View Full Version : Fifi's haircut!

Lilith Cherry
01-02-2010, 02:29 AM
Do you remember Fifi, the "poodle type" dog my Chinese friend Audrey rescued when the poor dog faced abandonment on the streets of Guangzhou?

She now spends her time mostly at our apartment except for holidays and times we have to be away overnight and then she goes to stay with Audrey and her husband Li in Guangzhou.

Because she is a white dog and this is dirty old China:( Fifi gets a bath about once a week and is brushed around twice a week.

She doesnt mind the bath but she HATES the brushing. Consequently while she stayed with Audrey during the summer the brushing didnt happen; when she came back here her fur was terribly knotted and we were unable to get them out.

Eventually I found somewhere in the nearest city (Zhuhai) that said they could shave all the hair off and then bath her. We hired a van to take us and wait to bring us back afterwards. (We didn't want to just leave her there in case they were not kind to her or she got very scared) These pictures are the "before and after", LOL! My husband keeps telling her she looks like a tiny greyhound and not a poodle anymore ( I showed him some pics of Italian greyhounds which he had never seen before!) What do you think?

She doesnt like being shorn and I hope it will grow back fast. Do you have any idea how long it will be before she has her curls back? I bought some new brushes and a fancy new coat for her in the meantime! Right now she is snuggled up on the bed with my husband while he is reading. Good way to stay warm and comfortable lol!

01-02-2010, 06:21 AM
I don't know how long it will take Fifi's hair to grow back, but she sure is pretty!:love:

Lilith Cherry
01-02-2010, 06:25 AM
Thank you, Chocolate Puppy! We think so even when she is "naked"! :D

01-02-2010, 11:09 AM
she looks like pepe shaved!! :love:

http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs173.snc3/20037_106498706031484_100000140658956_154711_51739 88_n.jpg

01-02-2010, 11:22 AM
Awww, little shorn lambie! Give her a snuggle for me, okay? And tell her she looks quite styling in her new coat!

01-02-2010, 12:30 PM
She does look like a little lamb!!! How precious. :) I love her little coat. It's so stylish. Haha Well, I hear frequently people go in about every month for a cut... so I don't think it should take too long for her hair to at least grow maybe an inch?

01-02-2010, 02:15 PM
Aww, tell Fifi that I think she looks adorable! :love: And I love her new jacket. :)

It shouldn't take long for little Fifi to grow back enough fur to get some curls back. When Sala gets shaved it only takes a few weeks for it to grow back out to the length I like it at. The same goes for Skylar.

Lilith Cherry
01-02-2010, 04:58 PM
Thank you everyone! A lot of my students , who have never seen poodles before, think she looks like a little lamb too:D She already has a fine downy growth back and feels like warm silk to touch. She is a great dog and we love her very much.

We have never had a small dog before ( the last dog we had in Canada was Mastiff/GSD cross and enormous!) but she is a bighearted brave intelligent dog in a tiny frame! I will post some more pictures when her hair is grown a little more.:)