View Full Version : What do you want for a Christmas gift

12-16-2009, 09:49 PM
I would like a camara.
A Macy's gift certificate.
A sewing machine.
Jewerly always, diamond hoop earrings
A designer purse
A jeweled watch from Cara's
Some more jewerly from Black & White
An electric car starter.
A gift certificate for some dance lessons (took them years ago and loved it)
Any animal themed item. Big or small I love it all.
I have been good Santa. :D:D

12-16-2009, 10:11 PM
Mine is easy: That hubby finishes the kitchen! I never thought I'd ever be tired of eating out!

This is what it currently looks like. The pipes under the window would be a sink... if we HAD a sink. :rolleyes:

Though, if I'm asking Santa for stuff, I might add:
A new camera. Mine has been dropped too many times :o
Hubby to find a job that he loves and excels at
A great haircut thats easy to maintain :) (a girl can dream!)
New bed pillows that are the perfect combination of firm and soft. Mine are either flat pancakes or rocks.
AND.... a winning lottery ticket :D ;) :p

12-16-2009, 10:16 PM
a night out....

really there is not much I want or need this year. We have decided to give each other a night out to a comedy club

but what I REALLY want... is to FIND this ONE kitchen playset for Hannah. it's driving me crazy and I am driving a half an hour (one way) tomorrow to get it lol

I'm not really into jewelry which is funny since I make it... but I don't really wear it.

and can't think of anything else other than books that I want and we are each getting each other a book that we want. :D

what I WANT is for Hannah to have a wonderful Christmas and to watch her open and experience all of her presents and the wonderful day :)

OH what catnapper said... a winning lotto ticket LOL

12-16-2009, 10:41 PM
There's really nothing I need. I asked for the Straight No Chaser CD. I would love to see them live, though.

12-16-2009, 10:48 PM
I love your wish list. A lotto ticket, now why didn't I think of that? I could buy my own jewerly store.
I hope you get a great sink and a shiny very cool facuet as well.
Mine is easy: That hubby finishes the kitchen! I never thought I'd ever be tired of eating out!

This is what it currently looks like. The pipes under the window would be a sink... if we HAD a sink. :rolleyes:

Though, if I'm asking Santa for stuff, I might add:
A new camera. Mine has been dropped too many times :o
Hubby to find a job that he loves and excels at
A great haircut thats easy to maintain :) (a girl can dream!)
New bed pillows that are the perfect combination of firm and soft. Mine are either flat pancakes or rocks.
AND.... a winning lottery ticket :D ;) :p

12-16-2009, 10:50 PM
There isn't anything I REALLY want this year. I asked Bruce for Bear Paw boots (they are like UGGs). But if I don't get them, no biggie. I can't think of anything else I want or need. Oh, new jammies, but I think my mom got me those. :p

12-16-2009, 11:26 PM
hhmmmm... not been craving anything lately..

but i could use a new camera.. new lens.. a videocamera.. anything to start a studio.. animal print clothes or whatever animal themed (canīt go wrong with these).. a puppy.. or two.. lmao.. and some boots

IF I had to ask for something right now.. it would be dog food.. seriously.. even if itīs not for me Iīd be happy to get a couple free bags of it ;)

12-17-2009, 01:10 AM
Peace on Earth and Mercy mild.


A job.


And I dry wall fairly well too.;)

Suki Wingy
12-17-2009, 01:11 AM
I am getting half my plane ticket to Cardiff paid for, plus an advance on the rest of the $160 or so I don't have right now.

From other people I asked just for money to have a cushion while I'm over there, and Regina Spektor's newest CD.

If I'm just wishing without a budget, I'd LOVE
A new camera
a nice hd video camera (the flip ultra just doesn't cut it anymore.)
an ipod with space for a LOT of songs. Right now I have the first gen nano and I have to keep rotating the music on it.
A horse (hey, I can dream, right?!)
Voice lessons
Piano or violin lessons
a sewing machine and someone to teach me how to use it!
the complete M*A*S*H box set
AAAND, what I really want but probably can never afford,
Belstaff Trialmaster boots, black, high heel.

12-17-2009, 06:20 AM
Mine is easy: That hubby finishes the kitchen! I never thought I'd ever be tired of eating out!

