View Full Version : My photos (quite a few) and stories of both dogs so far

01-05-2010, 02:46 PM





So thats Tex, hes 18-20 weeks in those pictures. He was adopted from someone that works with the wife. He had got the pup from a rescue later to learn he would be going over seas so we got the pup from him. Tex has been a very quick learner, at times learning basic commands from just watching me train my other dog Lola, hand commands and all. He is eager to please and a huge lap dog.






This is Lola she is 8-9 months in these pics. She was rescued from a shelter at around 3 months. She has been a pleasure to own. Took a little while to get the whole not peeing inside thing down but has been a great dog and very easy to teach. She has tons of drive and can play out back for hours playing fetch or messing around with a flirt pole. She is pretty good on the leash not perfect yet but does awesome for the most part.

01-05-2010, 02:47 PM
your daugther and doggies are too precious for words!! :love: :love:

Indigo Bully Connection
01-05-2010, 02:48 PM
There's my girl with the hair! lol I love Lola, her muscle tone is phenominal

01-05-2010, 02:50 PM
thank you very much, both of you. and yea u think that hair is great, try getting her ready in the morning :D

01-05-2010, 02:50 PM
thank you very much, both of you. and yea u think that hair is great, try getting her ready in the morning :D

Haha I have the same sort of hair, I feel your & her pain. Is she mixed?

01-05-2010, 02:53 PM
yea her moms mixed as well

Indigo Bully Connection
01-05-2010, 03:14 PM
Ohhh Aidan... I do have the same freaking problem. I can't have anyone cut my hair except my cousin who has mixed children lmfao She's the only one who can handle this nappy mess.

01-05-2010, 03:20 PM
Here's my hot mess curly hair! I haven't put a comb through in in weeks :eek: I feel bad for my hair dresser haha.

http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs048.snc3/13552_105452269469461_100000140658956_132475_19898 42_n.jpg

Oh, that's my godson :p Too young for kids, though his mom is the same age as me, hehe.

01-05-2010, 03:36 PM
I knew the little one would hijack the thread had I known it turn into women and hair talk I might have left her out :D

01-05-2010, 03:41 PM
I knew the little one would hijack the thread had I known it turn into women and hair talk I might have left her out :D

LOl, but she's sooo cute!! Your dogs are too, don't get me wrong, but I have a soft spot for kids too!! Rare to see human kids in a dog forum! :p

01-05-2010, 03:42 PM
lol its all good im just giving yall a hard time, little Avah is sitting with me and says thanks for all the compliments ;)

01-05-2010, 03:43 PM
Ha I LOVE her name too!! I love any name ending in -ah...aaliyah, mariah, elijah, isaiah, jeremiah are my favorites!

01-05-2010, 03:44 PM
Great pics!Your little girl is so cute and the dogs are beautiful.

01-05-2010, 03:46 PM
thanks dixie!

I was kinda iffy on posting the spring pole pics or not as I know there is some people out there who see that as a sign of training dogs for fighting. I would hope though that no one here sees it that way and for my dogs it's just a great way to provide exercise and let them be dogs. They both will drop it on command as soon as I say drop. Well surprisingly, Tex normally faster than Lola, thats one thing I'm currently working on a little more these days. But its super fun to sit out there with them and watch them 1 at a time go at it, provides for some good entertainment and they love it to.

01-05-2010, 03:52 PM
Wow, it's nice to have so many pit owners here now. :D I just love Tex. That color is called blue, right?

I do have a question. What is the purpose of the toy hanging from the tree? I thought it wasn't good to pull on dogs teeth like that. :confused:

Well, you came back and answered my question in the above post. So nevermind. :p And that's exactly how I looked at it myself. As an agressive type thing.

01-05-2010, 04:00 PM
Wow, it's nice to have so many pit owners here now. :D I just love Tex. That color is called blue, right?

I do have a question. What is the purpose of the toy hanging from the tree? I thought it wasn't good to pull on dogs teeth like that. :confused:

Well, you came back and answered my question in the above post. So nevermind. :p And that's exactly how I looked at it myself. As an agressive type thing.

here's a video of it, I love how they wiggle their body lol.


there's also flirt poles, not just for pitties either!



and weight-pull for exercise

I live vicariously through bully breed owners, but I'm a small dog person...I might have mini bull terrier in the future though!


