View Full Version : So what am I allergic to?

01-04-2010, 01:44 PM
Apparently, I'm only allergic to grass and ragweed (along with a gazillion other people)

So what does that mean for my sinuses? Well, he wants me to go for further allergy tests just to make sure its NOT allergies, but he thinks its more likely related to....... MIGRAINES! :eek: :eek:

The Dr. said he'd be a VERY wealthy man if he had a dollar for every person who came to him frustrated with chronic headaches/migraines, and a looong history of sinus infections and sinus pain. He said its amazing how much migraine conditions affect sinuses. After all, the head is a very small space with a lot of things crammed into it.

Soooo... I'm going for more tests at the end of the month, then I'll wait to see those results and head to a neurologist.

All that and I still have no true answer for the time being. But we're closer.

Oh, and the doctor said I'm free and clear to habve a hundred cats since I show absolutely no reaction to them. Guess that means I've got medical clearance to adopt more? ;) :eek:

01-04-2010, 03:37 PM
Oh, and the doctor said I'm free and clear to habve a hundred cats since I show absolutely no reaction to them. Guess that means I've got medical clearance to adopt more? ;) :eek:

Good enough for me! :D

Hope you get to the bottom ot things soon.

01-04-2010, 03:53 PM
I have shared on here before that J suffers from sinus issues. We have had many a consult with the ped, the allergist and the ENT. Everyone said something different. At the same time. The last suggestion from the ENT? A psychologist. WTH?

What has finally shown some promising results? Flonase. Every night. My stepsister is a doctor. I was lamenting to her all J's sypmtoms, what we have tried before and where the ENT wanted us to go next. She thought it all as crazy as I did. She immediately asked, knowing J's history (tonsils and adnoids out, constant sinus infections) why wasn't a nasal steriod ever RX'd. Like I knew? J has been on Flonase for nearly a month. AND, in that time, he has had one sinus infection and one ear/conjunctivitis infection. (I am telling you...he has issues). Even WITH those two infections, he shows improvement. Even with.

The problem for which he was being treated- constant throat clearing....and I mean CONSTANT, has been nearly resolved with Flonase. Will he still be suspectible to chronic sinusitis? Yup. BUT, we can finally treat the symptoms.

Sometimes, I am not sure the medical community really has all the answers.

01-04-2010, 04:11 PM
Glad for you that you showed no reaction to kitties! Here's hoping you get more answers as to what's the cause and what will actually help!