View Full Version : Snow, snow, snow, snow

10-11-2002, 11:07 AM
Hi is Smudge

guess what...it snowed last night, the ground covered with the yummy white stuff. Winter and I were playing in it while mommy was shoveling the walk for granma and granpa. She said that if she thought about it she would have took the camera out and taken pictures of us playing but she didn't think about it.

I Likes the snow, but it's funner when there's lots of snow on the ground 'cause then we can dig down in to it. Winter's really funny 'cause she disappears and all you can see are her back legs and her tail.

gots to go play wit my sister.


Winter likes snow

10-11-2002, 12:30 PM
Snow already! Well, it sounds like your having tons of fun!

10-11-2002, 01:02 PM
We have snow here already too. It looks like this stuff is here to stay now--at least in Calgary you can expect a chinook sometime! Oh well, the huskies are loving it and we put up spotlights in the dog run last night so I might not break my ankle trying to feed them now! It's the only thing I hate about living up here--dark, dark, dark winters.

10-11-2002, 01:33 PM
It gets dark early here in MI too. Makes the evening winter walks quite an adventure. (Mommy doesn't walk too well on black ice :eek: )

Have fun in the snow Winter and Smudge! And remind your mommy that we like pics. ;)

10-11-2002, 02:25 PM
That's right I can look forward to a chinook. Oh boy, I love being able to wear just a sweater in the snow. I have some pics but not of the dogs playing in the snow it's more of them just well being them, they'll be developed sometime this weekend I hope. Depends on how long the practice I have to go to tomorrow takes.

10-12-2002, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Crikit
That's right I can look forward to a chinook. Oh boy, I love being able to wear just a sweater in the snow.

Okay, I give. What's a chinook?

10-12-2002, 10:20 AM
We had snow here in Manitoba a while ago... but it all melted away :( but its probibly going to snow again soon. Its so funny when the snow is really deep, cuz Tibbee always jumps off the deck and all you see is a hole, and tibbee is in the snow... its so funny.... :D

10-12-2002, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by Rachel

Okay, I give. What's a chinook?

A Chinook is something that only happens in Southern Alberta it's an air pressure system from the mountains (I think..it's either that or from the praires, or maybe it's a combo of the two but I think it's the mountains) that takes place in the winter to increase the temp by quite a bit. One day we can be sitting at minus 40 and then the next day a chinook can role in and we can be in the low teens...a couple of times it's even gone up to the low twenties (celcius).

It's also the name of the most popular mall in Calgary but that's just a coinkydink.

10-12-2002, 01:10 PM
SNOW????? omg I can only hope and pray that Tucker will see snow someday! I know he loves the rain but we dont see snow very often and then its only for a very very short time :(