View Full Version : Confused.

12-26-2009, 06:56 PM
Wasn't sure how to totle this thread.

Listen to this short cyber conversation with a cat loving friend (rescue person, but not a pet talker) who had to put a cat to sleep today.

Her: I don't know where pets go when they die but I sure hope (recently deceased pets) were there to greet (cat PTS today)

ME: I am possitive that they were, just like Lucas and Rutherford and the others were there to great Amber on Thursday.

Her: BOY, we sure suck at letting go, don't we!

So, my confusion is this.................

Does our belief in the RB and our reuniting with beloved pets mean that we can't face the reality that they are gone forever??

12-26-2009, 07:32 PM
Jen...we humans don't KNOW that they are gone forever any more than we know what there is - if anything - after death.

That's one thing I envy about people who die - they have THE ANSWER, and can't tell us!

There was an ancient Jewish philosopher who said words to the effect heaven/afterlife cannot be explained to us any more than colours can be explained to a blind person, nor music to a deaf one.

I guess we just have to wait. :love:

12-26-2009, 08:50 PM
Jen, would you have the same question if the conversation had been about a human?

Like this (I tried to select someone who has already passed)

Her: I don't know where people go when they die but I sure hope her parents were there to greet Grandma.

ME: I am positive that they were, just like my great great grandparents and the others were there to greet my great Gran when she died.

Her: BOY, we sure suck at letting go, don't we!

Letting go IS difficult. Whether it is letting go of a child moving out to college, letting go of a parent who passed, letting go of a spouse in a divorce (even when both parties want the divorce, it is full of emotion).

And it is hard letting go of a pet, for those of us (like all PT'ers) who treat their pets like family members. Even if the pet only stayed with us a short time.

Does our belief in Heaven / some sort of After Life, and our reuniting with beloved friends or family members mean that we can't face the reality that they are gone forever??

Age old question, studies in Religion and Philosophy have no definitive answer.
Why should we think one way for people and another for animals?

Not sure if this helps you, or not.

12-26-2009, 09:10 PM
I believe they go on, just like we do. If not, why would God allow us to love them so much in the first place. Can you imagine God not wanting animals in Heaven? I can't. I do believe they are there. It wouldn't be Heaven without them.:love:

12-26-2009, 09:25 PM
Purrsonally, I believe that humans and animals go to the same place when we die - heaven and I believe that heaven and the RB are one and the same.

Sure suck at letting go??? I don't think that's an entirely bad thing to suck at. Letting go is one the most difficult things we can do in our lives and most of the time it's done out of deep love.

I look forward to dying...... I will see my Dad and other relatives again, along with my RB Speckles, Casper and OJ. They are all waiting for my arrival someday. :)

12-27-2009, 07:26 AM
Jen...we humans don't KNOW that they are gone forever any more than we know what there is - if anything - after death.

That's one thing I envy about people who die - they have THE ANSWER, and can't tell us!

There was an ancient Jewish philosopher who said words to the effect heaven/afterlife cannot be explained to us any more than colours can be explained to a blind person, nor music to a deaf one.

I guess we just have to wait. :love:

I concur w/this philosophy. It's the best we've got until we know for sure. Whatever the case may be, we PTers give our beloved furkids the best life we can NOW and that's what most important in my eyes. We work w/God as a team. After that, God takes over completely.

12-27-2009, 11:00 AM
I am sure that All of Our Pet Companions , All Strays and Zoo Animals and Farm and Wild Animals all join Our Awesome Angels Army
And they join with all of the People who were good to Animals , who rescued and cared for the Animals.
And that they travel the World over and see all of the best places and have fun wherever they go.
And that they are there wherever we go , when we dine in restaurants go to the malls or buy our groceies at a Super Market.
Every where we go , there are Awesome Angels.
The love between us will never die.
When you are in a nice place and are dinig out , please invite Your Angels.
They do appreciate being remembered.

12-27-2009, 01:40 PM
In former times people believed that animals do not have a soul. Now you rather ask the question: What makes us think someone has a soul?
So if you have emotions, if you can suffer, if you can love- you have a soul.
And of course there are animals which are very close to us in these terms: dolphins, dogs, cats etc. Most of us cannot see these characteristics as easily in a spider or a fish but most humans would accept it in many other animals.
And now if you agree (and I would) that cats have a soul- why should god make a difference. I do not think he will.
If there is heaven, then there will be kitties there.
While I agree that the Rainbow Bridge legend may not be exactly right (anyway, noone can proof it is wrong) I am aboslutely sure that our pets will be where we are.

12-27-2009, 06:48 PM
There were animals at the manger looking at Baby Jesus. There are enough references in the bible to animals that I firmly believe that we are reunited with our loved ones, human and animals, but in a way that our minds cannot comprehend here on earth.

12-27-2009, 06:55 PM
I believe they go on, just like we do. If not, why would God allow us to love them so much in the first place. Can you imagine God not wanting animals in Heaven? I can't.

The way I see it, God created animals FIRST, then people. If He didn't like animals why create them first instead of people? None of us will know the answers for sure until we die ourselves, however, until that time comes and I have the answer, I will believe animals are in Heaven.

For the LORD God is a sun and shield: the LORD will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11 KJV

12-27-2009, 07:18 PM
I believe they go on, just like we do. If not, why would God allow us to love them so much in the first place. Can you imagine God not wanting animals in Heaven? I can't. I do believe they are there. It wouldn't be Heaven without them.:love:

Amen, Katladyd, and beautifully stated. I do believe there are animals in heaven. I don't remember the exact quote or who said it but someone said why would God create something so perfect and leave them behind?

12-27-2009, 07:22 PM
Someone on PT has a Billy Graham quote in their signature that gave me great comfort on this question. I agree with the people who said our pets will be there with us. Why would God not allow something He created into heaven?

Heaven is the place of final and complete happiness God has prepared for us----and if animals are necessary to make us happy in heaven, then you can be sure God will have them there. Reverend Billy Graham
I found it! Here it is!

12-27-2009, 07:49 PM
The first time I read the Rainbow Bridge story, which a friend had sent me after a beloved cat of mine died, I was in tears. I later said to her, "I don't know that I believe this really happens.. but on the other hand, I don't believe that it DOESN'T happen either. I like to think that it does, and no one can prove me wrong."