View Full Version : Were getting ride of Chewy

Aspen and Misty
10-12-2002, 07:32 PM
I am sobing so hard....

I was at sams club but this is what I was told went on..

There was a bag of garbage hanging from the drawer in the kitchen. Teddy walked close to the bag. Chewy grabed Teddy by the throat and wouldn't release him. My sister hit chewy as hard as se could and yelled his name but he refused to let go of teddy's throat. My sister was 100% sure Chewy was going to kill Teddy! She is still upset about it and it happned an hour ago. It is extremly scary to think that it could have been one of cats or even on of us kids ::shudders:: I love Chewy with all my heart, don't get me wrong, But he is dangerouse. Weve tried working with him but nothing helps him. So were are looking at our options. The pound, sometype of rescue organization or just putting him down. Sorry I can't type no more...


10-12-2002, 08:00 PM
Oh, dear. I am so sorry it has come to this. It sounds like he needs to be an "only dog," which is something you should tell a rescue group. There are lots of rescue organizations, if you need to give him away. Maybe when things calm down there will be some other alternative?

It must have been horribly frightening for everyone - is Teddy okay?

Aspen and Misty
10-12-2002, 08:42 PM
Ok, now that I've cried so hard I'm shaking I think I can tell you what is happing and going on.

Chewy is in his crate being punished. Well, we are 100%sure we are getting ride of him. We are going to try to find a big spca who will help him get over his aggression problems. If we told our spca he was agressive they would put him down righ on the spot. We want to at least give him a chance at being adopted out. Teddy is doing fine. He stil wants to play with Chewy but Chewy isn't even aloud out of his crate. I just let him out to go to the bathroom, it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I cna't look at him. God just mentioning his name makes me brake down and cry. SOryr ifthere are alot of mistakes i am trying ot type fats before I start bawling again. 't If you don't mind I'm going to say a few words on here to chewy because I can't say them face to face....

I feel like there is a hole inside me an emptiness that at times seems to burn. I think if you lifted my heart to your ear you would hear the ocean. But now when the wind is warm and the crickets sing I will look back on the time I had with you and smile. You complted me and I love you with all my heart. I can't imagine life without you and saying goodbye to you will be tha hardest thing I will ever have to do. All I want is to keep you till the day you die but knowing that is not possible I will say goodbye in the hopes you find a new, better home. I'm so sorry I'm doing you to this. You deserve so much better. I love you chewy, and always will. Yo uwill always be my sunshine and my love, my heart beat and smile. I will never forget you. You are my first dog and the dog who I gave my heart to. Don't forget me, for I will never forget you,

Love your mother,

Ok I have to go again..I'm bawling..I need a tissue..


PS: I would reather die then live one more mintute with this pain.

10-12-2002, 08:49 PM
Oh Ashley,
My heart is breaking for you!!:( I have no idea what I would do in your case. I never had to experience the lose of a beloved pet in this way. Maybe there is a rescue group, especially one that works with a trainer or a psycologist can figure out Chewy's problem and get him into a new home that more suits his needs. (like was suggested- as an only pet). Oh, I am just so sorry!!

10-12-2002, 09:30 PM
Awww, I would surely take him in and give him his own private condo and backyard lol if I had enough money and my mom and dad were out of the way! Aww, I hope they are both okay try to get as many thing done with Chewy as you possibly can try to be brave and get in your last moments in believe me you will regret it if you do not. My dad had to take my dog back to the pound when I was five years old because she bit me on the head and even though I had a splitting headache I missed her so much. Also my friend has a dashund named Sokko who just recently bit somebody's arm and now he has 2 more days with them before he is taken away. This is not their first time losing a dog. Thier GSD was also taken away because he bit someone (the person was grabbing his face and he got mad and bit him). They were sued and since they could not afford to keep going to court (they dragged the case on and on) he was taken away. They have just found out that he was kicked out of the police force and sent to the Chinese training grounds to fight in the chinese army. Pretty sad. I'm gunna use the rest of this space to pray for dear Chewy.

