View Full Version : I has a complaint...

12-16-2009, 09:56 PM
Hey ebrybody, Remus here...

I'm writing because Meowme got some sort of new flashy thingy and has been chasing us ALL over the house!

She gets us sleeping CONSTANTLY...






She catches us unexpectedly...as you can see in this photo


I sez enough is enough and all she did was take a picture...

Can anyone help us with this aboose?
Remus K. Maru

12-16-2009, 10:02 PM
Awww, Remus! Thank you and please thank your kitty-siblings for putting up with meowmie and the flashy thing. You are beautiful! Please allow her to pet you for me today!

12-16-2009, 11:45 PM
Dearest Remus,
Without the flashybox, how are we to see your beauty and admire you from so many miles away? :confused: It is sad that a beautiful kitty like you is subjected to the paparazzi but I think it's a burden that beautiful kitties like you are just going to have to live with. Heaven forbid you were NOT photo worthy! Goodness! You must allow your hoomins to adore you even if it means constant flashies!
Your fan club!

12-17-2009, 08:09 AM
Photos of sleeping kitties -- I don't know why, but they are just adorable!

Remus, I am sorry you feel aboosed. That flashy thing is what lets all of us enjoy you and your sibs! I think that surprise shot is grand, te hee! Paparazzi, yes, all celebs must learn to cope.

12-17-2009, 09:06 AM
Remus is a beautiful cat!!!

12-17-2009, 09:34 AM
We had the same complaint Friend Remus , but then Our Dad told us that we would have Friends All Over the World and that when we joined the Awesome Angels Army Years from now that we wouldnt be strangers and everyone would know our Names.:cool::cool::cool:
And we would be Instant Friends with Everyone!!
We LOVE that tho:love:ught and its well worth a few flashes!!

Pinot's Mom
12-17-2009, 09:54 AM
Dear Remus,
I fully understand your predicament. My Mom has the same affliction, and she's passed it onto my Dad! I can't even play in the laundry basket in peace! All I can tell you is you have to get very crafty - when you see the flashy thing - MOVE! QUICKLY! They get very frustrated and put it down.

It is nice to see your picture, though!

your friend Pinot;)

12-17-2009, 12:24 PM
Hoodie looks just like my Osiris almost.

I love the pics!


12-17-2009, 01:05 PM
We haz the same complaint. But, our Mom's flashy box makes weird sounds when she turns on the power. If we hear it -- we're GONE!

That's why you see very few photos of us! We're smart that way.

Sometimes Mom outsmarts us, though. If she is sneaky and turns on the flashy box in another room, she can sometimes get photos of us.

Just thought we'd warn you. We suffer such aboose by our hoomans. :p

12-17-2009, 01:54 PM
When, oh when, does the abuse ever end!!! When you stop being so cute, that's when! Until that day, put up with the flashy thing. It's a tough life, being a cat.:rolleyes:

12-17-2009, 06:14 PM
Well the flashy box is attached to this thing she calls a phone so we NEVER know when it comes out until we see the flashy part! Oh well...it is nice to know we are loved! PURRS and HEADBUMPS from across the miles to all our fans!

Remus K. Maru
(and friends) :D

12-17-2009, 06:28 PM
Hi Remus, I can understand exactly how you feel. I get very angry when people come after me with a flashy box and if I see it coming I run as fast as I can in the opposite direction. But I'm not a beautiful kitty like you and your kitty pals. Your pictures are wonderful and your Meowmie is sharing you with all your PT fans. You might want to consider calling Groucho the Lawyer to see if this is aboose. Sending you lots of scritchies and lovies :love: :love:

12-18-2009, 03:40 AM
Hi Remus,
I am so glad I get to see you and will ask your meowmie to plant some kisses on your nose- although you may like that even less ;)

12-18-2009, 03:31 PM
:love: Adorable babies.. Oh you all just act like you like the camera & then meowmom will get bored with it..:D