View Full Version : a true story of Pitti devotion!

01-06-2010, 09:05 PM
this is a story of a pittie named Kush(yes I know what "Kush" is lol), Kush was left at the kennel where I work for 6 months..from when he when he was 6 weeks old in the middle of Nov. 2008 until Easter weekend 2009, I was there and I knew him, but I only worked about twice a week, so I didnt know him THAT well. he was primarily raised by the girl that worked afternoons. he was not abandoned..we only wish that were the case, Kush was left with us by his young owner..who as it turned out was a drug dealer(didnt know for sure at the time). he left Kush with us to raise until he was big enugh to start training him as a guard dog. we wanted to get Kush away from this guy, but as long as he kept paying the bill, there was not much we could do. the afternoon girl trained him, socilaized him, took him to the vet, the petstore, took him to the dog park, pet expo's, first aid classes etc.. he was her baby. that last easter he was gone and we never heard from him again. until now. I have a habit of searching the local humane society website..I wam not in the market for anymore pets, its just a habit...and apperntly a good one. because about a week ago as I was crisng the dogs for adoption I saw a familier face..much older and more filled out, so I wasnt positive, but that face looked a LOT like Kush. at first I just assumed it couldnt be, and forgot about it, then 2 days ago I was chatting with tha afternoon girl and she was telling me about how she was crying the previous night looking at old pics of Kush..the pictures on the shleter site pushed to the front of my mind and I mentioned it to her..she asked me to show her, so we went to the computer and I brought it it up...she started to cry, grabbed her stuff and ran to the shelter before it closed. it was him. she walked up to his cage and, when she started to walk away to get a kennel tech, he started his familer cry..she knew for sure it was him right then and there, even the kennel tech said you could tell her recignized her. it was too late that night, but the next day(yesterday) as soon as the shelter opened for adoptions she was waiting at the door to adopt him. Kush got left alone downtown in the middle of winter(our winters easily hit -40 to -50*C) nobody ever called about him. considering he is the friendly dog on the planet I am pretty sure he was booted as he is obviously no guard dog. Jush is now home, he now legally belongs to his "always" mommy and back where he belongs, he remains his happy loving wiggly self..although he has definatly lost some manners! his only aggressions issues he has picked up are toward certain dogs..he is fine with the ones he remebers from before.



gettin lovin with his momma

one of my fav. puppy pics of him

sometimes...even if things seem fruitless, if you work hard anyway..things will work out in the long run!

01-06-2010, 09:13 PM
That is soooo cool. I am so happy for your friend. I couldn't imagine falling in love with a dog and getting it taken away. I'm happy he has a safe home now and he's a really cute boy!!! :) What a happy ending. :-D

01-06-2010, 09:14 PM
Oh that is a great heartwarming story. :) I LOVE Kush. Kush is adorable! :love:

01-07-2010, 07:12 AM
OMG this made me tear, what a wonderful story, never ceases to amaze me the love that these dogs hold for humans even after what they have been out thru, please tell your friend I am super super happy for her and Kush and he is a good looking fella :D

01-07-2010, 11:36 AM
So glad it worked out for Kush and his furrever mom! :love:

01-07-2010, 11:53 AM
Aww what a cutie, love the name too lol. :D

Indigo Bully Connection
01-07-2010, 12:07 PM
Oh man that brought a tear to my eye! I'm so glad he has found his forever home!

01-07-2010, 03:09 PM
Tears in my eyes too! That is so cool!! :D :D

01-08-2010, 03:43 PM
Kushy had his checkup and shots on Wed. she said he weighed in at 62lbs! he is all healthy though, and gets his nuts off on Tues. he is doing much better now even after only a few days of his rules being back in place, its like all his previous training is comming flooding back lol and he is learning that he has to follow the rules with EVERYBODY and not just his mommy lol, he is also learning not to cry everytime his mom leaves the room..he is gonna see her again!

01-09-2010, 06:35 PM
awe that is such a cute story.....and man he is such a beautiful pit....people like her always make me proud to own a pit because they are true and loyal....it is funni i have had a hard time tryin to get my pits (and chis) to stop crying wen we leave...but the thing is it isnt a whine it is more like a howl for all of them.....