This is what it currently looks like. The pipes under the window would be a sink... if we HAD a sink. :rolleyes:

Though, if I'm asking Santa for stuff, I might add:
A new camera. Mine has been dropped too many times :o
Hubby to find a job that he loves and excels at
A great haircut thats easy to maintain :) (a girl can dream!)
New bed pillows that are the perfect combination of firm and soft. Mine are either flat pancakes or rocks.
AND.... a winning lottery ticket :D ;) :p

What are those two furry accessories in your soon-to-be-new kitchen? The latest in modern updates? ;)

Pinot's Mom
12-17-2009, 08:32 AM
I'm going to be really sappy and simple, because my husband and I don't need anything...we're very blessed...

I just want my whole family (now that's my blood family, my friends family, my church family, my PT family, and all furkids connected therein:)) to have a safe, happy, loving Christmas with appreciation for the blessings they have. That's all.:love:

12-17-2009, 08:45 AM
A job.

And I dry wall fairly well too.;)

Pity you don't live closer because I could help with this request by having YOU help us with some renovations. The guy we use isn't totally reliable. . .

I wanted some clothes and I got them already. Other than that, just a lovely day with my family and some birdie cuddle time.

12-17-2009, 08:54 AM
I'm already enjoying my present. I'm getting the care I need at Concordia. Best present ever!

12-17-2009, 09:02 AM
There's nothing I really want. It is more fun buying for my daughter anyway! I finally finished my master's degree, so that's my present I guess. :D

12-17-2009, 09:42 AM
For my husband and dad to finish building my chicken coop. It's getting close to being done, but it's not there yet.

There's also a camera lens I'd love to have, but I know I won't be getting that for Christmas. I'm hoping I'll get it for my birthday so I have it before the baby is born.

12-17-2009, 09:45 AM
At my age, and being retired, there's really nothing that I really need. Of course, my son and grandkids keep bugging me to give them some ideas and I can only really come up with 2 things.

A purple wireless mouse for my computer. :cool:

A VISA gift card - something that I can use anywhere and not just limited to one store like Penneys or Walmart. My car is going to need tires soon, and I could put it toward that, or I could use it toward my next Amtrak ticket when I go back to NC in the Spring to visit my brother.

Other than that, there's really nothing. I don't need clothes, jewelry, knick-nacks, perfume, or any of the other old standards.

12-17-2009, 09:50 AM
I finally finished my master's degree, so that's my present I guess. :D

Holy cow!!! Congratulations!! Big accomplishment just in time for the holidays.!!

12-17-2009, 10:09 AM
- My boyfriend ;)
- Apple Ipod Touch
- Phil Vassar concert tickets

That's it.

12-17-2009, 10:14 AM
I got what I wanted for Christmas :D I've been wanting to get Hannah this little play kitchen but haven't been able to find it in stock. So I called around and found one a half hour away. drove out there today and got it :D Now I am happy :D

12-17-2009, 10:16 AM
I got what I wanted for Christmas :D I've been wanting to get Hannah this little play kitchen but haven't been able to find it in stock. So I called around and found one a half hour away. drove out there today and got it :D Now I am happy :D

Those little kitchen sets are so cute we had one planted in our family room for a few years.

12-17-2009, 10:20 AM
I LOVE little fun gifts each Christmas - new funny socks, calendar for the kitchen, kitchen gadgets, candles, lotions, books, mugs, etc. But this year I am being very extravagant and have asked for a Kindle!! I read all the time anyway and so this gift is also practical!!:D

12-17-2009, 10:24 AM
Those little kitchen sets are so cute we had one planted in our family room for a few years.

they really are. This one was actually pretty cheap. it doesn't talk or light up or anything but it has TONS of doors and compartments and that's what Hannah likes so I wanted THAT kitchen and not a different one lol. but she just LOVES to play in those little play kitchens. At daycare as soon as I drop her off she goes right to the kitchen... when I pick her up... she's playing in the kitchen lol. so we just had to get her one for christmas. can't WAIT to see her face. We are going to have it set up for christmas morning so when she comes out that will be the first thing she sees

12-17-2009, 10:36 AM
Talking of can't waiting to see a little one's face, we found this at JCPenney's outlet. The final cost after in-store discounts was $15 --- online says $40!!! I know he's going to go nuts when he sees it.
First Police Bike (http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/X6.aspx?DeptID=52440&CatID=67509&GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=16e8a87&attrtype=&attrvalue=&CMID=52440&Fltr=&Srt=&QL=F&IND=1&cmVirtualCat=&CmCatId=52440|67509) We got it in the blue (of course ;))

12-17-2009, 10:43 AM
awww how CUTE is that Catnapper :D He's going to love it.

