Glad you are having some time to create additional good memories with your Duke Boy. I know you have so many, just add a few more on!

01-10-2010, 08:15 PM
Hi, Duke! Here is a big hug for you: (((((HUG))))))

01-10-2010, 08:32 PM
I'm glad to see he's doing so well, despite what is going on. You are very lucky to work from home.

Please give Duke some hugs and kisses from me. :)

01-18-2010, 11:51 AM
well sorry for some reason that one will not resize on here even though it is resized in photobucket...
is anyone else having a problem posting pictures...it keeps telling me I have 11 pictures posted when I only have 8:confused:

awesome pics!!.. he sure seemed happy with that stick.. hehe

and about the pics.. the smilies also count as pics ;)

01-18-2010, 12:42 PM
:love: Awee there is our Loving Precious Duke.. What a great time you all had.. He looks to have enjoyed his chew cookie..