01-05-2010, 04:03 PM
Yea playing tug at an early age is not always the best thing to do. but my understanding, at his age, as long as he is doing it as his own pace it is ok. He can feel if he needs to let go or not. As far as an aggressive thing, no, not one bit. I am just making them work to get their beloved toys. I take the toy down when play time is over, and as I mentioned earlier they both know when to let go.

It's set up with a chain up in the tree attached to a spring, think trampoline spring, attached to the rope attached to the toy. So they jump up to get it, or in Lolas case reaches up to get it, and pull down on it. It really works the dogs back legs and back area, and is works great at wearing them out. Some people set theirs up where their dogs hang from it and their feet are not on the ground. I find this to be the incorrect method as to where if their feet are on the ground they are working at it more instead of just hanging.

And yea flirt pole is another great activity. I do that I'd say 30 mins to an hour everyday. Here is a sort little clip of some flirt pole action in the snow. I had already been working them for a bit so they aren't quite up to full speed, and as you can see Lola kinda makes me look bad with the belated drop :D

http://i606.photobucket.com/albums/tt147/Adamdtx/th_Picture137.jpg (http://s606.photobucket.com/albums/tt147/Adamdtx/?action=view&current=Picture137.flv)

01-05-2010, 04:13 PM
Yea playing tug at an early age is not always the best thing to do. but my understanding, at his age, as long as he is doing it as his own pace it is ok. He can feel if he needs to let go or not. As far as an aggressive thing, no, not one bit. I am just making them work to get their beloved toys. I take the toy down when play time is over, and as I mentioned earlier they both know when to let go.

It's set up with a chain up in the tree attached to a spring, think trampoline spring, attached to the rope attached to the toy. So they jump up to get it, or in Lolas case reaches up to get it, and pull down on it. It really works the dogs back legs and back area, and is works great at wearing them out. Some people set theirs up where their dogs hang from it and their feet are not on the ground. I find this to be the incorrect method as to where if their feet are on the ground they are working at it more instead of just hanging.

And yea flirt pole is another great activity. I do that I'd say 30 mins to an hour everyday. Here is a sort little clip of some flirt pole action in the snow. I had already been working them for a bit so they aren't quite up to full speed, and as you can see Lola kinda makes me look bad with the belated drop :D

http://i606.photobucket.com/albums/tt147/Adamdtx/th_Picture137.jpg (http://s606.photobucket.com/albums/tt147/Adamdtx/?action=view&current=Picture137.flv)

Whats that thing called where they climb up the wall?

01-05-2010, 04:16 PM
wall climb :D


01-05-2010, 04:19 PM
wall climb :D


Ha well, derr. :p

01-05-2010, 04:19 PM
I didn't realize how small Tex is. In the pictures with your daughter he seems so much bigger. And Lola is pure muscle, dang!!!
If I tried that with my dogs they'd stand there and look at me like "why are you doing that? You look like an idiot!". Just like they did when I tried to get them to play with the red dot from the laser pointer. LOL

01-05-2010, 04:21 PM
I didn't realize how small Tex is. In the pictures with your daughter he seems so much bigger. And Lola is pure muscle, dang!!!
If I tried that with my dogs they'd stand there and look at me like "why are you doing that? You look like an idiot!". Just like they did when I tried to get them to play with the red dot from the laser pointer. LOL

Ssssh don't say l-a-s-e-r around Valentino!!!


01-05-2010, 04:23 PM
LOL yea, well granted he has grown a small bit from that video but yea the pictures make him look a lot bigger for some reason I cant figure that one out. He is 21 weeks and 30lbs. I do think though the kinda far off video makes him look smaller than he is. He's deff gonna be a big boy.

And im glad i kinda took away the idea that spring poles mean aggressiveness Taz, exactly why I wasn't sure if I should post that, but I'm glad I showed you otherwise.

