View Full Version : Thea

10-12-2002, 07:56 AM
What a beautiful girl you are baby. Cup tipping should be an olympic sport I think. Extra head bumpies to you today most special COTD.

10-12-2002, 08:15 AM
Good Morning, dear Thea! Don't you look comfy!! No doubt your Mommy caught you napping after an exhausting day of cup tipping, toy smuggling, paper shredding and chasing those invisible meanies!:D You are quite the scamp, and a purrrfectly beautiful, lovable, angelic one at that!:) How I'd love to give you a big hug and a belly rub! Ahhh, what a precious, furry bundle of feline perfection!! Congratulations to you sweet Thea! You're our very lovely and deserving Cat of the Day!!:)

10-12-2002, 08:22 AM
Thea your picture is one of ultimate relaxation. I can imagine that you are dreaming about what sorts of fun things you gotten involved in during your waking hours. There's so much to do, that sometimes a cat just has to have a little snooze to recover. My Andy also loves to tip cups but says to point out that he does this mainly to clean his feet. :eek: Congratulations to you today Thea on being our very special Saturday Cat of the Day!

10-12-2002, 09:21 AM
Oh Thea, just look at you napping peacefully as only a kitty can do! And you are so lovely! We enjoyed your story, and see that you obviously have Beauvarts at your house...possibly your Mommie just doesn't recognize them. A friend just asked us about them this morning, so here's the scoop ONCE AGAIN:

Beware of Beauvarts
(You'll recognize them)

Suddenly, out of nowhere, racing at top speed, your cat whizzes by you in a blur of fur. He skids around a corner and you hear him jump on the counter as dishes and jars crash to the floor. Back he comes, straight at you and, at the last possible second, just as you think you are about to be turned into a pummel horse, he changes direction and almost flies up the stairs.

Then nothing. Silence.

You gingerly sneak up the stairs, expecting to find a raging tiger ready to pounce. He's not in the hall. He's not in the bathroom. He's not in the office. He's....he's....lying calmly on your bed looking at you as if to say, "So, what's up?"

He hasn't gone crazy. He doesn't need to see a vet. He has just rid your home of that dasdardly creature, the Beauvart.

Beauvarts are small, furry animals that fly at super-sonic speeds three inches above any horizontal or semi-horizontal surface. Cats hate them. Only cats can see them. You are most likely to be afflicted with beauvarts if you own a Calico, Abyssinian, Siamese, or any kind of kitten. However, even Persians have been known to give wild chase on occasion. And Ragdolls or Maine Coons? Well, having a 20-pound cat chase a beauvart through the house is a truly exhilarating (and sometimes frightening) sight. But hey, after they're done, you don't have a beauvart problem until the next one sneaks in!

Thea, we loved meeting you, sweet girl...enjoy your day as Queen for all the world to see!

Noserubs, snuggles and purrs...Bari and the Pride

10-12-2002, 09:34 AM
Thea, what a wonderful picture of you! You look like you're having wonderful dreams :). Congratulations on being the COTD!

10-12-2002, 09:35 AM
WOOOOW! THEA the Terrific,you are one terrific cat>that is always been the most intriquing part of cats the dicotomy of the wild and the peaceful little angel sleeping on her cat bed.I have never seen this shade of Devon Rex , as the ones that I see at cat shows are always a darker color.What a sleeping beauty.Beast wishes from The Lost Cats Hotel,and Cat feeder.

Lennie B.
10-12-2002, 10:35 AM
Thea, you sound as if you're an imp! You've certainly thought of some original ways to make your presence felt- I love the way you check out the contents of cups and put your toys into unsuspecting humans' shoes! LOL! Not to mention the fact that you're so pretty- I bet no-one stays mad at you for long! Have an extra special day with lots of treats and mischief, funny COTD! :D :D :D

All Creatures Great And Small
10-12-2002, 10:40 AM
Thea - LOL! Reading about you, I could just imagine your soft curly fur, and all your silly behavior. That's what we love about kitties, isn't it? My kitty isn't much of a cup tipper, but he has certainly mastered the art of tearing through the house after the "beauvarts". What a lucky kitty you are to have a mama who loves you so much! Enjoy your day!:D

10-12-2002, 12:20 PM
Oh Thea, I'm really laughing at your cute story and the adorable photo of you napping with a SMILE on your face! It definately appears your dreaming of ridding your house of more "Beauvarts" and saving your Humans! Special Thanks to Bari_d for posting that again--I love it, and it's so true!!! My cats are also convinced our house is infested with them, and of course they take care of the matter immediately, as I'm sure you do too Thea! I'd love to pet your beautiful fur and see you flop around in all the silly positions! You're such a doll! Have a GREAT BEAUVART CHASING DAY!!!!! :p ;) :D :) :cool:

10-12-2002, 12:40 PM
You are the picture of one happy cat! I swear there is a smile on your sweet face! I loved reading about you and all that you do to keep your guardian entertained. Congratulations on being our special Cat of the Day today.:)

10-12-2002, 03:05 PM
Thea - your ears ARE big. I bet some of those rabbits are envious.

And no, I don't think you look like a little angel in the picture, but rather like a little hellion, sleeping, rejuvenating herself that that once again she can run about and wreak havoc, tipping over glasses, doing contortions, shredding important documents and whatever.

But hellions can be good. I am certain you are a good hellion.

10-12-2002, 09:20 PM
You are the cutest kitty and so entertaining too.:D

Miss Meow
10-12-2002, 09:27 PM
Happy COTD Thea, you look pretty relaxed about the whole thing! You are so cute, you can destroy my crockery and take over my house any day :)

10-12-2002, 10:05 PM
Oh, Thea, your picture makes me want to be a cat. People can't relax that well.

10-12-2002, 10:27 PM

10-14-2002, 11:39 AM
What a cool little being you are! Grasshopper wants to know if you have any particular favorite types of paper you like to shred? She prefers anything we have been paying too much attention to, which means no more important papers left lying near the recliner! ;) (She trashed an insurance policy once.) I was also pleased that your human mentioned your soft fur: I often wondered what texture you little curlyfurs had! Thanks for being Cat of the Day, even tho this is a little late, you brightened my day!

10-15-2002, 06:01 AM
What a sweet kitty you are, Thea! A real one! What are good kitties for if not for runing around the house, breaking things, shredding paper and tipping cups? Maybe for stealing human food from the kitchen counters or even better from their plates, or, the highest performance would be from the human's mouth, like our Vasea used to do to my sister Carolina. He was so much faster then her;)
I wish to pet your silky fur, even if you would allow me to pet only some spots;)