From what I heard from your loving owner you are a fantastic dog. I will miss hearing about you and seeing your lovely face. Hopefully your owner can post some pictures of him so we will never forget. I am in tears now and I am so sorry whatever intiminated you to attack (sorry I am using such a dramatic word) Teddy, I hope you will be able to work it out in your new home. I know it will be hard for you to leave them, and they are surely grieving as well. You are such a handesome dog, promise me you will keep those great looks, okay? I am sure that you will always be one of my favorite dogs even though I have never seen you face-to-face Ashley tell about you well. Please keep in mind that Ashley loves you so much and she will never forget you, you will never be forgotten in your old home. I remember when you had to go to the kennel for a few days and Ash was so sad without you. I always thought the world would end before the Ashley and Chewy team broke up. One day you will meet up with her in heaven (of course I will not be there..hehe I'll be somewhere else...) and you can be partners for eternity. Until then, stay strong you sweet pup everyone will miss you and I know that if you work hard you can get rid of your agressiveness. It must be hard to go through this, you and Ash. Just remember never to forget your old family, and especially Ash. She was the one who looked up the laws of PA just to protect you from abuse. She was the one who put you in your vet's kennel to protect you that time she went away. In that other thread where everyone had pictures of themselves her pciture was herself holding you. Promise me you will never forget her and anybody you ever loved and someday you will see them again...I promise. Good-bye you precious little pup. I'll miss you.

God Bless The Best Human-Dog Partnership I've Ever seen (no offense anyone), Ash and Chewy!!!

10-12-2002, 09:46 PM
i havn`t been on the board for awhile, but when i saw the post, it just caught my attention

ash, i am sooo sorry about this! i hope that chewy can be given another chance-please don't let anyone put him down. i think a rescue group would be the best option you have. poor teddy, i am glad to hear he is doing alright. it's terrible for this to happen,. but i agree it is for the best. he is too dangerous..maybe he is a dominant dog and feels threatened by teddy...whatever the case, i think a family with no other pets would be best for him. good luck :)

10-12-2002, 10:01 PM

Are you absolutely certain that Chewy is totally aggressive?? Has he done this before?? I'm only asking because I don't want you to have to put him down and thought maybe Mike and I could take him for awhile and see if we couldn't help. Somehow I think that 17 others to contend with might cow him somewhat. Also, Mike is outstanding with working aggression out of dogs. Please consider the options and if your mom and dad want to talk to us I could PM you our phone number.


Aspen and Misty
10-12-2002, 10:17 PM
Molly. Thank you for everything you have just said ::hugs::. Whn I was acctaully told I had to get ride of Chewy I was like I know where I'm sending him! :D . But I don't want to indanger your other dogs. Chewy is aggressive towards people, animals, food almost everything. He is an aggressive dog. ::SIGH::

Thanx Britt. I gave my family permission to hit Chewy. He has attacked Teddy twice before, never this bad though. I told them that if he ever did it again they may hit him or do anything to get him off of teddy. At the moment my sister didn't care if he attacked her as long as he was off of Teddy. ::sigh::.

Thanx for the weel wishes Primabella.

Chewy, Why? Why can't you just be good like other dogs?


Will everyone please pray for us. I have found some No-kill animal shelters. They are in Pittsburgh. We will be going there this weekend for my cousin's weding shower. We are hopeing they will acept Chewy even though he doesn't coem from pitssburgh. PLEASE PRAY! Thank you

10-12-2002, 10:28 PM
Please don't give him to an SPCA!!! A rescue group will be his only hope. A shelter environment will NOT help him at all!! I have worked at 2 humane societies, both wonderful, caring places BUT most non-aggressive dogs have a hard time behaviorally there.... teh aggressive ones have a horrendous time. They basically just sit there waiting to be put down. Both the spca's I worked at are no-kill. My previous job, they would have put him down. They wouldn't put him down at my current shelter, BUT he would stay there probably for a year before adopted and he would deteriorate :(

Contact rescue groups. They are an asset for these types of situations. They will help work out his problems.

