View Full Version : I don't know about y'all, but......

01-04-2010, 08:37 PM
I just like looking at pictures of other pet talkers' dogs. I enjoy seeing them modeling their new coats, interacting with their people, sleeping in funny positions, making funny faces, wearing their Halloween costumes, playing with their fur siblings.....I could go on and on.....I don't like controversy, and I understand some people enjoy it, but I usually never weigh in on it. When you are dealing with any large group of people, there will be lots of differing opinions, and no matter of argument will change people's minds. So, please keep the cute pictures of you and your beloved dogs coming because that is why I love pet talk and why I came on in the first place!! We are all dog lovers so please continue to take those wonderful pictures of your sweet dogs!!!!

01-04-2010, 08:46 PM
I couldn't agree more!! I love seeing PT dog pictures!:love:

01-04-2010, 08:47 PM
THANK YOU! Great post. :D

01-04-2010, 08:58 PM
I just like looking at pictures of other pet talkers' dogs. I enjoy seeing them modeling their new coats, interacting with their people, sleeping in funny positions, making funny faces, wearing their Halloween costumes, playing with their fur siblings.....I could go on and on.....I don't like controversy, and I understand some people enjoy it, but I usually never weigh in on it. When you are dealing with any large group of people, there will be lots of differing opinions, and no matter of argument will change people's minds. So, please keep the cute pictures of you and your beloved dogs coming because that is why I love pet talk and why I came on in the first place!! We are all dog lovers so please continue to take those wonderful pictures of your sweet dogs!!!!

Hmm I understand where you're coming from, but you have to understand where others are coming from too.

If a byb of maltipoos came here and showed pictures of their new litters, are we only allowed to say aww cute pups, or educate them on their breeding practices as well?

Or how about informing others on why dressing up a dog or chaining up a dog isn't all as abusive what some people claim to say. Of course we're talking about people who love their animals, not neglect them in a yard 24/7 or in a purse 24/7 and never walked.

Many of us deal with many stereotypes on different ways of dog ownership or breedism (all small dogs are yappy, all pit bulls are baby eaters, ect) and would like to put an end to some of those myths. Thats what these forums are for, education.

01-04-2010, 09:22 PM
I agree with boomersooner ... I love to see photos of other PT'ers dogs doing the things that make them a part of their families. Playing with their fur siblings, sleeping in funny positions, modeling their Halloween costumes or their new coats, things like that. That is what makes me smile, that the PT'er took a picture of their dog, who is a loved, cared-about, and treasured part of that family, and has posted it for us all to see and smile over. Some PT'ers have a breed of dog I am not familiar with, but I have learned about through the dog and the person's posts. Example: Crikit's Kizmit, a Pharaoh hound. Crikit posted pictures of Kizmit running and having fun at an event and that is exactly what Pharaoh hounds are good at - being fast!

Or- there is another thread right now where the person who started the thread has posted photos of the dog and several are helping to come up with a solution to the problem. The photos help to illustrate the problem. PT'ers are chipping in to help another PT'er figure out a workable outcome. That, in my mind, is what PT is all about.

01-04-2010, 10:08 PM
I especially love sharing pictures of my sweet girl. :) And I love seeing all the different types of breeds. :) And if I ever do have questions, I know you guys are here to help answer them.

01-04-2010, 11:02 PM
I totally agree with Boomersooner too. And right now I think there is a heated thread in dog general. I posted it in once but haven't been back to it because I just have a feeling it's not pretty, so I choose to stay away from it.
Sure I have my opinion, but I don't like getting "ugly" here on the internet. It's not worth it, IMO.

I just wish I had a better camera so I could take better pictures of my babies to share with you. I need to take one of the dogs together, so when I get around to that I'll share it here. :D

01-05-2010, 05:58 AM
I LOVE all the pictures here at PT. It's one of my favorite things about being here!

Hmm I understand where you're coming from, but you have to understand where others are coming from too.

If a byb of maltipoos came here and showed pictures of their new litters, are we only allowed to say aww cute pups, or educate them on their breeding practices as well?

Well personally if they're here showing off how cute their puppies are I don't think anyone should jump in and start telling them what to do. It isn't what was intended when the thread was started. Maybe sending a pm would be a better thing to do.

01-05-2010, 09:59 AM
I would add only one thing to the original post: I enjoy seeing the photos of the PT cats as well. :D

01-05-2010, 11:34 AM
and definitely our kitty friends, too!!!

01-05-2010, 12:25 PM
I LOVE all the pictures here at PT. It's one of my favorite things about being here!

Well personally if they're here showing off how cute their puppies are I don't think anyone should jump in and start telling them what to do. It isn't what was intended when the thread was started. Maybe sending a pm would be a better thing to do.

Ok and what about lurkers on the forum. They would think its OK to buy puppies from a byb, because no one on the thread has said anything to the OP, nor explain what a byb is.

Pinot's Mom
01-05-2010, 04:48 PM
and definitely our kitty friends, too!!!

Thank you, we were feeling very left out....sniff...sniff....


01-05-2010, 04:51 PM
I would never purposely leave our kitty friends out!!! I love to see the pups and cats playing and snuggling together!!!

01-05-2010, 08:16 PM
I would never purposely leave our kitty friends out!!! I love to see the pups and cats playing and snuggling together!!!
Me too!!!:D Picture threads have always been my favorite on PT.:)

01-07-2010, 10:02 AM
Ok and what about lurkers on the forum. They would think its OK to buy puppies from a byb, because no one on the thread has said anything to the OP, nor explain what a byb is.
Easy - start your own thread if you want to give advice or talk about a controversial topic. Most people here will ask politely if they don't know what something is, like a "byb". I used to post a LOT, but rarely do now because many times someone would jump into a thread to grandstand their opinion & create animosity. I don't come here to look for a fight or to be insulted because someone disagrees with me.

IMO, everyone else here is correct - PT is a place to celebrate pets, yours & mine. Now I'll get off my soapbox, lol.