View Full Version : be at the Vets with Ellie-Mae tomorrow...

12-28-2009, 01:32 AM
please be sending some prayers and positive vibes for my girl,she has a very nasty abcess,i have been soaking it all day, and it looked promising that it was going to burst, however it has not,I am so nervous about going there, as i know they will probably have to lance it, i hate my girl having to have this done, but i know she will be better off for it.

She has been remarkably well considering,eating and sleeping as normal and not really too bothered, i have noticed today she has a temp though,and it is looking nasty as, i just know that it needs vet treatment.

I am hoping it won't cost too much as we are so strained right now, kitties have depleted the finances all at once, just having a bad run with them.

So fingers and all paws crossed my girl is going to be ok.

12-28-2009, 07:02 AM
please be sending some prayers and positive vibes for my girl,she has a very nasty abcess,i have been soaking it all day, and it looked promising that it was going to burst, however it has not,I am so nervous about going there, as i know they will probably have to lance it, i hate my girl having to have this done, but i know she will be better off for it.

She has been remarkably well considering,eating and sleeping as normal and not really too bothered, i have noticed today she has a temp though,and it is looking nasty as, i just know that it needs vet treatment.

I am hoping it won't cost too much as we are so strained right now, kitties have depleted the finances all at once, just having a bad run with them.

So fingers and all paws crossed my girl is going to be ok.

Prayers for Ellie-Mae that the lancing will be quick and painless.....:)

12-28-2009, 09:59 AM
Prayers are coming foe Ellie -Mae from All The Found Cats.:love::love::love:
And we know that Our Awesome Angels Vistors will be there to help Ellie-Mae feel a whole lot better.:love::love::love::love::love:

12-28-2009, 12:05 PM
I hope all goes well and the vet will not charge you much...prayers that Miss Ellie feels all better very soon!:love::love::love:

12-28-2009, 01:50 PM
Hope it go well, quickly, and dear Ellie-Mae recovers quickly. Sending her kisses!

Pinot's Mom
12-28-2009, 02:03 PM
Prayers for poor Ellie - good luck!:love:

12-28-2009, 03:32 PM
Prayers for Ellie-Mae, and a candle: http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=9860151

12-28-2009, 06:46 PM
A quick update, the good news is the abcess burst this morning at about 9am we had an appointment at 11.45 am, i had been soaking it all day yesterday and did it this morning and then low and behold it burst, it was like a volcano exploding, blood and pus galore eek, was awful really, she did not like us squeezing it out, we tried to be gentle,there was a lot of growling , a few hisses and scratches, but she was and is an excellent patient, all day yesterday she turned on her side as if to say, fix it mum.

I cannot get over how good she was, and at the vets again a model patient, Gabe was so surprised at how good she is, he shaved the area and flushed the wound, she then had an antibiotic injection and some pain killers, equivalent to morphine, so he said she would be in la la land today,because she is on steriods, she has to have a different pain killer, and also we just have to make sure she is not resistant to the antibiotics as she had them just two weeks ago for her mouth,also being on the steroids you don't get an accurate temperature reading as it lowers it, so her temp was normal.

Hopefully all will heal well and she will be on the road to recovery,she is hiding in the corner of our room right now, had some food, and probably will sleep it off hopefully.

Thanks everyone for your concern, and support.

Pinot's Mom
12-28-2009, 07:15 PM
Aww, poor Ellie, I'm glad the thing finally burst so she can have some relief! Give her some kisses from me and Pinot for a quick recovery.:love:

12-28-2009, 08:31 PM
Saying prayers for Ellie-Mae and meowmie!
And a candle http://www.gratefulness.org/candles/message.cfm?l=eng&cid=9861451

12-28-2009, 10:12 PM
I hope she'll heal up quickly and feel better soon. More prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

12-31-2009, 04:44 AM
Thank you kind friends, Ellie is doing extremely well,she really picked up today, and her wound is healing very nicely, i bathe it twice a day, and she does her bathing or licking too, and today it stopped oozing,she was not so good on those pain killers, a real zombie, she hardly slept, just lay awake with eyes like saucers, and you know how much kitties sleep,but today she was more herself and is fast asleep downstairs with my husband who is watching a DVD with her by his side, she is the best patient you could wish for,she really is my most sensitive cat and she just knows i am trying to help her.so the road to recovery is good so far,keeping fingers and all paws crossed it continues.