I am so sorry for what you are going through. You will be in my thoughts.

10-12-2002, 10:30 PM
If we told our spca he was agressive they would put him down righ on the spot. We want to at least give him a chance at being adopted out.

What if he gets adopted by inexperienced dog owners with a cat? And he kills their cat? Then they would probably put him down or take him back to the shelter... where he would go through the same cycle again until it was too late for him :(

Its best to tell the shelter absolutely EVERYTHING.

Aspen and Misty
10-12-2002, 11:03 PM
o no no no no no! That is not what I ment at all Aly! I ment that if we took him to our SPCA and told them that he was aggressive they would put him down. So we are tryign to find another place that will rescue him and help him with his aggresion problems. I am going ot tell them he needs to be adopted out to a home that has no other animals. He will kill or at least hurt them. Thnka you for your concern and I would never lie to my sehlter. :D As I have said before I contacted a Rescue group and they are getting back to me. I will be praying forever about his safty, and will stil love him when he is not with me.


10-12-2002, 11:55 PM
Aggression problems are very difficult to deal with. Sometimes a dog is aggressive because they are afraid. This is hard to overcome, but can be worked through with time and patience, in a home environment. Sometimes a dog is aggressive concerning one "possession" - their food dish, crate, or favorite human. This can also be overcome with sensitivity training. Sometimes a dog is aggressive to small animals - cats, rodents, birds. This is just a dog's nature, IMO, and is part of owning a dog. ALL of my dogs take great pleasure from hunting and killing small creatures. I don't really dig it, but it's the way dogs are. Some dogs are aggressive to other dogs. IMO, this is an inherent personality trait of the dog, and extremely difficult to overcome. And .... there are dogs that are aggresive, period ... aggresive to people, to other dogs, to small animals. Only a serious, extremely dedicated, professional trainer might be able to help an inherently aggressive dog. An animal shelter is NOT going to have the time, skills or budget to handle a dog like that. A breed rescue will be your best shot, if your dog is a purebred, or a mix with a high percentage of one breed.

Let me tell you a couple stories about aggressive dogs: I had a foster dog, Sparky. He was severely injured when I brought him home to foster. I had him for six months, during which time he was 100% docile and submissive. My dogs, who were 1/4 his size, made him roll over and show his belly. I suspected nothing but this would continue. One day, I came home from the movie to a bloodbath - Sparky had almost killed my dog, Wishbone. He had gotten him by the throat. It was NOT a pretty sight - blood sprayed up my walls, onto my ceiling, Wishbone's neck in shreds. Wishbone lived, but barely. Sparky is currently living in my boarding kennel. I will not take him to a shelter. He would be miserable, and his chances of getting adopted slim. Plus, the potential for human error at a shelter - leaving a gate open, mixing up adoption files - is very real. So, he will stay in my kennel until I find the PERFECT home for him, or I decide the time has come to euthanize him. Only time will tell.

My other story - a few weeks ago two of my dogs got in a fight. These two have always had some "issues" with each other - growling, circling, etc., but never a big fight. Well, they did this time! And, of course, being dogs .. all the others jumped in on the loser. By the time I heard it, jumped out of the shower (why are you always naked when this stuff happens!?) and broke it up, the losing dog (poor Wishbone again) was pretty well bit. The dog that started the fight with him, Jack, is still living in my house, and always will. I seperate them when I am not with them. Problem solved.

So .. the moral of my two long (sorry!) stories is this ... sometimes a dog being aggressive to another dog is a serious, rip-out-the-throat-and-kill kind of thing, and sometimes it is normal dog stuff that escalates a little. Sometimes a dog must be re-homed or euthanized, and sometimes not. I have many, many, many years of experience working with dogs ... and I always get a second and third opinion. Perhaps you should too? Can you contact a behavorist, or trainer? Perhaps Chemc needs to go to a new place, and perhaps not. But I would get a profession assessment of the situation if you could.

