View Full Version : Found a lump on Ellie...very worried....

12-25-2009, 04:29 AM
I got a real fright when i was patting Ellie-Mae today, I found a huge lump under her right leg, I am so worried, i only hope it is from a cat bite or something or some fatty tissue, but is rather large, i just had her at the vets the other day too, nothing was noticed then by us or the vet.

We have just exhausted our finances with cat vet bills last week, but i will have to take her next week to get it checked out, she seems happy enough,not in pain and eating ok,so hoping that is a good sign there is nothing sinister going on, but lumps and large ones do concern me.

Please pray for Ellie that all will be well, thanks

Queen of Poop
12-25-2009, 06:01 AM
I pray that it is just a fatty lump.

Pinot's Mom
12-25-2009, 07:07 AM
Prayers for Ellie!:love:

Is it sensitive? Is it a soft lump?

12-25-2009, 07:14 AM
Can you gently tug on the lump and see if it moves, sort of pulls away? If so, it's more than likely a fatty lump but we'll pray for Ellie just the same. :)

12-25-2009, 12:08 PM
Sending prayers your way for Ellie that this lump is something benign and she will be fine. :love:

12-25-2009, 02:37 PM
I'm betting it's just one of those fatty lumps that scare us so much but turn out to be nothing at all! The lack of pain is a good sign. I will be praying for your sweet girl.:love:

12-25-2009, 04:07 PM
My Precious had a lump like that behind her sholder and she was fine when I touched it.
That seems to be a good indication that its benign, but it will need an operation to remove it safely.
My Vet I believe charge about 300 dollars.:eek:

12-25-2009, 05:52 PM
Thanks Everyone, it is a large soft lump and moves around easily, there does not appear to be any pain with it,you can visibly see it, now that i know it is there of course,on the positive side it has just appeared like over night, i would have noticed it when i picked her up before, so surely a tumour would be small and then grow and be hard, anyhow that is what i am thinking.

She is not in discomfort, we shall have to wait until Monday, to get it checked, i don't think it is a bite and an abcess,but you can never be sure, i really need this to be AOK, i have been having a terrible time with the kitties lately,and our finances are exhausted , and i just don't like my furbabies being ill, I could not bear it if Ellie had anything serious, i just love this wee character of a kitty to bits.

Let you all know when i know, why does a fatty tissue lump have to be removed though? I am curious?

12-25-2009, 11:32 PM
Hopefully it's either a lipoma or maybe a harmless bruise. I know how scary it is to find a lump on your furbaby and go nuts wondering what it is. Hopefully the vet will easy your mind that it's benign.

12-25-2009, 11:43 PM
I sure hope that it's nothing serious. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

12-26-2009, 07:44 AM
Oh wow Carole, it does sound like a fatty deposit to me as well, I know more about dogs than cats so please let us know how Ellie is doing on Monday when you go to the White coats :D

12-26-2009, 08:01 AM
Let you all know when i know, why does a fatty tissue lump have to be removed though? I am curious?

Carole - a fatty growth doesn't have to be removed, unless it somehow interferes with the activities of the animal. Most dogs and cats tend to get these fat deposits and/or warts as they age.

Most vets just keep an eye on them and check from time to time to see if there is any change in it that would warrant the removal.

Sparky has one on his side, and it doesn't bother him in the least. His doc just checks it whenever he goes in for any other reason. Ellie's lump definitely sounds like a fatty growth.

12-26-2009, 02:59 PM
ok I can tell you all i am very relieved, it is an abcess,from a cat bite, there was nothing to be seen yesterday, but today a different picture has been painted,it is a biggie though and it is open ,but nothing is coming out much yet, and there is a lot to come out, i am hoping it will burst today and i can squeeze it out like i did when she had one on her face, and ring up and get some antibiotics for her.

Anyhow any advice is appreciated, if nothing happens today i will take her to the vet and get them to open it up and do what they do.

Now if it does start oozing out, and i squeeze most of it out, i guess a course of the antibiotics will suffice, i did this last time and all was well, however if you have any suggestions they will be well taken, thanks for listening, and i guess i did panic a little,but like i said nothing was at all obvious yesterday.

I should have known better Ellie is my scrapper ,she loves a good fight, even with her own daughter, or the other cats.

So fingers and all paws crossed for a good outcome, on the positive side she appears to be very well at the moment, eating, and not in discomfort and happy , i guess that could all change though.

Here she is after i bathed it for her, she was such a good girl, just lay there while i swabbed it for over half an hour, hoping it would open up, no luck so far, so looks like if it does not burst by tomorrow we shall have to make another visit to our vets,it does not look that bad in the pic really, but is very red and there is a lot of pus in there, large lump.once you have double clicked on the pic, click on the pic again and it makes it bigger and you can see better.

01-02-2010, 01:33 PM

01-03-2010, 01:49 AM
Thank you Ellie is doing very well, the wound is so healed within two days there was a great improvement, now it is just a scab,she was the greatest little patient ever, yes Ellie is a sweetheart,she has so much purrsonality, i have never met a cat quite like my Ellie.:)she is probably my prettiest wee girl too.

01-03-2010, 09:07 AM
Not to be a downer, our Norton had an abcess on his abdomen. He went to the vet, had it opened there, the wound was packed, and when he came home, I was to remove the packing and irrigate the site, then re-pack. You want to be sure that it heals inside out. He went to the vet several times a week, and was on oral antibiotics. Just a note of caution....

01-04-2010, 02:57 AM
Thank you i appreciate any advice given here, i think Ellie is going to be ok though, it did burst on its own and she is doing really well, it looks terrific in the healing department, but i will certainly keep a close eye on it don't worry,especially now that you have told me this ,cheers.

01-05-2010, 09:49 AM
Prays coming for Ellie. I hope that this lump is nothing serious and the vet can fix her right up.


01-07-2010, 02:07 AM
She is good now Melissa, but the nawtee girl has had another scrap and now has two other puncture wounds for me to attend to, i have cleaned them and have this magic as i call it antiseptic powder which heals wonderfully,it is for humans but i checked with the vet and it is AOK for kitties too, and it works, have used it many times before, now my Lexie is in the wars as well, but will she let me near her, not a chance, so looks like more vet bills coming up, eek, where does it all end?