View Full Version : Concern about Caly

Prairie Purrs
12-17-2009, 09:23 AM
Caly has been throwing up occasionally, once a week or so, usually right after eating. Then on Tuesday, he was sitting on my lap and began drooling while I was petting him. I know that's not unusual for cats (my toothless Bob is a huge drooler), but Caly had never done that before. So off to the vet's we went.

Well, it turns out that Caly's lost about half a pound, and he's a pretty small cat to begin with. The vet thinks he has disgestive issues and gave him a shot of metoclopramide. I'm supposed to take the little guy back in a month for a recheck, and they'll do tests if matters haven't resolved.

After losing three kitties over the course of a year to illnesses that were never definitively diagnosed, I'm trying not to panic over this. The weight loss is scary, though. Caly's only 2 1/2 years old and he eats well, so he should not be losing weight. From a behavior standpoint, he's his usual hyper self--running up and down the stairs, wrestling with Angel, dragging toys all over the house.

Poor baby was so terrified at the vet's he was shivering. I felt horrible about it. :( Of course he's been to the vet's before, and he seemed to take it in stride, so I don't know why he was so scared this time.

12-17-2009, 10:25 AM
Poor Caly being so scared at the vets. I hope he will find the cause of why he is losing weight. Have you changed his diet recently? At least he is his usual active self. :)

Good thoughts and kisses to Caly. :love:

Prairie Purrs
12-17-2009, 10:44 AM
Poor Caly being so scared at the vets. I hope he will find the cause of why he is losing weight. Have you changed his diet recently? At least he is his usual active self. :)

Good thoughts and kisses to Caly. :love:

No changes to his diet. He eats Pinnacle, Prairie, Homestyle, and Instinct canned and Indigo Moon dry.

Thanks for the good wishes for my baby boy. Kisses will be delivered!

12-17-2009, 11:37 AM
I'm sorry to hear this.:( Hopefully your vet will be able to diagnose him properly. Many times if a cat is having vomiting or diarrhea issues vets will just call it IBD, put them on pred, and that's it.

My oldest cat Storm was also having vomiting issues and finally after doing a more specific blood test he was diagnosed with having small intestinal disease. He also had low folate so he's being supplemented with folic acid for 6 weeks and hopefully his intestine will start working properly after this. He's also on pred and pepcid at night. My vet and I are hoping that we'll eventually be able to wean him down to a very low doseage of pred but he still may need to take 5mg of pepcid at night.

Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way. Please continue to keep us updated about him.

12-17-2009, 12:12 PM
Oh my, I'm sorry to hear this. You've had more than your share of catastrophes, haven't you? We make quite a pair, Penny. I've been on my knees so much praying for my Fur Posse and other PT kitties that I may as well stay down there for a while. ;) Prayers continuing.....

Pinot's Mom
12-17-2009, 12:21 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this; prayers a quick and easy solution is found.:love:

Prairie Purrs
12-17-2009, 04:37 PM
Thank you all for your prayers for my little bunny butt boy! The thought of something being seriously wrong with Caly is just more than I can stand. If he shows any other symptoms at all, I'll be back at the vets immediately for every test possible.

He's all snuggled up next to Angel on the bed right now. I'd take a picture, but I don't want to turn the light on and disturb them.

12-18-2009, 09:55 AM
Prays coming for Caly and for you as well. I'ts always scary when we are not sure what is wrong or if something could be. My prays.