Also ... please don't "punish" Chewey or be angry at him. He doesn't understand, dogs don't hold grudges. He doesn't know why you are mad at him. He is no doubt very confused and sad. Please treat him nicely and kindly and love him. You will feel much better about it, and he will be much happier. Even you have to find a new home for him, he needs to know you love him now.

10-13-2002, 01:21 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about Chewy. I hope that he will end up in a good home where he can be the only pet. I know what's it like to lose a pet, when I was younger we had a border collie that was just too much for us. We lived on a small ranch with sheep, and he was too protective of them, he would try to attack our other dogs when they would get near the sheep and sometimes even growl at us. So we gave him to a family that had kids and a huge yard and he did so much better there. He liked being the only dog and the children gave him lots of attention. Maybe something like that will happen with Chewy too.

Aspen and Misty
10-13-2002, 10:12 AM
Originally posted by Twisterdog
Also ... please don't "punish" Chewey or be angry at him. He doesn't understand, dogs don't hold grudges. He doesn't know why you are mad at him. He is no doubt very confused and sad. Please treat him nicely and kindly and love him. You will feel much better about it, and he will be much happier. Even you have to find a new home for him, he needs to know you love him now.

We punished Chewy last night because he still knew what he did. Today has gone like normal. He was aloud to sleep in my bed last night. We woke up I fed him. We had our hour long playing time in the backyard and now we are back inside and chewy is playing with that anoying toy that I wish I would never have bought him. :rolleyes: Its so high pitched he howls with it!!! He got so out of hand last night I put it in the fridge. He was runing around and squeeking it and howling with it and when he howls let me tell you he howls. He has to be like half beagel. O he is bay is so loud. LOL. But his bay is also so cute. :D

Chewy is doing great and so is Teddy. My mom refuses to even allow them in the same room :rolleyes: :( . So right now Teddy is locked up so Chewy can be out and then we are going to my bro's soccer game and Teddy can be out. I think we are going to set up Chewy's large pen in the family room again so that he won't have to be in his crate all the time he can at least have a little bit of room.

Chewy is not a pur-bred dog as you can tell by my signature. He looks like an Aussie in a Beagle's Body. :D He is so cute. I rember this time a lady came up to us and said "Your puppy is just one of those puppies who you look at an say Omg that is the cutest puppy! I just have to pet it!" That will be forever how I think of Chewy.

We are calling a behaviorist and are going to talk to her to see what she thinks needs to be done and if she can help us. I hope she can. My parents are being wierd and confussing me. I dunno any more. One mintue they are like You can NOT keep that dog and now they are like lets call the behviorist and see what she says. So maybe they talked last nigth and figured something out. I sure hope so. but this i not definite. So don't get your hopes up (that little last part was more for me then you)


10-13-2002, 10:42 AM
Don't worry Ash things will work out fine for both you and Chewy. Hopefully the behavorist will be able to help you guys out with the little guy and things will get better.

I have a friend who got married a couple of years ago and moved in to her new husbands huse with her dogs and his two dogs and there was problems with one of her husbands dogs trying to attack her and her dogs but from what I understand they've come to a mutual understanding (the dog and my friend) the dog is never in the same room that she's in, if she enters he leaves...maybe you can try to get something like that to happen with Chewy and Teddy.

Anyway just know that me and the puppers are thinking about you and Chewy and praying that everything will turn out all right.

10-13-2002, 11:45 AM
so sad to hear about this.....

reading your post made me think back when my Beethoven bit my Crunchy a few years back w/c needed stitches afterwards. Beethoven latched on to Crunchy's neck w/o any intention of letting go....and I was really scared to death for we tried to drag them apart for a COUPLE OF VERY LONG MINUTES!!! for me, it seemed to be one of the longest two minutes in my life. My mom was also very frightened by this and she helped me dragged them apart .... Someone told me afterwards that with this kind of situation, I should have sprayed them with water -- to cool them off and to separate them.

after that incident, my mom REALLY made her decision that I have to give Beethoven away despite my arguments with her, for Beethoven is according to her a very aggressive dog. And we are also prepared then to give her away already.... However, to my relief., my arguments somehow paid off and Beethoven gets to stay with me.

