View Full Version : Wet grass! Eek!!!

10-11-2002, 01:30 PM
Is has rained here everyday for over a week, and Jake and Addie have been refusing to "potty" on the wet grass. This is a problem because the grass is always wet in the morning and I am gone all day for work. It has been raining every afternoon/evening, too. At night before bed, the used to go to the bathroom, now they look at me and the wet grass in disgust. I don't want them waking me up at night or having any accidents in the apartment. So far, we have been lucky, because their person daddy, has been home either late in the am or the afternoon to let them out (once the sun has dryed the grass). Sometimes, I'm mean :( and force them into the grass, but now they see it coming.

Addie has always refused to walk in the wet grass, but jake is a waterdog, so I don't understand his refusal. It's so frustrating, but I don't know of any techniques for this sort of thing. Sorry, this post is rather pointless, but I just had to vent :rolleyes:

10-11-2002, 03:30 PM
My Mobie tries to pull this and I just tell her go to the bathroom. And I don;t let her back in until she has, I know the wet grass is not going to hurt her and I know she has to go to the bathroom so I do not back down.

i am so mean:D

It usually takes a little while but once she has understood that she will not be going back into the nice dry house until she has gone pee she will go all teh while giving me a pitiful look:rolleyes:

Just put your foot down and make sure that they go to the bathroom when they are outside, sorry this is all tha advice I have. Oh yeah, one other thing I do is the minute Bobbie comes in I grap a towel and cuddle her in it while rubbing her down, she loves this and thinks it a great treat:)

10-11-2002, 03:48 PM
Well, I try to wait it out, but I have to stand out there with them. If I had a yard, they would definately have to stand out there until they did their business. I guess I can try to be a bit more stubborn.

Thanks though :)

10-14-2002, 02:58 PM
I guess I'm pretty lucky. I have a 5-1/2 lb. Yorkie girl. I trained her to go outside and also to go on wee wee pads. I guess you can only do that with little dogs. So when the little miss sees a drop of rain or snow and refuses to go out (she's a princess) I don't bother and she goes into the bathroom and does her business on the wee wee pad. She will go in wet grass though.

I guess you just have to be a bit more stubborn and make them go.

10-15-2002, 05:59 AM
I have two who also hate to go on wet grass. It seems this summer they don't like the grass much at all, wet or dry. As has been said, it takes resolve that they are going to go, like it or not. Use a command like *go potty* and keep them walking. Eventually it will happen, just may take a little longer.

10-15-2002, 11:43 AM
I feel your pain! I'll be walking my dogs and as soon as I go into wet grass, Reece puts on the BRAKES. Its so funny. He takes this stance like "I am NEEEEEEEEEVER putting my feetsies on that wetness!". I wait him out and convince him that Lolly's in the grass and she's still alive so he should come too. When he eventually comes, he tipetoes and hops around, does his business, then gets out!

10-15-2002, 07:41 PM
Bella is oblivious to the outdoor elements - rain, snow, sleet, hail, wet grass, mud - she just loves to be out in it all. :rolleyes: One of my other poodles used to step outside and, after noticing it was raining, looked at me like "surely you don't expect me to go out there and would attempt to come back in. ;)

10-16-2002, 12:14 PM
Aren't dogs so odd sometimes, Tango is the same way.

10-16-2002, 02:07 PM
It's amazing how prissy they can be isn't it?? lol Some of ours are the same way. Vonney, on the other hand, will stand out in a driving rain and want to play ball!! lol

Btw...any Isaiah sightings??

10-16-2002, 02:15 PM
No Isaiah sightings :(

I did find something disturbing, but I don't think it was him.