View Full Version : Wanna Know More About My Pets??

10-12-2002, 05:32 PM
Well if you do, come to my MSN Group! It is called My Pride and Joys and so far it only has four members, but running very well! Please join I need more members and usually I would not beg for people to come so it can be big and cool like Pet Talk, okay??? Here's the link: http://www.msnusers.com/MyPrideandJoys Hope to see you there!!:D

10-12-2002, 07:21 PM
Do the posts have to be just about bunnies or any type of pet??

BTW, I have a question for you about bunnies. My friend has a chinchilla bunny who is so cool!! HIS name is Guen (they thought he was a girl at first) and he's 3 years old. Anyway, he keeps getting these ulcers on his back legs near the bone joint. She has a cage that does not have a grated bottom (the vet recommended a smooth bottom). I took Guen to the vet yesterday and he was put on antibiotics (raspberry flavored :D). Is it common for rabbits to get these types of sores? Is it due to inactivity?? She tries to let him out of the cage to run around the den (he's litterbox trained). Any suggestions??

Thanks. I will definitely check out your website.

10-12-2002, 07:31 PM
Neat webpage!!I would like to put my border collie&german shephard's picture on there if i can...Do i send i picture to you to put it on there?




10-12-2002, 08:49 PM
(they thought he was a girl at first) and he's 3 years old

Sounds somewhat familiar lol.

Is it common for rabbits to get these types of sores? Is it due to inactivity?? She tries to let him out of the cage to run around the den (he's litterbox trained). Any suggestions??

Uh, I'm not sure, Floppsy has a wire bottom to his cage, I would not know. He has no sores that I know of and I centainly have not heard of it. I'll have to check with my vet soon about that:D

I would like to put my border collie&german shephard's picture on there if i can...Do i send i picture to you to put it on there?

No, you can add things to your photo album-which you can create. Just go to pictures and then there is a button somewhere (lol I don't know where) that says create album. If you also go to animal stuff you can see biographies of my pets and facts you might not have known about them!:D

10-12-2002, 09:32 PM
OK thanks i will try it and get the pictures on there if i can figure it out:)...things are complicated for blondie me:D ...




10-12-2002, 11:07 PM
I have a question for you about bunnies. My friend has a chinchilla bunny who is so cool!! HIS name is Guen (they thought he was a girl at first) and he's 3 years old.Anyway, he keeps getting these ulcers on his back legs near the bone joint. She has a
cage that does not have a grated bottom (the vet recommended a smooth bottom).

Try putting something softer in the bottom - many people get carpet remnants for their bunnies cage, or put hay down. Miss Hoppy has maize mats in her cage - not that she stays in there much, she's free to roam, but I buy them by the 1-foot square at Pier One . This was recommended by other bunny folks, and they're great! She lies on them, chews on them, eats them - we have a few on the kitchen floor for her to relax on, too!

And FloppseyLadySally - do put at least a piece of cardboard in Floppsey's cage for him to have something that's not grating to rest on - life in a wire cage can cause problems for a bunny in the long run - sore on tehir feet, etc.

10-13-2002, 01:16 AM
Are the sores right on the foot pads? My dad raises rabbits and we always kept a wire grate on the bottom to keep them from developing sore hocks. Thats when they get something that looks like an open sore on the bottom of their back feet. If you put a flat surface they can urinate on it and when they sit on that area it can irritate the foot causing sore hocks. That's why he always wanted the bottom of the cage to be open so any urine could fall though the cage. But I've also never had pet rabbits so maybe they use a litter box in their cage and wouldn't pee on their rug.