12-17-2009, 12:20 PM
I just want my Fur Posse to be well, all of them. I did want a GPS but lately my car only goes back and forth to the vet's anyhow. :rolleyes:

12-17-2009, 09:45 PM
The only thing I want for Christmas is for my hubby to act like a normal, social human being for a change. :eek:

12-17-2009, 10:02 PM
Another year walking this Earth in freedom, with my wife and child.

12-17-2009, 10:12 PM
I'd like:
A Kindle
A Blackberry
A Netbook
A kitty condo
$$ to travel next year (London is top of the list)

12-17-2009, 11:06 PM
I had to replace my Transmission Computer so now I have all I need, i would like to have continued health.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-18-2009, 02:12 AM
All I really want is a good small camcorder:). I want to make tons of movies with my 4 furkids:D
So... beware......;)

12-18-2009, 05:19 AM
A friend....

I'm tired of being lonely and having no one to talk to or hang out with....but I've been asking for this for many years now with no such luck....

and also I would like many, many more healthy years with my mom, bf & kittties

12-18-2009, 05:23 PM
for 2010?

Every morning an adventure,
Every meal a feast,
Every day a challenge,
Every hour a joy,
Every minute?
a solution.
Every second? A smile.


And lower effing taxes next year?:eek::):D

12-18-2009, 05:43 PM
A friend....

I'm tired of being lonely and having no one to talk to or hang out with....but I've been asking for this for many years now with no such luck....

and also I would like many, many more healthy years with my mom, bf & kittties

We're going to "intend" friends for you. Have you written your Law of Abundance check? It isn't just for money and things. Friends are also a part of an abundant life. :)

Pinot's Mom
12-18-2009, 06:15 PM
for 2010?

Every morning an adventure,
Every meal a feast,
Every day a challenge,
Every hour a joy,
Every minute?
a solution.
Every second? A smile.

Richard, I LOVE this! Did you make this up???

12-18-2009, 06:41 PM
Richard, I LOVE this! Did you make this up???

I cannot afford a writer, so I have to do my own jokes, sayings...:eek:
You can use it, just give me credit?:)

I also do birthdays, weddings and holidays!;)


No one is ever alone on this planet.
The only barrier to getting to know people?

Is the fear of meeting other people.

How to meet people.

Jump into their path.


They will knock your arse down.
Stop to chat.

Are you going to sit on the sidewalk all day long?:confused:;)

12-18-2009, 08:49 PM
Really don't need anything. Just having the family together is always my best gift. I always get surprise gifts and they're always pretty neat stuff that I never thought of . But no gifts would be fine with me if the family is healthy , happy and together.... our dogs included of course.

12-18-2009, 08:51 PM
I didn't ask for anything. I really don't need anything - unless someone wants to buy me a new car. :D I'm not a materialistic person. I don't need all those fance iPods or electronic gadgets. All I want is for people and pets to be healthy.

Oh yes, and for Russell to get his arse kicked off the island.

...and for world peace. (gee, I think I'm at a beauty pageant.) :eek::D

12-18-2009, 08:56 PM
OH I could use TWO things for christmas but will go out after christmas and get them :)

a hand held sewing machine to hem hannah's pants because she has short legs :D

and driving gloves becasue the steering wheel is FREEZING in t he morning

12-18-2009, 10:14 PM
a hand held sewing machine to hem hannah's pants because she has short legs :D

And to sew her pockets shut so she doesn't steal things?:eek::D;)

12-18-2009, 10:15 PM
And to sew her pockets shut so she doesn't steal things?:eek::D;)

LOL she uses her TOYS to sneak things out :p

12-19-2009, 12:13 AM
For my hubby not to work on christmas

to go and have a shopping spree at a real scrapbook store

a surprise package in the mail for me

another golden puppy

for my mom to be healthy

12-19-2009, 04:49 AM
My best xmas pressie will be if Ash makes it through xmas and beyond.

Other than that i would love an outdoor swing couch.

and winning the Lotto would not go astray ,that would take care of just everything lol