Of course, Beethoven and Crunchy never ever get to get along well with each other anymore, until now. So I have to keep one in a crate while the other is out roaming and vice versa EVERYDAY. They have their time shifts in and out the crate, just to avoid the "incident" to happen again. Even if sometimes it gets tiring to have to do this everyday, its still worth it for me, coz I get to keep both of them with me forever and that's what really important for me.

REally hoPe and praY that everything will work out fine for your Chewy and Teddy.

10-13-2002, 01:55 PM
I hope the behaviorist (bad spelling today) will help. Is it possible to have the shelter he might be going to contact you when he gets adopted, or if he gets adopted for them to tell the people to contact you? If he has to go to a shelter then ask them if they can keep in touch, so you do not entirely have to lose him. Perhaps he might get to stay. Is'nt there a place he can go, like another room or something so he can be away from Teddy? Or maybe you can keep one in the yard while the other is inside, so none of them have to be locked up. Best wishes.:)

10-13-2002, 02:12 PM
What kind of dog is Teddy? That is Chewy in your sig pic?

I certainly hope you can find some type of answer here.
Please keep Mugsy in mind if you need them. It sounds like her and Mike are willing to work with him if needed. And us PetTalkers can form the Chewy Express if needed. We came up with a list of contacts for dog rescue last spring sometime. I think Souraya took the names. Let us know.

10-13-2002, 03:11 PM
Oh no!! :( :( I love your little sweet Chewy! Is Teddy ok? Did he bleed or anything? I really hope things can be worked out between the 2 of them, and Chewy can stay with you. I know you love him. Let us know how it goes with the behaviorist! And if it turns out that Chewy and Teddy will never get along, please let us help you get him a good "only dog" home. How old is Chewy now? Have you tried him around other dogs besides Teddy?

Reggie, Smokey, and Nebo still don't get along too well. Nebo has bit at them, and they have bit at him. They haven't ever actually grabbed and held on though. Nebo likes other dogs (he loves Lady) but Reggie doesn't like other dogs (besides Smokey) and I don't think he ever will. We work it out though. They are never outside alone together, and I try to keep them separated for the most part...although if Nebo is in a calm mood, they really don't mind eachother.

shais_mom, Teddy is a sheltie, and Chewy is I guess a aussie/beagle? I thought at first he was an aussie/westie mix.

10-13-2002, 03:37 PM
Ash, I am so sorry to hear about this. I know it's one of the hardest & saddest thing to go through. :( Do you think this has anything to do with your brother hurting him? I really hope not. You'll be in my thoughts and thought it may take time, I hope you feel better.

10-13-2002, 04:30 PM
Oh, no Ashely!:( I love your little Chewy! I'll be sending prayers that somehow the behaviorist can help you to correct Chewy's problem. Everyone is pulling for Chewy!!

10-13-2002, 06:36 PM
Parents can send confusing signals sometimes because of emotions. They were probably terribly scared (and understandably so) by the incident, but may be realizing that there could still be help. I think you'd all know if the dog was "evil". He is not. He was just being a dog with some issues that need diagnosis and treatment. Greatest fo luck to you all.

Aspen and Misty
10-13-2002, 08:19 PM
Well, I have been faced with an option.

1. i can live with my dad, my brotehr Jonathan and my brother Jerry and keep Chewy. (I am terrifed of Jonathan he is abusive and scary)


2. I can live with my mom and get ride of Chewy. But I will be saf and away from Jonathan.

So I need to decid now. Lose Jonathan or Chewy. Everything was simple untill my mom deced she wanted to move out and let my dad have the house. Before me and my dad were going to move out and not have any of the other kids. So there would be no JOnathan. And my dad does pretty much whatever I tell him to concerning Chewy, like not to tease him, play tug of war, hit him, kick him thigns like that so we would have been pretty good. But no my mom has to ruin everything. O well. I live with Jonathan. At least I get to keep Chewy. Well we will see. I'm just thankfull I get to keep him.


