View Full Version : Lady's Busy Busy Day!!

10-11-2002, 11:05 PM
Lady and I decided to take a day off of life and have some fun :D . We walked around the block three times, and then jogged and ran around three times, taking breaks in between. Then I played games in the back with her and we had a wonderful meal!! She had such a fun day! I would add more but my mom is making me get off the computer and watch TV in my room, so see you all tomorrow!:D

10-12-2002, 04:35 AM
Britt, that's great that you took time to give Lady a really fun day! I'm sure she must be all tired out from all that exercise. Do you have any pics of her? I don't think I've ever seen a picture of her yet.

10-12-2002, 11:31 AM
Ok, I'm back and I'm gunna add more to that post--I'm on a different user name and cannot edit that post. We passed lots of neighbors who waved and some told me she was a beautiful dog. I was actually stopped by a mother on the block and she told me not to bring Lady near her house, and I asked her why I would and then she walked away....not my biggest fan.... Lady had a lot of fun in the backyard, we ran around and played tag (she is pretty fast!). Then I played fetch with her, and then a game I call exclamation. What happens is I throw two balls in two different locations at the same time. As soon as they hit the ground I start my watch and time how long it takes her to get both of them. She has gotten the hang of it, and it took her like 15 seconds to get it. Then depending on the time she wins treats, but even if she does bad I always give her treats anyway! I actually am having big problems with Imagestation, so I cannot get any pics at the moment. I wish I could, actually, I can!!

Aspen and Misty
10-12-2002, 01:49 PM
Sounds like you guys had a fun filled day! I bet lady enjoyed her time runnin around! Its to rainy here right now to do anything outside. It has been raining for like the past tow days :(
