View Full Version : Helping Mommy do the Dishes...

10-11-2002, 12:14 AM
Well....this evening, Basil was "helping" me do dishes by sitting on the door of the dish washer. (Waiting for ANYTHING to drop, I assume.) When I went to put the soap in, I took him out of the washer and put him on the ground. He thought the dish soap was food, I'm sure because he kept trying to get back in there.

I closed the dishwasher door real quick, only to spill a little bit of dish soap on the floor...and on Basil's little face. :eek: He let out a little cry and I ran him to the bathroom to wash his face off. I was worried he may have gotten some in his mouth so I gave him a bowl of milk. Poor little thing, he threw up about 10 minutes later....a lot. :(

Do you think he's OK now? He's acting fine....I can't imagine that there's ANYTHING left in his tummy....he actually ate more food an hour later.

10-11-2002, 12:18 AM
I don't really have any advice but I wanted to say that I'm sorry Basil was sickly! I think that probably if he threw it all up he should be ok.. but watch to see if he has diarreah and stuff for the nesxt few hours anyway.

Get well Basil!! :D

10-11-2002, 12:22 AM
Thanks! :)

Somehow I knew he'd end up being the "special" kitty....you know...the one that helps keep the vet employed. ;)

10-11-2002, 01:53 AM
I've heard of getting your mouth washed out with soap, but wow! LOL I bet he will be ok. poor kitty!

10-11-2002, 07:00 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
Well....When I went to put the soap in, I took him out of the washer

LOL! I am sorry to laugh, but this line just cracked me up!

Seriously, I think you did all of the right things. Here's hoping that the little guy got it all out of his system and he'll be just fine. I can tell this little one is going to be the one that gives you gray hairs! Keep us posted about Basil.

10-11-2002, 07:54 AM
As long as he threw up and he is eating, drinking, and going to the bathroom normally now, everything should be ok. I would just watch him for awhile, make sure he doesn't seem lethargic.

Cinder & Smoke
10-11-2002, 11:35 AM
Hey Basil ~

Next tyme lick the dirty dishes - NOT the Soap!!

Attn Basil's MOM ~

Human hand and Dishwasher soap IS considered a poison to pets - has some strong chemicals in it to loosen and disolve dirt and grease.

And - you're in luck living in California -
The California State Poison Control system is Pet-Friendly - Meaning they WILL discuss and give advice to owners of a poisoned pet!! (At NO Charge!)

Have the Dishwasher Soap CONTAINER with you for reference; and Basil's approximate WEIGHT...

Then CALL 1-800-876-4766 (California Poison Control)...

Be certain the understand it's a "CAT" case - and they should be helpful to you.

Even though he SEEMS OK now - I'd call just to be safe.

For other folks reference:

MANY of the State Sponsored Poison Control Systems now seem to be Very Pet-Friendly and advertise on their web pages that they WILL Assist with Pet Animal Poison Cases!! :) :D !!

Look in your phone book to find your State's Poison Control Number (most are Free 1-800 numbers)...
Call them NOW to ask if they are allowed and WILL help with a Pet Poisoning Case in the future.
Be sure to advise as soon as they answer that you DO NOT have an emergency at this time - if they are busy with an urgent case they may ask you to call back later.

Check out YOUR State's policy on animal assistance NOW (before you have an emergency).

Some quick research finds these web pages:

Web look-up by zip code...
Poison Control # by Zip Code (http://www.aapcc.org/findyour.htm)

CALIFORNIA Poison Control web pages (http://www.calpoison.org/public/home.html)

/s/ Phred

10-11-2002, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by Pam

...I can tell this little one is going to be the one that gives you gray hairs! ...

Heck, he's giving himself grey hairs! LOL

Poor Basil, I hope he got everything out ok. Just keep watching him to make sure everything seems back to normal. I would think that he got it all out. Do let us know how he's doing!


Thanks for the info Phred. This is a good resource, and I didn't know that about California!!!

10-11-2002, 01:56 PM
You are all too funny! :D He's doing great now...back to his "normal" self. :)

Thanks so much for the Poison Control information, I'll put it on the fridge tonight.

10-11-2002, 02:12 PM
Basil sounds like he's going to keep you on your toes! ;) In general, I always expect mischief when one of my boys is "helping" me in the kitchen. Crazy little things will try to eat anything. I'm glad Basil is okay.

10-12-2002, 12:59 AM
Kelly, I'm sorry that Basil got into the soap. Hopefully he learned his lesson and won't do it again. I'm so glad that he's alright. Kittens really are like little babies because you have to watch their every move. :)