View Full Version : Snow photos

01-06-2010, 08:57 AM
You may or may not know that the UK has been hit with a lot of snow lately and my little part of the world has not escaped.
Not near as much as other parts of Wales, indeed of the UK generally, so far anyhow, but for me it is still too much.

Weather forecast is for more snow but more worrying is the below zero temperatures, it's been freezing constantly over the last few weeks
and the icy roads and paths are terrible. I haven't been out since Christmas day, and that was just around the corner,
I need it to thaw so I can take Bob for a walk, poor boy. :(

Anyhow, some pics. :D

My little corner out back
and to the right

Looking towards the hills

None of my neighbours had ventured out at the time of taking the photos. :)

a few more in the next post.

01-06-2010, 09:03 AM
Out the front now

and left

Zooms to show the snow on the mountain.



I wish I could go explore. I bet I could get some great pics. Oh, well, never mind.

01-06-2010, 09:44 AM
Wow, you got a lot of snow, Chris! I agree it looks pretty, but not much fun to walk in, especially after a few days.

We got quite a bit too, but in Jylland (Jutland), they got more. Some nurses had to take double shifts because they could not get home, and some patients who were ready to go home also had to stay.

They say, it will get down to -10 and even lower, in the next few days. :(

01-06-2010, 09:52 AM
Chris, have you considered snowshoes? They are great for deep snow and easy to walk on/with. It is quite popular to snowshoe here in Vermont.

Speaking of Vermont, a couple of days ago, we were snowed on to the tune of 33 inches overnight. That set a 40 year record for us. Lots and lots of snow.

I love the photos of your town. It seems so quaint and quiet. I bet Bob just loves getting his walks with SO much to sniff!

Thanks for sharing the photos!

Sas and her campers

01-06-2010, 11:07 AM
Wow it all looks as if you got all the snow. We got some south of us in the Alps but here it is only like an inch or so.

smokey the elder
01-06-2010, 12:24 PM
I've gotten gypped in the snow department so far. It has been all around us, but not in my area. Oh, well, that much less to shovel. I'd trade snow for this stupid wind any day, though.

01-06-2010, 02:41 PM
Chris, your town looks pretty in the snow. Where I live, we have about 6" on the ground with more to come! We have a light but steady snow right now and the roads are getting covered again. One great advantage of being in an assisted living facility is that I can watch people shovel and plow snow and I don't have to for the first time in 38 years!!

01-06-2010, 03:00 PM
Great snow pictures Chris!:)
Like Sas said above, we have lots of snow here in Vermont too.
What does Ebby think of the snow? Does she even like to look out the window at it falling?
My cats have both been extra clingy and snuggly with all the snowy cold weather here this winter.

01-06-2010, 03:15 PM
Beautiful pictures but I'm glad we haven't had that much snow yet. I don't like to walk or drive in it, stay safe.

01-07-2010, 12:41 PM
Beautiful! :) You've got a lot of snow in your area, just as much as we have!


01-07-2010, 09:26 PM
Nice pictures.:) I like to look at it but I'm glad that we don't have any here. It's been sunny and in the 60's.:)

01-08-2010, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the comments everyone.:)

They say, it will get down to -10 and even lower, in the next few days. :(
Yes, they said that here, and they were right! Luckily it didn't get down that far where I am, well, not yet anyway.

Chris, have you considered snowshoes? They are great for deep snow and easy to walk on/with. It is quite popular to snowshoe here in Vermont.

Speaking of Vermont, a couple of days ago, we were snowed on to the tune of 33 inches overnight. That set a 40 year record for us. Lots and lots of snow.

I love the photos of your town. It seems so quaint and quiet. I bet Bob just loves getting his walks with SO much to sniff!

Thanks for sharing the photos!

Sas and her campers
Sas, I took your tip and started looking at snowshoes but I had to pass because of the cost, some were as much as £175! :eek: Of course there are cheaper ones but the lowest was still around £70, which I can't afford right now. Of course it could be looked at as an investment, but only if so much snow was the norm where I live which it isn't.

As for poor Bob, we haven't been out for walks in a while because I've been ill off and on and then there came the ice, no way I can walk with him on that, not unless I want some broken bones. :)

... I'd trade snow for this stupid wind any day, though.
How about Arctic winds and the snow? :) That's what we will be getting in the next few days. :rolleyes:

What does Ebby think of the snow? Does she even like to look out the window at it falling?
She doesn't seem to care one way or the other even though I keep telling her how lucky she is to be inside in the warm. :D

Suki Wingy
01-10-2010, 12:37 PM
Oh my! That's quite a lot! I'm going to Cardiff in two days to work at a riding school so hopefully my flight won't be delayed because of the weather.

01-11-2010, 02:41 PM
Surprisingly, we haven't had much snow yet this year. Today it started snowing a little heavier, so we might get more. Here, people are very happy for snow, last year they had a very good season for skying.

I have been watching SkyNews and I saw a few places got quite a lot of snow in the UK. Even in some parts of Germany their road services were overwhelmed by snow, I imagine how difficult it is for the road services in the UK, where it is rather unusual to have that much snow.

01-11-2010, 04:55 PM
not many doggie prints on those amazingly lovely photos chris....snow bound and a dog in the house=a mess. princess peanut and i"ve not been for a walk for at least a week also.....i need clear paths too.

01-12-2010, 03:20 PM
chris, i'm so sorry, i finally saw his pictures and snow story in dog general ......http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=158330.
now i understand why no widespread foot prints in the snow..;).
and princess peanut totally does the i deserve a cookie after that snow well too.

01-13-2010, 03:18 PM
No, worries, my fault anyway, I should have replied earlier. :D