View Full Version : Rollie the Dalmation seems to be depressed.

12-23-2009, 04:42 PM
I was talking to a young bus driver and the subject came up to Pets.
She is concerned as her Dalmation Rolli had an operation to move a non cancerous mass from his body.
The operation was a success , but Rollies been lethargic and has little appetite.
Her Vet is puzzled as organically Rollies fine.
Would any of you Wonderful Dog Guardians have some advice please.
Thank You So Much :love:

12-23-2009, 04:48 PM
How long ago was the operation? When I had major surgery, it took a while for my appetite to come back, which I at first attributed to the unappetizing hospital food, but it continued after I got home - it was a well-known side effect of the anesthesia.

12-24-2009, 01:57 PM
Thats a good question Karen. I take it taht the operation was a few months ago as Rolli was given two follow up check ups and has healed over.
But his lethargy continues and he has no interest in anything , even running in the back yard, once his joy!!!:(
Are there any meds or homeopathic cures that any of you Dog Lovers have trued that will lift Rollies spirits?:love:
Thank You.:love: