View Full Version : Crazy Christmas Eve Mania

12-24-2009, 02:30 PM
LOL that's what I'm calling Christmas eve now. HOly smokes... I needed another nunchuk for the wii and was going to go to walmart. What a mistake that was. Drove into the parking lot and turned around and drove back out. Went down the street to blockbuster and got what I needed with NO ONE in line :hail: I now officially love you blockbuster lol.

drove by the liquor store. OMG :yikes: the parking lot looks like it's about to explode with cars. Thanks goodness Brian had the foresight to go last night when there was no one there.

and traffic? good God. I will just say this. If you don't have to go out today... DON'T. and if you do... please drive carefully and stay safe. It's a mad house out there.

so I am staying holed up in my little house until tomorrow when we go to Christmas dinner which is only a few minutes away. People have to be CRAZY to go out today. So glad I kicked the habit of not buying gifts until christmas even lol.

12-25-2009, 01:50 AM
Amen sista! I work retail and it is BEYOND me the whole Christmas Eve madness and Black Friday thing. NO amount of money is worth the hassle. We sold $15,000 in merchandise today and I'm sure we wrapped 75%. What are people thinking? Seriously!:eek:
I was pretty tired and decided my breakpoint would be the first person to tell me they wanted something wrapped (for FREE mind you) and they were in a "hurry". Yeah, take a number! LOL! Thankfully it didn't happen and I didn't have to resort to homicide!:)
However, driving was something else altogether!! You could tell people were either stressed/distracted or had no place to be. Either case...ANNOYING!
In the end, I appreciated that WE were appreciated as a small independent store that provided great service and they didn't have to deal with the big box MADNESS!
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone!

12-25-2009, 07:31 AM
Online shopping is a wonderful thing. Point, click, done. :p

12-25-2009, 08:54 AM
Online shopping is a wonderful thing. Point, click, done. :p

Yes it is :)

That's how I did 90% of my shopping this year :) except for Hannah's kitchen which I couldn't get online.

But I needed that nunchuk for our WII so we could play indiana jones last night :D LOL

12-25-2009, 10:43 AM
Online shopping is a wonderful thing. Point, click, done. :p

yeah.. unless you are kept waiting for it to arrive :rolleyes:.. mine hasnīt yet.. shouldīve gotten them way more ahead.. didnīt consider holiday delays.. well.. good thing everyone understands..:D

12-26-2009, 10:03 AM
I tried online shopping two years running and 90% of what I needed was backordered....only told days ahead of Chirstmas. Mad scramble was worse than just shopping days earlier. Live & learn. :rolleyes:

12-26-2009, 10:52 AM
yeah.. unless you are kept waiting for it to arrive :rolleyes:.. mine hasnīt yet.. shouldīve gotten them way more ahead.. didnīt consider holiday delays.. well.. good thing everyone understands..:D

That does happen occasionally so I try to make sure that I order waaaay ahead of time. It isn't always possible or practical to do so, though. The only company that didn't deliver on time a few years ago is Overstock.com and that was a gift card. They later sent me an email that said they discontinued their gift cards. I've been fortunate, I guess, w/my online shopping. That's the only incident that I can recall when I've been unhappy.