Aspen and Misty
10-13-2002, 08:19 PM
PS: We will still be seeing a behviorist

10-13-2002, 08:32 PM
Sometimes we owners forget our beloved
dogs do not think like humans, they are dogs.
They have their own language that many times we
misinterpret or make a situation worse with out realizing it.

I hope the behaviorist
will be able to teach the family
how to curb little Chewy's habits and
also give the family tips on how to prevent
certain un-welcome behaviors in the future.

Sounds like you are in a very tough situation, and sometimes
parents do things we do not understand until
we are older.
I am sending lots of good wishes for you
and Chewy in hopes that everything will be better.

10-13-2002, 09:21 PM
Oh, gee, what a situation! Will you still be able to come on Pet Talk at your dad's? Well anyway you should do what you think is best for Chewy and you. Isn't Johnathan the one you said you were gunna tell him the animal abuse laws of PA because he was abusing Chewy (forgive me if I am wrong)?? Wasn't that why you did store Chewy in your vet's kennel because you did not trust him with him? Forgive me if I am wrong but it sounds like neither you and Chewy would be happy with him around. Of course maybe you can tell your parents how this is pulling you apart and what feelings Johnathan brings upon you? I am certainly not trying to but in your life, forgive me if I am doing so. On the other hand if you do decide to go your mom's and give away Chewy then you will be without him forever, well not entirely forever. Remember that Mugsy agreed to give him a good home if you still want to stay in touch with him and not lose him. Stand strong and decide what would make you and Chewy both happy. It is your call, ref. Good luck on your decision. :)

10-13-2002, 10:14 PM
Our thoughts and prayers will be with you whichever decision you make. It is a terrible position for you to be in, and I hope you have someone outside the family you can talk this through with to get an objective opinion.

10-13-2002, 10:25 PM
Could you talk about this with one of your favorite teachers at school? Or the school counselor? Or someone at your church? This is a BIG change in your life. It would be hard enough to choose in a case like this, but the emotion of potentially losing your pet only adds more to it. Please talk with someone about it.

10-13-2002, 10:25 PM
If you do decide to live with Jonathan, PLEASE get out the first time he does anything physically or emotionally abusive to you. You're a doll for considering that option for Chewy, but we don't want to see anything bad happen to you!

If you still want to live with your mom, maybe we can find a Pet Talker who's in search of a dog and doesn't have any other pets!

Aspen and Misty
10-14-2002, 06:28 AM
Originally posted by aly

If you still want to live with your mom, maybe we can find a Pet Talker who's in search of a dog and doesn't have any other pets!

Ou very own Mugsy has been wiling to open up her heart and home to my Chewy. I am so grateful for that.

My brother is on probation for another 6 months and then willin be "free" aqgain where he will be out all day and nigth and I will never see him.
Yup! I will still be on Pet talk. So Ya'll don't worry your still stuck with me :p

My mom is so confussing I have stopped listing I swear she said to everyone that she wanted to move out but now she is saying we should move out. I guess we will see what goes on in the next couple of weeks. Me and my dad are still searching for a house. If we move out then it would be only me and him and Chewy. O and our new kitten :D. Yup my dad told me is we move out he wants to get a kitten. Yipee! We also migth have Misty My kitty cat. I sure hope so.

Twisterdog- The three teachers in my grade LOVE to gossip about EVERYTHING. LOL So if I told one of themthey all would know and I would feel un comfortable. Unfortunitly all, and I mean all of the adults at my school are friends with my parents. So, you can see where I'm at. I have been thinking about that and have been trying to find one. My search just isn't over yet :D


PS: Thank you everyone for everything! For comforting me when I thought I had to get ride of Chewy and now for your thoughts and everything. I don't know what I would do without ya'll