01-05-2010, 04:24 PM
OMG Aidan, your daughter is freakin adorable and I am not mixed but I feel ya on the hair thing bro, trust me and Candy omg I knew you would have a beautiful smile, that godson of yours has gorgeous eyes, lol

My dogs LOVE the springpole, I have video but I won't steal the thread and peope are tired of seeing my dogs, lol

01-05-2010, 04:29 PM
OMG Aidan, your daughter is freakin adorable and I am not mixed but I feel ya on the hair thing bro, trust me and Candy omg I knew you would have a beautiful smile, that godson of yours has gorgeous eyes, lol

My dogs LOVE the springpole, I have video but I won't steal the thread and peope are tired of seeing my dogs, lol

Thanks! And tired of your dogs?! Never!

01-05-2010, 04:40 PM
oh yes and the color is called blue. He is a blue nose, and the coat would be called blue as well.

01-05-2010, 05:17 PM
I love Lola´s ear set and muscle tone.. can i have it?.. haha

but the one who stole my heart is baby blue Tex.. looooove blue pits..:D

01-05-2010, 05:28 PM
oh yes and the color is called blue. He is a blue nose, and the coat would be called blue as well.

That's what I thought, since I have a blue merle Aussie myself. :D But she is not that beautiful grey color. She's a whole mess of colors. :p

01-05-2010, 06:24 PM
Very cute! :love: I LOVE the bullies. :) So when can I come play with them? :D

01-05-2010, 06:45 PM
hehe I'm open for doggy play dates anytime. Lola has done great with other dogs so far, and tex's little butt just wants to play with anyone.

01-05-2010, 07:15 PM
I love Lola's ears!!!!!!

I have a mini flirt pole... we don't play with it much... The pole is only like... a foot long LOL!!! We didn't play much with Remy because she eats EVERY one of her toys so the little fox wouldn't last long. Lol As for Delta... well, I haven't brought it out... thanks for inspiring me. I'm going to see how she does with it. Lol

01-05-2010, 07:18 PM
Awesome! It provides non stop fun on both ends. I personally love getting out there every day after lunch and just watching them go crazy for it.

01-05-2010, 09:37 PM


01-05-2010, 09:40 PM
Squuee! Your killing me with the cuteness here!

01-05-2010, 09:54 PM
Gotta love a lap dog - and one that's willing to be half-strangled by an affectionate small child! I know from family stories that I kind of, well, I did torture my poor first dog. Sheba was a German Shepherd maybe Doberman mix, and was the smartest, best dog in the whole wide world. Biased? Not me!

Gotta love those block head babies! great leaping pictures of both of them!

It's funny, how some dogs seem born to leap and others are just not interested, and seem not to even know that all four feet could leave the ground with a little effort!

Oh, and Dad? Getting her ready in the morning? Learn the joy of a ponytail! Gather, gather, apply ponytail holder and - done! That's one thing curls do better than straight "slickery" hair - they keep a ponytail holder in place!

01-05-2010, 10:17 PM
oh pony tales are daily attire.. thats what im not good at. the mom has to do it. mine come out looking all crazy LOL


01-05-2010, 10:19 PM
You framed that right?!! :D

01-05-2010, 10:23 PM
lol actually theres a site called shutterfly.com u can make these awesome picture album books on there and they make them and send it to you. best believe these pics are in there.

01-05-2010, 11:06 PM
AWWWWW :love: Those pictures of your little girl and the puppy are precious!

01-05-2010, 11:32 PM
oh pony tales are daily attire.. thats what im not good at. the mom has to do it. mine come out looking all crazy LOL

Hee hee! When I was in college, I took care of a little girl for two years, starting when she was about to turn four. Her hair wasn't long enough for ponytails yet - she was a bald child for a long time, and by then had huge brown curls. She got a big kick out of my hair, because I could put in a ponytail, and half an hour later, it would be halfway undone, as my hair was much straighter then, and still is very fine and although I have really thick hair, it's still slick enough to have to remake a ponytail several time during a day. The little girl declared my hair "all slickery!" and got big laughs out of it!

01-06-2010, 08:13 AM
OMG Aidan, I love shutterby.com, my SIL made one of my nephew and gave us one for xmas a few eyars ago, oh my such cuteness :D

01-06-2010, 09:27 AM
Mixbook.com is another one. Just had my mom do one for my wedding on there. It turned out fabulous!

I love that last picture with your little girl though. She has a cute little smirk on her face. LoL!

01-06-2010, 12:29 PM
Wow! Wow! and Wow! again! Those babies (human and k-9) are absolutely adorable! Beautiful faces all 3 of them:D