View Full Version : Is this rude? or is it just me?

01-08-2010, 09:11 PM
Okay, so this has been bother me for a couple of days now, I don't know why - as I usually try (and do well) not to let little things get to me because I feel it's a waste of time. I went to an eye specialists because the eye doctor saw something strange which she couldn't identify properly. So, I don't really remember what it's called but I do remember the statistics. He told me "6 out of 100 people" have this, and it's really not a big deal. When I get into my late 20's and early 30's is when it really going to take effect. I am just going to be seeing flashing lights and floaters "alot" more frequently then other people. I have already started seeing them, but I never dwelled on it because I thought it was normal. But I didn't care to much about it, it's not something horrible and people have so much worse things then I do. I mentioned in my facebook status, and this girl comments "haha sucks to be you, that would happen to you"..I deleted the comment because it was nagging at me so much. Umm, even if it wasn't something major, and yes I did joke about it myself about how I get all the random rare things ( I also have a rare heart defect), isn't that rude or is it just me?

I have trust issues with this girl but I do talk to her alot at school and have come to realize she isn't as bad as I thought she was previously. She was really nasty to me in 6th grade though. I just wanted to know I am not insane as to say this is only rude to me..I just don't get why it is bothering me so much?

Okay, sorry to drag things on to this extent. I don't really know why I am even posting this, but it really bothered me. I guess I shouldn't lower my guard to much with her after all.

01-08-2010, 09:13 PM
I think that is rude and uncalled for. I would feel the same way you do...

01-08-2010, 09:39 PM
I think it was a rude and ignorant comment. It would bother me too.

01-08-2010, 10:05 PM
I agree, I think her post was thoughtless.
Sometimes people say or post things with-out thinking 1st on how the other person might

01-08-2010, 10:21 PM
She sounds pretty immature, your too good for her...let it go.

01-08-2010, 10:24 PM
Very rude and uncalled for. I would feel the same way.. she sounds immature, though.

01-08-2010, 11:15 PM
I agree with all the above comments. Totally rude, and uncalled for. I'm thinking she thought it was funny, but indeed not the case! People that are sarcastic about certain things really bother me.:(

Alyssa, not sure if this is the same thing your doctor is talking about, but sometimes when I look at something that is light in color (say a white shirt while doing laundry) I will see like flashes of green color. Kind of confusing, but is this what your doctor was referring to? If so, I might have the same issue.

Tora Oni
01-09-2010, 12:59 AM
Yeah the girls an idiot probably has no idea this is going to haunt her some day. I mean every body dies or suffers from something...its probably going to be a lot worse for her since I doubt you are the first one to get a comment like this.

Sometimes I can be blunt, but its not like I'm saying something in a rude way. I take consideration in how to word thing properly to say something, sometimes it comes of a bit harsh but I'm know these people, and their limits. Its never really anything serious or emotionally tied though, its on lighter subjects.

01-09-2010, 07:13 AM
Very rude and uncalled for


01-09-2010, 07:25 AM
Rude indeed, but she probably didn't really mean anything malicious.

Your symptoms sounds like early cataracts. Some people get them at a younger age than is typical. If it gets to where it is affecting your vision (things being blurry), they can be removed. That surgery is no big deal - the simplest I've ever had done - painless and very quick - just a matter of minutes.

01-09-2010, 11:00 AM
That girl is horrid, but MORE important I would have a second opinion with an opthtomologist done. Floaters people do get more so as we age, but flashes those are a different matter. I work for two eye Dr's and when someone says they have flashes we have them come in ASAP. It could be an occular headace but I truly would get a second opinion. Eyes are tricky and once vision is gone it's gone for the most part. I don't mean to scare you............ Just get it check out in the next couple of weeks, a second opinion is always good. Please keep us posted.
As for Miss Horrid, put her on your ignore list.

10-15-2018, 05:16 PM
That is a great idea, getting a second opinion I mean! The girl however, very insensitive. I would be very hurt by that evil little comment just like you. When people show you who they are, believe them. I'd avoid her. Best wishes with your eye condition. I hope you find excellent treatment and only bond with folks that treat you with kindness and respect.