View Full Version : Burrrr = Pics of Cam

01-04-2010, 12:07 PM
The past couple of days it has been FREEZING in my apt (strong winds of -25C / -13F). Poor Cam was cool to the touch & she was always curled up with Digi, or on my lap trying to keep warm. So yesterday I went & got Cam a puppy jacket at the dollar store to help keep her warm.

It was too small but she was accepting of it

Luckily I also bought leg warmers for her as I feared the jacket might be too small. A couple of snips later & we have a kitty coat

Wanting up

01-04-2010, 12:10 PM
In that first picture she doesn't look too accepting of it. LOL :p

I know it doesn't get as cold here as it does where you are, but I've noticed Paizly's little paw pads are so cold sometimes. She likes to hide under the blankets on the bed to keep warm.
Taz used to let me rub the tips of his ears to warm them up for him when they were cold. :)

01-04-2010, 12:19 PM
In that first picture she doesn't look too accepting of it. LOL :p

She does look mad doesn't she? LOL
She's a very vocal cat, but she will nip (teeth touching skin, she doesn't bite down) when shes doesn't approve of something or is DEMANDING something (usually she'll attach herself to my ankles gently using ALL claws & teeth to let me know she's not happy with me lol Damn personality!! :rolleyes: :p

In the first pic I called her name so she would look at me. Whenever I call her name she does a purr-meow to let me know she either heard me (when she's near by), or to let me know she is coming (when shes elsewhere in the apt).

Cam (about 6 months old) is more obedient then Digi (2.5yrs old)!:rolleyes:

01-04-2010, 12:21 PM
That is too cute. What a great idea, and I'm glad Cam is tolerant of it. Thanks for sharing.:D

01-04-2010, 12:37 PM
She is soo cute in her little sweater! Give the cutie pie a hug and kiss from me!:love:

01-04-2010, 01:19 PM
hey.. good to see them again.. well.. Cam and Digi´s paws.. hehe

how cute in the leg warmer.. you did an awesome job there.. wow..

haha.. I love her talking back.. lol

01-04-2010, 01:25 PM
hey.. good to see them again.. well.. Cam and Digi´s paws.. hehe

how cute in the leg warmer.. you did an awesome job there.. wow..

haha.. I love her talking back.. lol

Here is a picture of Digi wearing her soon to be winter coat (it been crazy hard to make, that I have changed the design 3 times :eek:

Right now both Digi & Cam are sleeping snuggled on the giant dog bed. They are so cute :)

I have a new photo gallery so it will take me a while to get everything imported/uploaded. I do have a LOT of photos of Cam & Digi :)

01-04-2010, 02:19 PM
My apartment gets really cold too. I ended up getting a Thermo Kitty pressure-activated warming pad to tuck under Smudge's blankie on the platform rocker, since he's so floofy that clothes would just squish his fur down and reduce its ability to keep him warm. He loves it! He's snoozing on it right now. Later he might relocated to the end of the bed, which abuts the wall of the boiler room, but his... I mean the living room chair ;) with the warming pad is his favorite napping spot when it gets really chilly down here.

Love, Columbine

01-04-2010, 02:34 PM
I have to say that Digi looks great in his Doggy Coat.:cool::cool::cool:
I think sadly that Cam looks a bit like a Furry Sausage , but a very Happy
Contented Cat at that!!!
He accepts the Coat much better than The Found Cats ever would

01-04-2010, 02:57 PM
Hmmm.. I have seedling heaters.. I wonder if I put that under the blanket on the giant doggy bed if they would like that... Hmmm... I'm def. going to look into that as a warming option.

I have to say that Digi looks great in his Doggy Coat.:cool:
I think sadly that Cam looks a bit like a Furry Sausage , but a very Happy
Contented Cat at that!!!
He accepts the Coat much better than The Found Cats ever would

They are both females hehe ;)

I know when I get the doggy coat done it'll be totally awesome! It's just killer to make as my sewing machine is twice my age & a huge pain in the rump.. I went through 3 needles yesterday... I didn't notice any jamming, just that the sewing stopped... *bangs head on desk*... luckily the needles are super cheap & I have another 6 lol

heheh a furry Sausage, I like that :) poor cam, but she doesn't seem to care any :)

I wish I had video taped the first 2 mins of Cam wearing the puppy coat.. she would fall over & just look at me with WTH! But after she realized she could move she was romping around the house within mins :)

I got lucky with her. Shes an awesome cat, errr kitten :)

01-04-2010, 04:28 PM
:love: Awee they are both just so Cute.. Love the kitty sweater.. Stay warm babies..

01-04-2010, 06:39 PM
Hi, Cam and Digi! You two are totally stylin!

My windows leak cold air something terrible. Cassie sleeps in the closet a lot on these freezing cold days. The only time the space heater goes off is when I have to go to work. It's on all the time when I am home.

01-04-2010, 09:50 PM
They're both very cute.:)

01-05-2010, 09:43 AM
Aww cute pics.

01-05-2010, 03:22 PM
Thanks everyone :)

Today is a MUCH warmer day!
I think having the thingies in both doors (the balcony doors) has cut the draft to almost nil.

Tomorrow the super's hubby & maintenance guy are going to start caulking the windows & door. Wont be able to get all the windows done as the one in teh bedroom is still a block of ice, but the 3 large ones in the living room are mostly thawed. It's nice to see out the windows again lol

No critter coats needed today :)